More good news! I only liked beta 75 more because i was getting that weird green haze like the other guy. But i just downloaded it from the nexus and it works a charm now!!
I now take away what i said. The final release is incredible!!! i was only playing it for 2 mins before i had to come on here and tell you. The added in affects from Sweetfx make it look like a new games its amazing. So crisp and sharp, yet the perfect colour palette at the same time.
How can we tell more ppl about this, this deserves to be in the top 100 on nexus . Once again WELL DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I as well really like your ENB that you released on Nexus. I always meant to try your ENB out for the longest time. I submitted about 15 screenshots for your Nexus page. You of course don't have to add them, but if you like some of them you would just need to go approve the images so that they appear on Nexus.
I believe some lighting issues exist with Image based lighting and day / night detection. I had the same issues with Far Off ENB when I released it. I ended up lowering the image based lighting and tweaking with day / night detection a bit more. I managed to fix it on my ENB. If you don't have the issue, than I wouldn't worry about it. No point in making adjustments only based on my comment alone. I can fix it from my end
Good work man! Really loving it!
These are all pretty much Vanilla textures except for the race / hair / armor and weapons...
I don't know what changed, but I don't have the issue that I did with the 117 release anymore, and your 1.0 looks great! It has a nice balance, so thank you very much
EDIT: A reload got it working, engine must have had a problem.
Far327: I'm happy that you like it. And thanks for the screens I will look into the IBL issues, I haven't noticed it myself, but on the other hand I never really spend much time on that part.
Nurbz: Thanks
_________________ Ronnie Stormly Ree
Animator on Hitman 2016
For the IBL issue I would fiddle around with that as the final adjustment to your preset. Also think of it as an SubSurfaceScattering command in some ways, I usually stand in a shadow and tweak those settings for a better view on the effect in both the sun and shadow parts and mostly the character itself. I add just enough so it is noticeable but not so much that it screws up your hair or make your shadows on your character have this weird blue lighting (which comes from the weathers color.)
JawZ: Thanks.. I reuploaded my config to nexus. I've changed IBL turned the amount down alot, and also the SSS daytime in shadows was giving that bronze look to the skin. So I toned that one down also. I spend 5 minutes on it, so I hope it haven't ruined the look too much
_________________ Ronnie Stormly Ree
Animator on Hitman 2016
I hope you were a bit more satisfied with those settings now
IBL and SSS I use the same method for as I mentioned above in previous comment. I don't believe in the "no bronze skin" mod to be a solution just a work around.
For SSS I usually turn down the power settings all the way down (0.5) and set multiplier around 0.10 depending on AmbientLighting, Skylighting and lastly IBL values. That way I get a good "indirect" lighting going on. I'm currently working on the textures to better go along for the interiors, if possible. Because most of the texture replacers out there ignores this .dds file and you are stuck with the vanilla one which in interiors makes any amount of SS impossible, almost at least.
first, this is an awesome preset. Thank you very much!
After some playing I also have to agree that there is some thing going on with IBL. For example, travel to Riften on a sunny day. You will see Maven Black Briar is now Grey Briar, as her hair is completely grey. Same goes for the armour selling Grelka.
Also, I get very exaggerated sunset skies sometimes. Very purple/yellowish, drowned in colours.
I hope this does not come of to negative, as I like this ENB and will keep playing with it!
i dont know why but your last enbs 110-117-1.0 dos not look same on my pc like screnshots i seeing here (even without any mods)..there are some inconsistencies with lighting in dangerous example(im staying in rum with various lighting sources everything seems ok but in moment when i cross near those lighting sources place what i before seeing clearly instantly becomes almost total dark(adaptation maybe))and are to heavy for my machine which isnt that weack(phennomII 3.8ghz +gtx 570 with tpc + few other mods avg just 25-30 fps (DOF OFF)(actualy those mods dont afect notable fbs),,so i still using your 075 with slight changes(a bit Vibrance +025 from sweetfx) i changed settings for detailed shadows and dof(copied them from K enb reduced them ofcourse on 1-2 quality)+ using lighting mod "Overhaulin lights sources for ENB and Vanilla with striping fixes - OLSE v08"(i found that lighting mod very useful for your 075enb and it looks almoust perfect to me with avg fps of 40-45 (new ones just 25-30)..reason why i wrote this is because i saw one another post from another your ENBuser who wrote that "u should check 075 version again" and i have same feeling