Thx for your reply.Opethfeldt wrote:Hi, seems like you are using very old drivers because catalyst AI is an ancient option, try the latest 12.2preview drivers to fix everything except adaptation problems, these even have a new option to disable crossfire (i dont know if works for your card model) .T.A.Z wrote:Hi, I just registered so this is my first post here
I'm having a couple of issues with ENB and all of them (allmost) seem to be/are related to catalyst AI. Using AI I got lots of graphical glitches using ENB, like non working DoF (no focusing at all) not properly working adaption (extreme brightness, screen flickering after entering a new cell or saving etc.). I've managed to adjust my settings to this oddities by using low gamma, very dark adaption values and so on. But the problem with screen flickering persists no matter what I do. DoF refuses to work aswell. The only solution is to disable catlyst AI, but by doing this I basicaly disable Crossfire aswell. This results in crappy performance in the mid 20s (FPS) (I'm playing on a 40" full HD LCD). So I'm wondering if there is a known fix or something that I just missed.
I suppose that the problems is, that Catalyst AI also works as a hook like enb and that this is somehow making ENBs adaption to not work right (and DoF).
But I'm wondering why I wasn't having any Issues with GTAIV(ENB) at all?
My specs:
I7 920
HD4890 1gig (crossfire)
8gb DDR3
Thx in advance.
And to disable adaptation you can edit the enbeffect.fx and make the MIN a highter value than MAX, for example:
float EAdaptationMinV2=0.06;
float EAdaptationMaxV2=0.05;//0.125;
But still you have to search for a good middle betwen the two values. If too dark lower both, if too bright raise both.
I allready tried disabeling adaption, that didn't do the trick :/ I managed to get a decent looking setup by making a config wich would be extremly dark on other systems, but still had the flickering issues no matter what I tried. But I managed to narrow the problem down I think. It isn't catalyst Ai which is causing the problems (And I'm using the newest drivers, but thx for the suggestion) it's Crossfire itself. If I disable crossfire then everything works fine independently from my AI settings. I decided to disable crossfire and to adjust my settings so they don't stress my single GPU too much. I'm quite pleased with the result now as I'm seeing an average of 35 FPS with all effects turned on and configured for high quality. I'm planing on upgrading my rig in the next few weeks anyway, so it's a temporary thing for now, but it's working.