TES Skyrim

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Re: TES Skyrim

At least you did it while gaming I did it through short circuiting some of the transistors when installing a new cooler (Arctic Accelero Hybrid) I forgot to put on the insulation tape and just put on some glue and a couple of passive alu fins on them and now my graphics fan speed is up to 200% and no image :P I rebuilt the whole computer for better airflow and forgot one thing out of a hundred or so things I changed :P

I don't think it was entirely ME 2 fault though ;) :lol:

Thanks though the water reflections is a bit intense though. Hopefully it is not tied to the thing I currently think it is so I can change it without changing the look too much. Also I have yet to work on any of my weather imagespaces so expect some fine tuning of all the weathers in the future ;)

I tried my best to achieve a desaturated look without actually desaturating it like Bethesda had done.

Also vanilla used ~52% of the day time settings, in ELE I have made it so it uses ~92% of the day time settings so far, will see how it works out in the end.

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Re: TES Skyrim

Pure excellence in this gallery, you guys/gals tweak like warrior poets. ;)


Hey welcome back!! :) And you're back with some awesome weather news....today's forecast, rain. :lol:

Too bad about the card, hopefully it's not too long of a wait until you get that beast, damn! :o

I was planning on doing my own weather in the CK, I love the results I've seen from you and Confidence-Man, but after seeing how your recent developments are turning out (the clouds look amazing) I'll probably just be reinventing the wheel, so to speak. ;) Maybe I'll get bored and have a crack at it anyways, I like tinkering just for fun. I really need to talk to you about this in greater detail, but I'm pressed for time at this moment.


Here are some shots with the True Vision ENB (Natural). It's hard to explain why this one is still my favorite, even though it seems like my least popular ENB. Oh well, this is the "mama" ENB. :lol:

Vampire Hunters

What a horrible night to have a curse

Entrance to the masters lair

Who can you trust (I dedicated this shot to Kyokushinoyama on the Nexus)

In the masters lair

Rock, paper, scissors

Too busy looking good

All cleaned up

The morning sun has vanquished the horrible night

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Re: TES Skyrim


Thanks :), hehe :lol:

I'm actually going to talk with a friend who lend me the 8800GT and also works at a computer store too see what will happen, if I get a new card or some money back from the guarantee. I would rather have the money so I can upgrade to slightly better 670 card. I had a MSI GTX 670 2GB with the reference "pain-in-ass" cooler. Noisy and hot as with all Nvidia coolers :roll:

He has done a very good job with his weather changes indeed :) In a way yes especially since there are two ENB "veteran" users who are creating two different kind of weather modules to go alongside ENB ;) RLO and CoT focuses on non ENB use and that makes it very hard to get some good looking ENB presets, hard not impossible also they don't seem to know how all the ENB features affect the weathers and general lighting as good, at least that's the impression I've got when from those mods.

ELE - Weather module when it's finally released will be open for the end users to tweak it as they see fit for their own presets and upload that tweaked module with their preset, but during the ALPHA and BETA stage of the module I would prefer it if no one would re-upload it to some other site with their own tweaks to the ELE - Weather module.

I started working on ELE so that ENB pro users (which is the most likely users to do any CK edits) would have a good base to start off on, so they would only have to make small adjustments to some CK settings to better go along with their ENB preset. Though I strive to make it as compatible as I can but in the end it is all about how much a ENB preset has been changed from it's "vanilla look" values and revamped it.

Well if you have any questions about the Creation Kit regarding Lighting in any way just shoot me a PM when you got the time and I will try to answer your questions as best as I can ;)

By the way nice pictures :)

Really dig the lighting and detail of the "Kyo" shoot :)


Not too shabby looking with a vanilla ENB preset alongside ELE :)


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Re: TES Skyrim

Bronze316 - Nice pics and narration ;)

Tried Confidence Man's files with my usual setup and the frame rate was better, seemed the same as what I usually get









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Re: TES Skyrim

EvoFq3o0, i have no idea what i am doing :)

Confidence-Man, thanks for sharing yours preset, can you make nights more realistic and days more fantasy, and can you change the shape of sun to be more rectangular,..... :).
Love the window lights at the night. Something is really bad in my ini files. Here, two shots with the Confidence-Man preset.


One from me
Last edited by saltr on 06 May 2013, 09:43, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: TES Skyrim

Hi everyone,
I follow this forum from a long time, even if I did'nt find much time to hardly work on my settings.
I wanna thanks Boris a lot for his really hard work, continuing to devellop news effects and optimisations (can't wait for motion blur ;) ), pulling skyrim at this graphical level.
As I recently uptdated my Enb with all the news effects, I decided to share some randoms screens with you, even if i'm not completely happy with them.
Please forget about the low quality effects and the lack of SMAA, I'm currently playing on my laptop and need to keep it playable. By the way, if anyone know how to fix the SSAO issue with Hialgoboost, please let me know















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Re: TES Skyrim

i love grass :twisted:
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Re: TES Skyrim

saltr - Doesn't look too different from your usual pics because you already had a similar style to Confidence-Man. If you need to try some ini files, I use Far's and they work well. You could always give those a try.

nKo - Still looks good for being on a laptop with some effects set low or off :)

OhKay - Nice pics, I like the grass too, and the new armor looks great :)

I've been posting a lot, experimenting with Confidence-Man's files is fun :D I thought my characters seemed a bit washed out with the bright settings so I used only his enbeffect file with my usual setup and it was darker with more contrast. My characters weren't as washed out but I still think merging his files with Kalicola's files looked the best. It will be interesting experimenting and building a preset around. One thing I've found out is that I need to find a program that does batch resize. Resizing and saving individually is getting old :lol:









This clown was just looking off in the distance and never heard me coming up the stairs

By the time he turned around it was too late

Didn't have to do anything else but use Unrelenting Force which sent him over the side

Still falling

His final resting place :lol:


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Re: TES Skyrim

Great one, nKo!
Note for myself: Do not cry about your 1gb vram card.

@ Dilly the weed, can't answer via PMs yet, sorry.
But my nickname is the same on the nexus.

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Re: TES Skyrim

Wow guys! Fantastic shots all!

"You've ever met them cats? Kah-jeet?" :lol:


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