TES Skyrim

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Re: TES Skyrim


It's not redundant when your config looks so much different than most of the rest. I look forward to testing it.

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Re: TES Skyrim



Unreal Cinema ENB

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Intel i5 3570k @4.4ghz, 8gb Corsair Vengeance @1667hz, MSI Twin Frozr III R7950 BE @1.2ghz

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Re: TES Skyrim











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Re: TES Skyrim

T.A.Z wrote:Hi, I just registered so this is my first post here :)

I'm having a couple of issues with ENB and all of them (allmost) seem to be/are related to catalyst AI. Using AI I got lots of graphical glitches using ENB, like non working DoF (no focusing at all) not properly working adaption (extreme brightness, screen flickering after entering a new cell or saving etc.). I've managed to adjust my settings to this oddities by using low gamma, very dark adaption values and so on. But the problem with screen flickering persists no matter what I do. DoF refuses to work aswell. The only solution is to disable catlyst AI, but by doing this I basicaly disable Crossfire aswell. This results in crappy performance in the mid 20s (FPS) (I'm playing on a 40" full HD LCD). So I'm wondering if there is a known fix or something that I just missed.
I suppose that the problems is, that Catalyst AI also works as a hook like enb and that this is somehow making ENBs adaption to not work right (and DoF).
But I'm wondering why I wasn't having any Issues with GTAIV(ENB) at all?

My specs:

I7 920
HD4890 1gig (crossfire)
8gb DDR3

Thx in advance.
Hi, seems like you are using very old drivers because catalyst AI is an ancient option, try the latest 12.2preview drivers to fix everything except adaptation problems, these even have a new option to disable crossfire (i dont know if works for your card model) .

And to disable adaptation you can edit the enbeffect.fx and make the MIN a highter value than MAX, for example:


float EAdaptationMinV2=0.06;
float EAdaptationMaxV2=0.05;//0.125;

But still you have to search for a good middle betwen the two values. If too dark lower both, if too bright raise both.
Opethfeldt ENB v7

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Re: TES Skyrim

Has anyone had any luck with 105 yet? I've come to a certain point that looks pretty decent but nothing that compares to what you can get with 102 .I really want the MASSIVE fps boost that I get with 105..

EDIT: So it seems as if I get major flickering with 105 but does anyone know if this only happens on ati cards? Or more specifically with Catalyst AI? Does anyone know how to turn it off completely? I am using 12.1 and there is no way to completely turn it off in CCC...

DOUBLE EDIT: Just read the other topic on 105.. Guess Boris is giving up on it. I'll miss those buttery frames but hopefully the next version will be as optimized.


Re: TES Skyrim


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Re: TES Skyrim

I managed to get a few more followers redone...



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Re: TES Skyrim

PMind, is there a way to reduce the purple shine/reflect color that is on many objects?

Have to say your Atmospheric ENB is so scary at night that I don't even go to certain places cause of the darkness :mrgreen:

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Re: TES Skyrim

Qaiss wrote:PMind, is there a way to reduce the purple shine/reflect color that is on many objects?

Have to say your Atmospheric ENB is so scary at night that I don't even go to certain places cause of the darkness :mrgreen:
Try to reduce BlueShiftAmountDay parameter in your enbseries.ini

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Re: TES Skyrim

fedorrrz wrote:
Qaiss wrote:PMind, is there a way to reduce the purple shine/reflect color that is on many objects?

Have to say your Atmospheric ENB is so scary at night that I don't even go to certain places cause of the darkness :mrgreen:
Try to reduce BlueShiftAmountDay parameter in your enbseries.ini
Thanks, that did the trick.
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