TES Skyrim 0.155

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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.155

Have you messed with the cloud layers in the CK? I've seen something similar when the layers have been fubar. Other than that, looks odd.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.155

I got something like that after switching weather between sunny n rain a few times, while testing different rain:> To quick weather changes provokes it I think.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.155

mindflux wrote:Have you messed with the cloud layers in the CK? I've seen something similar when the layers have been fubar. Other than that, looks odd.
I haven't but maybe I screwed up sky textures with mods or something. IDK, I was planning on doing a fresh install for the latest patch soon so if it's not cleared up after that, I'll look at other options.

Thanks for taking a look

@Yersinia79 - you might be right, I was using scriptdragon to change weathers here and there. I have since removed it, but it's likely still stored my save game.
Wonder if thats the issue?
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.155

It resembles the effect of "lingering" cloud textures that for me disappear after a while though. It happens when I use the force weather command in the Skyrim console to change weather's. But I have never seen it being black and if it is sticking and not disappearing after a while. But it might be somethings left behind by some mod that is causing it as well.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.155

@--JawZ-- Script dragon could cause this you think? the weather plugin?
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.155

I'm unsure as I haven't used it myself. It could very well be a texture as well.

I would remove all my cloud textures so it will only use the vanilla textures. If that doesn't solve it try to recreate it in your current save game then make an entirely new save game and go the same location do the same steps you did in you main save game to see if it still is happening. If it still is happening try deleting/removing your Skyrim .ini files and recreate them by running the Skyrim Launcher.

I don't know of any other reason for why it would not work if non of the above methods fixes the issues for you. Also remove all of the mods you are running and if it goes away after you have removed all of your mods but only in the new save game activate 1 at the time until you get the same issue again and you have the mod/files that is causing. You probably knew about this mod conflict method but I just thought in case you didn't know I would write it down ;)

Hopefully I gave you some advice on how to get to the bottom of this issue you have.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.155

Dear Boris,

I'm confused by your message on the front page: "Don't ask me about any version of the mod, when i'll call them "final", that will be the end."

Does this mean that we will see a "final" version of the ENB Series for Skyrim very soon? It would not surprise me, there are many bugs with the game engine itself that cannot be fixed, and in my opinion, you made this game look like the final version a long time ago. If this is true, then please tell me which game(s) will we be playing next? ;)

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.155

From time to time i'm getting stuck without ideas what to do next, now have same problem. Wrote list of new features, but they all may be grouped to unimportant or buggy without game source code and special helpers objects. When i not release updates very long time, users starts to ask if it's end, that's why posted in news such message. If i'll not find solutions, then better to release final version and only polish it by performance and compability with other mods. I tried sss for leaves and grass and it's failed because of own textures and performance loss; specular for grass and leaves even worse because of normal maps textures; sunrize/sunset can't detect 100%, so also failed; atmosphere and fog lilght scattering failed because shadows not casted from many objects like mountains and data about height of the fog is not exist, whatever i try result not any better than vanilla by amount of artifacts; skin sss have rediculous amount of shaders, i can't edit them all and automatic modification by signatures seems impossible; volumetric lighting in fog for point lights is failed because lights turning on/off (not noticable in normal lighting conditions); volumetric lighting from particles is slow by performance. Now i need to check only these: motion blur, which isn't per object, but rather like in gta4 if not apply player or player's car masking, let's just say it's bad; temporal aa which may give a lot of issues with depth dependent objects like volumetric fog above mountains and some types of particles which depends from depth (i need to apply offset to them, but depth is not shifted, edge will be visible like the bug in vanilla game); parallax for terrain which not work if textures not modified, so it's useless on practice; water - i'm simply lazy and not pay much attention when found the way to modify as i want; lua scripts and plugins - afraid to make hard linked dependencies, replacing presets partially may not work and complexity of some of them will be too high, against general idea of the mod as relatively simple tool for tweaking games.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.155

Wow, it is interesting to hear that you have done so many other experiments. Sorry to hear that so many have not worked out, we all appreciate that you tried of course. However, if plugins are optional and presets come from the users, then won't any preset that is too complex be not downloaded much anyway, and if a preset does not use certain plugins they just won't be loaded? However I understand why you would want to keep the mod simple. Though if you did get motion blur working, that would be a dream come true!

And here I was thinking SweetFX was the simple tool :lol:

Thanks for all the great work Boris! You could have called 0.119 or earlier final and it would have made sense, so if a final version is necessary now, then there will be no hard feelings from me or anyone with their head on straight, to be sure :)

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.155

Yeah, sure some things may depend too much on the game engine itself or generate too many compatibilities issues...

Hell, for what I know, ENB can change a game *from back to front*. Just look at what you did :shock:
I'm still remembering the 0.10x days.... What a road ! :shock: :shock:

I know you'll kick my french ass here ( :lol: ), but didn't you talk about involving yourself a bit more in DOF ?....
And do you remember my humble request about ENightDay and EInterior factors for the bloom file ? :D Don't kick my ass too strong !
I found some tricks with the alpha channel since, but these are LITTLE things compared to what a real separation with according function calls could do....

One thing : PLEASE whatever the performance optimizations you're envisioning, don't touch the SSAO-SSIL EVER !! :lol: :lol: Unless you increase its quality again.....
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