Fallout New Vegas 0.156

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Re: Fallout New Vegas 0.156

I don't know which condition and which properties, everything depends from scripter and what is possible to create by scripts. At this moment helper mod for skyrim have two main versions in development, one with huge sphere spawned in center of the world and it's parameters set to make it visible everywhere, second version is many clones of sphere as grid in space (to solve issues when game engine turn off drawing of sphere at some distance). All i need is how much triangles and vertices in such object (better big enough to be unique) and what colors of it (or may be scaling, depends from shader used) represent night eye amount or trigger.
though here is a Wiki about NVSE functions if you decide you want to consider this option
No, i'm paranoid about security and never install any software which don't know. No testing - no development.
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Re: Fallout New Vegas 0.156

So I have a problem, whenever I try and start up the game while using the .156 version of this ENB, my game crashes on start up without an error message. As in, it opens, goes to a black screen, then immediate crashes.

Keep in mind that it does not do this with version .150 or any other.

Any help/suggestions would be much appreciated.

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Re: Fallout New Vegas 0.156

Can't help, don't know which changes cause the problem, for me they are all harmless.
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Re: Fallout New Vegas 0.156

You cannot alter colors from the game through scripting, and since the ENB
disables the color functions on the Imagespacemodifiers(ISM) like the Night-Eye ISM (which can be scripted)
that is no option either.

But it is easy to spawn a object in certain condition in front or behind the player.
Behind the player would be best cause then you do not see it, but then the main cam doesn't see the object either
and i think that is just what you want, that the main cam registeres the object so you can measure the reflection.

but really, the HDR-dimmers on the ISM's are still working, so the Night-Eye ISM could be adjusted to have a higher (more bright) sunlight, grass and skindimmer values and then you would have something that resembles nightvision.

I could also make a mod that spawns a huge ambient light when the Night-Eye ISM is active then it would be pretty bright all around.
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Re: Fallout New Vegas 0.156

Marcurios, you know what? That might be easier if possible. If you could just create a modified Night-Eye effect that 'works' in spite of ENB bypassing color correction (i.e. by boosting overall ambient light values like you suggest), then no change would be required for ENB. It would probably be a Hot File mod on both Skyrin and Fallout nexus :)
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Re: Fallout New Vegas 0.156

since the ENB disables the color functions on the Imagespacemodifiers(ISM) like the Night-Eye ISM (which can be scripted) that is no option either.
No, that's not true. All data is passed to enbeffect.fx shader and only inside of it the data is used or not. But this method can't be implemented ac control, because of many other mods which modify weather (as i think about it).
Behind the player would be best cause then you do not see it
It will not be rendered at all then, only objects inside camera frustum are drawed. And in the mod i'll skip drawing of any objects like this one.
I could also make a mod that spawns a huge ambient light when the Night-Eye ISM is active then it would be pretty bright all around.
That's too much dirty trick, nobody would be satisfied on practice from visual result.
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Re: Fallout New Vegas 0.156

Haha! I don't know if I agree it is a 'dirty trick' :)

This solution could work for a number of reasons:

1) Requires no work from Boris
2) Simple plugin for game engine
3) A few 'variants' could easily be made to work better with various ENB configs (i.e. Bright, super bright, ultra-bright)

I mean ... if there is a reasonably easy way for ENB to detect when vanilla Night-Eye is used and use this information accordingly, that would be great. But if not, I think this solution would be suitable...
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Re: Fallout New Vegas 0.156

I'm sure that if i make a mod which spawns like 10 ambients around the player that follow the player,
then you could configer the ambients so that it distrubutes a very smooth and even light in a large radius around the player.
And the game engine does not mind 10 or 20 lights around you cause there are many place in Fallout
that have even 100 lights around you without slowing the game down, some very busy interiors have a lot of lights.

If i spawn a object behind me and i let it detect any collision as i have done with a mod,
then the gameengine reacts to it when it collides with anything, so it renders in the world, only
not in the view of the main camera, and that is probably what you need.
But i can also spawn invisible meshes (atleast for the player) so i gues you can work with that too should it be needed.
No, that's not true. All data is passed to enbeffect.fx shader and only inside of it the data is used or not. But this method can't be implemented ac control, because of many other mods which modify weather (as i think about it).
OH, in which variables are those colors passed on in the enbeffect.fx file then ?
Cause if the information is still there, it must be doable to still use it, i would like to know, maybe i can even pass it on to another shader file for usage.
I'm going to sift through that effect file rightaway to see where it is...damn..
I'm talking about the cinematic colors of the ISM here, cause you know what, if that is still there, and usable in any way, it can be used to control some additional brightness/darkness
and coloration filter..

EDIT: oh, by the way, i can edit values in enbseries.ini with a esp mod through NVSE.
so i can easily change values realtime in enbseries.ini when Night-Eye is switched on.
Don't know if that is what you are searching for ?

EDIT2: just checked it, but NVSE only lets me write into Falloutprefs.ini
so the value change should be detected by a third party program and put into enbseries.ini
or if you could make the ENB dll take a few values from Falloutprefs.ini that would work too.
it's always at my documents/my games/fallout3 (Falloutnv) so maybe it is doable..
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Re: Fallout New Vegas 0.156

then the gameengine reacts to it when it collides with anything, so it renders in the world, only not in the view of the main camera, and that is probably what you need.
It will not be rendered. Not visible to camera - not rendered, it's an axiom and the only exclusion if somehow game is fooled by size of bounding box.
But i can also spawn invisible meshes
It's not required, i remove from drawing such objects. But if you like, then setup alpha of texture to zero to clip all pixels.
in which variables are those colors passed on in the enbeffect.fx file then ?
Can't say for sure, there are many variables and they are not just a night-eye, but the color control. Open enbeffect.fx and find line #ifdef APPLYGAMECOLORCORRECTION, after it the game post processing math and input constants are for color corrections, including night-eye. There is no way to extract night-eye only data from them, even analytically. Forcing any of that variable to some huge value and detect it as night-eye in shader? But how then with other weather mods compability?

Could you just spawn object in player position and setup it accordingly to night-eye? It's much simpler task than in helper mod for skyrim, night-eye activated only for player and not for camera flying mode, so such object will be visible. Of course if scripts allow to get information about night-eye. NVSE and ini isn't great solution on my optinion (and laggy).
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Re: Fallout New Vegas 0.156

yes ofcourse, you are right, not visible is not rendered, true..stupid of me..

i don't understand what you mean by set up an object as Night-Eye, cause Night-Eye is a ISM with HDR parameters,
you cannot set up an object with an ISM attached to it, ISM is only for main camera.

I was thinking, i can make a mod and then add a Global Variable or Gamesetting in that mod,
then i can set the variable to 1 when Night-Eye is applied, or to 0 when it is off.
Can you acces global variables or gamesettings from the game, or do you really need light or color values for DirectX ?

Also, i checked the Night-Eye ISM and it only has brightness upped from 1.000 to 1.300.
If i where to change the values of that ISM to an extreme value, would you be able to detect that ?
I can set, contrast, brightness, sky brightness (this still works with ENB by the way), sun brightness (also works).
maybe you can use that to detect if Night-Eye is on, and it would work with all weather mods for sure without causing problems.
I can also set colors of cinematic section to black, cause default is white.

look here at the HDR settings:
http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php/Imag ... ata_Fields
all the settings that have (non imagespace) after them still work with ENB, the others have no effect,
but as i understand from you you still have the values somewhere, only you do not use them.
But the (non imagespace) stuff is still controllable.
I'm pretty sure that the HDR settings all register in DirectX, but i don't know directx that well, just starting to learn that.
I'm more of a regular scripter like java, C# and PHP.

You have any good websites on DirectX to start learning for me ?
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