Just a single test shot that I liked before finding out snow glowed to point that it hurt my eyes and I could see no detail whatsoever So back to drawing board, but I thought I'd share anyways. I accidentally resized the original (I usually make a copy) so I'm sad now
I did mess around my enb settings again ,. its kinda better. I had some posterization going on so i put the sweetfx on it for the lumasharpen to help it.
Anyway this pic is of the mod i been working on. I just updated it again. I also got that sss map that i was making on . it is better than it was before.
Oh and yea u can see i got that transparent eyeball syndrome going on.. u know theres probaly a good way to fix that maybe. Putting skin shader on eyeball and give it a sss map??? that would be cool or maybe there is other fix.
@rubber. I am interested in that gore mod that u got on. I was thinking about gore mods. didnt find it on nexus. I consider making a gore mod but if this is a good one than . its not needed to do something like that. :mrgreen:
_________________ Please try my new speculars and normalmap for ur head and let me know if its bugs or whatever.