TES Skyrim

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Re: TES Skyrim

Symphonicjohn: Cheers mate :)
Gionight: Thank you, Please say your working on something special?
Kermles: Thank you very much. Keep taking so many different directions. but taking through different things. this time it's direct lighting :)
Propa: Great tones, are you using a high ambient lighting or is it the effect file that gets you that outcome?
Unreal: Top man, now that's my kinda girl :lol: She looks awesome.


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Re: TES Skyrim

Before ENB


After ENB


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Re: TES Skyrim

Great pics everyone...nice variety :)

@far327 - Notice anything familiar with these pics, it's from a little something called Far Off ENB ;) Very nice

@joey4track - Will try out your config and post some pics soon. Took a break from my config and have started trying other's out.

@Unreal - Looks very good. Had already installed the Lara Tomb Raider companion, but haven't gone to get her yet.

With Far Off ENB....

Lydia is hot...literally





Really, it's only a scratch. No need to stop adventuring


See, good as new



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Re: TES Skyrim


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Re: TES Skyrim

kermles I tried the file with my config but got some strange results. I might just have to fiddle around with my settings to match the new bloom but there was something about fire, like in this pic..


satr Your shots are getting better and better with each post :)

symphonicjohn Wow, awesome shots and great config(far!) Not sure about my config tho, I am finding serious issues with the bloom and think I need to base my setts around a new bloom code. You can see what I mean in this pic. I don't like how my bloom blocks out most of the fire. I've been trying to tweak it but I think I need an entire new bloom.. Also the intensity contrast for my interirors is turning out to be a bit too high I think. It still might be ok for outside tho


And here with kalicola's (super awesome) beta you can see the logs etc and just the entire room looks and feels more balanced although I do miss the contrast from the fire

And with the immaculate K ENB you get the contrast from the fire and you can still see the logs but they don't have as much detail as in kali's setup(how did you do that?)


This is why enb is so awesome and I'll never get tired of it because there are so many ways to the the world. Which reminds me of an idea I had. I was thinking about the little program that can toggle on and off the Dof and SSAO with some hotkeys while you are in game and it made me wonder if you could make a program that can cycle through enb presets on the fly during game. That would REALLY make my day if someone could make that :D

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Re: TES Skyrim


I don't know about cycling entire enb presets, but I'll see if I can't design a postprocessing mode switcher if that would interest you, I am pretty sure it would be possible. In fact I think it would be possible to cycle between whole groups of enbeffect.fx settings given a good day or so of coding :lol: Anyway I am sorry about my bloom, I forgot to test it with your original enbseries.ini, instead I was using my modified one that had different fire settings, I will go do that right away and see what is causing the purple fire. Just curious, I think I left the BloomSaturation variable at 2.0 by accident, did you try switching that back to 1.0? that could be what is doing it. Anyway I will get back to you with test results and a fixed file if I can.
Last edited by Kermles on 27 Mar 2013, 05:11, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: TES Skyrim

WOW EvoFq3o0 your screens look amazing, I think they are my favourite haha. Will you be releasing your profile ?

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Re: TES Skyrim

Kermles wrote:I don't know about cycling entire enb presets, but I'll see if I can't design a postprocessing mode switcher if that would interest you, I am pretty sure it would be possible. In fact I think it would be possible to cycle between whole groups of enbeffect.fx settings given a good day or so of coding :lol: Anyway I am sorry about my bloom, I forgot to test it with your original enbseries.ini, instead I was using my modified one that had different fire settings, I will go do that right away and see what is causing the purple fire. Just curious, I think I left the BloomSaturation variable at 2.0 by accident, did you try switching that back to 1.0? that could be what is doing it. Anyway I will get back to you with test results and a fixed file if I can.
Wouldn't you just need a program to just basically delete the current files of the preset and replace them with an entire different set and then update the game? Kind of like when you alt-tab? But I have no idea about programming so maybe that wouldn't work. But anyway, something was weird last time for some reason but after loading up fresh again your code looks absolutely amazing! I'd love to use it in my preset if you don't mind. It actually looks pretty incredible as you can see here. I still need to play around and adapt it but wow, great work! I just had to pop out of game and let you know not to look for some bug thats not there, not really sure why my fire was freaking out like that..

here is with my regular setup

and here is with your new code, nothing else changed except all saturation at 1.0. HUGE difference!

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Re: TES Skyrim

Alright joey, I think I have fixed the file :D I believe what was happening is your fire curve settings were making the bloom saturation and intensity go so high, it went negative. I have added every possible safeguard against it that I could think of and my testing shows the problem fixed under all conditions I could think of for bloom settings and fire settings.

I hope this new file works better for you. And don't forget if you aren't quite happy with the way it looks, there are a bunch of settings for the new bloom type, if you scroll down to where it says #ifdef CURVE_BLOOM. I think there are some comments to get you started. And be sure to try out sharp mode!

I am sorry for the initial mistake, I have a bad habit of never testing enough. Thanks for pointing this out to me, now I must update my own file! :)

edit: didn't see your post haha, anyway I would still recommend you use this new file because on my system I got a black looking fire with my curve bloom and the old file so there probably was some kind of issue somewhere.

edit 2: i am a bumbling idiot, sorry, forgot to attach file at first. Anyway of course you can use it in your preset, I would be so happy that someone is getting use out of something I did. Please post more screens when you get it how you want it! :) :)
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