Enhanced Lighting for ENB, updated 25 November-14

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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: Enhanced Lightning for ENB

Thanks a lot mindflux :) I have always had a problem with ice caves in general to get a good look that works, so I'm glad you think I have improved things from it's vanilla state at least.
It's also a bit hard without having any good reference to go by as well, if it was winter I could go to some old mines I have close to my home and take some pictures of that, but it's not winter now, thank god ;)

Great to hear, I have hated that ever since I first worked on OLSE in a Falkreath interior, really screwed up the interior by that non shadowing part, Bethesda what will we do with you :lol:

I think it's a simple ingredient either for food or some alchemy stuff, but magical in itself I don't think so. but will have look out for such use. I myself don't mind it the intensity, ok maybe a bit less intense but that is something I myself will tweak but I mentioned it mostly if there would be anyone getting a bit irritated on the shine of that object then there would already be an option for that, future planning and all you know ;)

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Re: Enhanced Lightning for ENB

Yes of course, I don't mind any kind of suggestions at all, to be honest I don't know what I'd do without your help 8-) You have an eye for detail and your journeys seem to take you far and between, so you always have good feedback.

Attached is the fix for elk head, I'll of course add it to the main download as well + an optional for the honeycomb.

My main gripe with the ice caves is the adaptation, the walls are so bright that the adaptation goes crazy. I'm not really sure what I can do about it, other than disabling or toning down adaptation...
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Re: Enhanced Lightning for ENB

Thanks for that :) I explore a lot of Skyrim worlds indeed, though not as a player sadly :roll: but it's fun stumbling upon new things one can do to improve this game, visual improvement at least.

Great this is yet another awesome fix, even though it may be simple to fix things like this (most of the time) it does so much for the visuals with having your particle patch installed :)

Good that you brought that up I will take that in consideration and make adjustments for such events and also make it easy to go inside the CK and only affect the ice caves with simple edits to the lighting of such things.
I had a patcher in the works that would let you adjust the Point lights radius, intensity and colors but the script language was totally new to me and it would have taken way too long to complete something like that.
Only difference in the tweaking of such things with my modules as they will be set up in the end is that you have to start up CK and locate the Parent object of the thing you want to adjust instead of going inside a file and adjust the values directly.

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Re: Enhanced Lightning for ENB

Hey, sounds very good if you can come up with a way to make quick edits to a group of locations. I'd like to do something like that pretty often, but since I would need to edit each and every location one by one, I usually can't be bothered. Were you researching developing a SkyProc patcher? Plutoman had something like that in the works, and I think he was even meaning to continue it pretty recently, but I guess nothing came out of it.

I hear you regarding actually playing the game, no idea when I can finally continue with the game... probably when we're all done :P

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Re: Enhanced Lightning for ENB

Currently I have it set to this;

Imagespaces name;

JZDBDefaultDun - My name, Dragonborn DLC, common dungeon lighting.

JZDBIceDun - My name, Dragonborn DLC, Ice and snow type dungeon lighting.

Simple and make sure there will be no issue with my other DLC and native Skyrim content. Also I create entirely new content such as imagespaces and leave the vanilla ones alone if some mod I don't use have changed some imagespaces to their own liking, prevents any visual incompatibility.

Same goes for the Lighting Templates, the Light bulbs however is not named like that but those wouldn't actually gain by having them separated like that. The reason for that is whenever you change the radius or intensity of a parent Light Bulb from inside the menu it multiplies the values (with some value I have yet to discover) on the placed lights, example the placed light and the default parent intensity is both set to 1.5, if you change the parent light bulbs intensity after you have already placed the same light bulb in some interior it would be increased to say 2.0 (as I said I have yet to discover the value it's multiplied with) so that will force you to go inside the cell and change all values anyway.
The RGB color does not behave like that so that can be tweaked in the parent Light Bulb without any side effects

I also set tend to set the light bulbs lower in the ice caves because of the textures and meshes that is in there, high RGB colors mixed with a high specular on some parts does need to have the Light Bulbs weaker than in say Dragonsreach. I also tend to set the intensity to the same for the same types of light, fire lights that are placed around small fireplaces will have the same but it will not have the same as a fire light bulb that is placed on a torch for instance.

If Plutoman did not deliver I told Sydney666 that I could jump in and update the patcher, but I decided not to go further than the EWE/RLwC merge I did with some minor adjustments to the patcher, didn't release it and don't have it anymore so don't ask about it :P :lol:

Such a patcher have been useless to me now, it would only provided with more work and in the end it would make a bit faster but in my own opinion ultimately unnecessary. It's good for people that are lazy, ignorant/stupid or working on some mod that it helps having something that makes fast overall changes to the visual style of the game.

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Re: Enhanced Lightning for ENB

Ok decided to go out and create a fire place and take some reference pics, it rained so that failed so I had to go inside one of the storage houses and try to create a tiny fireplace with 4 logs so it was minimal risk for me to start singing on the tune "The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire" :lol:

Anyway here are my result with some half good reference shots so far;

Before with candle color that had a touch more red in it.

After going through the reference shoots and made adjustments based on how different the color is being rendered in game;

I have another RGB sample that is more color correct but it made the light to saturated and would need quite a high increase in Light bulb intensity to compensate the saturation.

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Re: Enhanced Lightning for ENB

Here is an example showing my "per location" Lighting Templates that will occur in most interior cells.

Before my Per location Lighting Template


This specific lighting will only occur in this small room in the hallway outside this room which has a lot more spread out lights which should make it darker as the light does not "bounce" around as much because of the increased distance between objects for the lights to be bounced off more frequently. It's nothing special really I just limited the use of a second lighting template to a specific part of the interior cell that differs slightly to the other parts of the interior cell.

To sum it up, the before image lighting occurs in the hallway only while the after pictures lighting only occur in that small room. This part of all my imagespace modules will take the longest to finish because the sheer amount of Lighting Templates to create based on the general lighting located in areas/parts of each cell. There will however be a "lite version" without such changes to the cells.

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Re: Enhanced Lightning for ENB

Just registered to tell you that I can't wait for a new release! You're doing some really amazing work with ELE!

I'm fed up with Climates of Tamriel and its multitude of broken weathers. I remember reading that you plan to modify vanilla weathers only rather than adding dozens of new, waste-of-space weathers. Awesome! It's going to be thrill to try out all the new changes you've made since the last release. Those new screenshots are absolutely fab.

Question: dungeons are currently near pitch black - is that an intended effect or are you going to be brightening up things in future versions?

Greetings from a fellow Swede & thanks for your hard work!

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Re: Enhanced Lightning for ENB

Thank you very much Fequois :)

You too huh, I had it installed for about an hour while trying to get a good looking preset all around, which was a nightmare. Yeah at first only vanilla weathers and later on when those are done I might add some new weathers as an optional part of ELE, mostly add more variation to single weather types such as Fog, Rain and Snow weathers.

Well in-game without any ENB or other "color tool" I can see just fine in the non lit areas/shadows. I use a Samsung SA950D 27" with 121 hz to force some better black level appearance + I have calibrated it with a EyeOne calibration tool and tested tried different methods with user valks666 which also has the same monitor and tried to get as accurate colors we could with this monitor + my calibration device.

So my colors, Brightness, Gamma and Contrast on my monitor shows the images as best as I can tell and it is darker in the pictures than what it is in-game because of image compression and some way it does not capture the exact scene luminance for some reason. I've tried Fraps, ENB and windows own picture capturing tool and they all suffered the same thing.

I will in the end make a optional version of vanilla bright interiors and dungeons for those who want to have it, not exactly as bright as vanilla in dungeons but closer to it.

Ha läste just sista raden nu :P Ä va fan bra å ta dä på engelska så andra icke svenskar kan läsa vad minna planer är ;)

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Re: Enhanced Lightning for ENB

You're most welcome. Wish I could do more, but I'm not familiar with CK! :)

I know what you mean, it's indeed a pain. I'm currently running with CoT and a simple, custom ENB preset just to get through the game. Yes, I haven't finished it yet!! Bought it on 11.11.11, and have played through half of it about a million times, but every time I get anywhere there's some new mod making me restart! Hehe.

I haven't tried it without an ENB active to be honest, which is quite dumb I guess. I'll do it later this evening and write a simple ENB config and finish the game off with ELE instead! (I'm working with two 'pro' screens and they're both calibrated as well. I'm a designer, so it's a must.)

I'll probably one of a few to use your vanilla version. I get scared when it's too dark and those blue eyes appear! Yes, I am indeed a wimp. :lol:
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