TES Skyrim 0.198

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.198

Holy... 16k shadow res??? My calculator for a pc cant handle 8k :D still better than my old rig. I swear that 9600GT was hotter than a frying pan!

Fantastic pic... So artistic!
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.198

I am having one minor issue attempting to port over custom enbeffect.fx settings into the GUI...

They all show up, and can be changed in-game, but for some reason the top windows that says "some settings need to be applied before they can be saved" is red, and when I apply the enbeffect.fx settings revert back.

If I just hit save, the settings are not being saved.

I tried putting them in enbseries.ini, enblocal.ini, and enbeffect.fx.ini, and none of them seem to save.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.198

Let's say I know why GPUs have fans.... :lol:
Thus said, the most impactive setting is that one : iShadowMapResolution=6144
This, I don't dare going higher than 8K maybe....
To conclude with the off-topic before Boris kicks us :lol: , real crazyness goes on with SSAO scales and downsampling. I happened to push scales @1.58 with 4K rendering :shock:
This HURTS the GPUs very very bad, but oh guys, the render, the lighting, the DEPTH !....

You should PM --JawZ--, he just involved in implementing bool functions in the effect.fx.
He'll know what to do, quite probably.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.198

After you did changes in GUI, press "save configuration" button, then "apply changes" if some of parameters modified which require recompilation. If you do changes to enbseries.ini or enblocal.ini file while game is running, then press "load configuration" button. Apply changes actually also loading configs, but with recompilation.

Btw, i can change (at cpu cost for transforms) vanilla shadows algorithm to proper cascaded shadow maps and setting crazy resolutions will not be required, but isn't game allow to set how many split distances used? iShadowSplitCount=2 parameter should be.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.198

I just tested, and the settings are being saved... somewhere. However none of the actual files are changed (using Winmerge to test.) Maybe I do not understand. When I change settings from enbseries.ini in the GUI and hit save, it updates the enbseries.ini file. However, when I change shader settings, they are preserved next time I load the game, but all the files are the same.

Where is it actually saving this information?

EDIT: I just restored all the files including the ENB binary from before I made the changes using the shader config section of the GUI, and the settings are still there even though all the files have the original values. I can manually change them back and tell it to save and apply, but when you say compile, what is it compiled to?

EDIT EDIT: I tried using the "load config" option and saving/applying that, but it does not bring the old settings back from the file for the enbeffect.fx.ini shader settings. I can manually set the values I changed in the shader window back to what they are in the file and save/apply that, and it updates. However, the files are never changed.

The only two files that get a new timestamp are enbseries.ini and enblocal.ini, and neither of these contain the settings for enbeffect.fx (I am using an enbeffect.fx.ini). The enbeffect.fx.ini file timestamp does not change, and I cannot for the life of me find where these settings are being stored.

EDIT EDIT EDIT: I found where changes to custom .INI (non enbseries.ini or enblocal.ini) files get stored... The original files appear to go unchanged, and a copy of the file gets put in \enbseries sub-folder of the Skyrim directory. It also appears that this duplicate keeps changes made through the GUI to settings added by other configs you might have used in the past...

So, to revert to the settings in the main file, just delete the version of enbeffect.fx.ini in the enbseries sub-folder rand next load it will pull the default values.

That is actually pretty cool, and how Skyrim does it with the .ini files in your MyGames folder over-riding the ones in the main Skyrim directory. ;)
Last edited by Phinix on 31 Jul 2013, 11:51, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.198

Guess i will not develop x64 version of memory reducing code, with 3gb ram i physically can't test it. Will see if memory reducing functionality will be widely used or just as any other mod, in good scenario i need to spend money for crappy useless hardware and in bad case i'm fine as it is, so you know my opinion :lol:
Boris as Oyama said if you need extensive testers for the 64 bit improvements you would have those the last round of testing should have shown you that :)
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.198


ShadowMapResolution= WHAT?????

I just have to assume that setting is not a playable one but a screengrab only isn't it? :)

Going from 4096 to 8192 across all shadow maps cuts my framerate by 30% instantly :/ (Like 55-65 to 40fps).

Also didn't realize that you can go SSAO scaling above 1......that should be interesting :)))

I guess I need to buy another 6GB 7970 card :)

By the way, are there still any more issues with AMD Crossfired cards? Like neccessity to turn SSAO off to avoid flicker etc? I don't want to waste another $500 for no benefit :))

Still fighting to get your ENB looking like it should (per your screengrabs) - also have you used lanterns of skyrim with your ENB with any success?

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.198

Would that be faster than higher shadow resolutions or does it just give better looking shadows at some or same cpu cost?
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.198

ENBSeries wrote: Btw, i can change (at cpu cost for transforms) vanilla shadows algorithm to proper cascaded shadow maps and setting crazy resolutions will not be required, but isn't game allow to set how many split distances used? iShadowSplitCount=2 parameter should be.
Oh.... this I would like to see ! This would really be interesting.
iShadowSplitCount=2 : I kept it like this in my inis as well.

Shadows are mostly matter of CPU in TESV.
I overclocked mine before ever thinking about an OC on my GPUs.
And yes, even on rigs like mine, shadows are expensive. But I never play with single-digits FPS, even for screenarchery.
Lantern of Skyrim ? Nope. I rely ONLY on ENB about all my lighting, except mods like Dark Dungeons who only force dungeons to use nightime settings.
SO many things can be done via proper tweaks in inis and ENB that dealing with too many image space modifiers doesn't look interesting to me.
ELE is catching my attention, though.
Last edited by Oyama on 31 Jul 2013, 11:38, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.198

I´ll jump on board for extensive x64 testing :)
Ryzen, 2 Nvidia 1080Ti - sometimes SLI, 32 GB DDR4, Win10, Oculus Rift+Touch
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