Ewok99: Thanks for your input. I tried so many variation of enbs, with either RLO, ELFX and / or COT, but never really got what I wanted.
This is what I have now and I am happy:
for project ENB (realism) (tks to you!)
with COT (the sunrise and sunsets; just cannot go without)
and ELFX (without enhancer; i hate it when the lightsources are fake and love the impact the time and light of day has on interiors)
+ alot of different texture mods and a modified ini.
The only problem I see now is that my character seems to be the only aspect not "realistic" right now and sticks out like a sore thumb!
Here are a few screens.. Would appreciate again any feedback on how to improve my character look.
Man I love this forum...
Just wanted to share something... My GF "comments" the time I spend on the computer, saying that I shouldn't play games for extended periods of time, yet I tell her every time that I barely play the game, I just mod and configure it to my liking... but there is always something new to play with...
I feel like I'm painting (more like number-painting in my case since I mainly mish and mash stuff I find!!!), but art nevertheless.
Keep the posts coming!