TES Skyrim 0.166

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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.166

Okay, i'll use this sun detection method.
Now i need to decide how to make configs and not to create abnormal complexity for editing. Morning/Day/Evening/Night and each divided by exterior and interior presets (8 together) and declared per weather presets like Weather0001=000081a; 0010a243 also must have these all variables, probably. Better to not do changes to enbseries.ini and create absolutely new config in new folder, because new features depends from other mods. Urrr!!!
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.166

So there will be 8 different time period settings, something like this;

Code: Select all


And have those 8 settings applied to the weathers. 8 settings of DirectLightingIntensity per weather?

If so in the GUI (if possible) wouldn't a slider at the top of the GUI be a good way of narrowing down the GUI window in size. And have it say for example Weather 1, 2, 3... etc. As for applying it to a .ini file or several I don't really have any ideas on how to make it easy to understand that is for that weather and that is for that weather or how one would go about doing it.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.166

To simplify life to users and preset developers i declared per weather and per time of the day variables which already use day/night/interior cycle and not any others, so the list of parameters in extra configs will be not huge. Don't know should i add morning/evening parameters to main enbseries.ini or for compability with old presets don't touch it and when used extended config then parameters would be replaced. There are many presets on skyrim nexus web site and i hardly believe 10% of them will be modified by their authors to fit latest enbseries.ini standart, that's why better not modify it too much. Variable as selector between old and new configs will not help agains confusing why morning and evening not works. Or am i wrong? Damn, such decisions are hard for me.

EDIT: forgot to mention that sun is not always drawed (in interiors too), so without helper mod or hooking in to process new features will not work fine, that's why even morning/evening linked to hours may not work, another reason to not touch enbseries.ini and read new parameters from another files (correct me if i'm wrong on your opinion).
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.166

You're right, even though there are some of us that would want a bit more control the general users don't, they want it as simple as possible.

I personally wouldn't mind the extra parameters but that's me, one person out of a lot of users so I would wait and see what the response for this will be. The variable was just a suggestion and you're right about the confusion with the morning and evening parameters if they wouldn't work.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.166

Думаю, для большей совместимости, было бы неплохо сделать новые параметы множителями к старым, и собрать их в отдельном файле. Тогда все старые пользовательские пресеты остались бы совместимыми. Таким образом те, кто не хочет углубляться в новые настройки (или не знает как), просто оставят 1. Это позволит сохранить уже существующие файлы настроек в том виде, в каком они есть сейчас.

ENG: I suggest to make new variables as a multipliers to existing ones and put it to new ini file.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.166

Если множители к старым параметрам, то будут проблемы в зависимости двух конфигов.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.166

Please test this version if any bugs exist compared to 0.168
Interior properties for image based lighting is not yet used and ssao_ssil fog fading distance replaced by single parameter independent from time of the day.

PS: this version have only changes to code core, a lot of variables renamed and grouped for making per weather arrays from them. I'm very bad coder when copy-paste procedure take the place.

EDIT: file deleted after successful testing
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.166

Found no bug in quick test with new dll.
Checked interior exterior day night etc. Looks the same as old dll
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.166

I too couldn't find any bugs in either interior, exterior, Skyrim and DLC content. Looks just as fine as 0.168.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.166

Почему-то при переходе в другую локацию или просто в дом с улицы\наоборот, пропадает ссао и тени, плюсом светит солнце сквозь горы. Не могу понять почему, в инишниках все стоит как надо, да и вообще не трогал игру месяц как, раньше все работало отлично. Возможно драйвера кривые? 320 стоят. Если игру перезапустить, то работает нормально, до первого перехода. Зависимости от версий енб нет, проблема не в нем, значит.
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