Just a big fat thumbs up from another happy user!!!
Opposite to the real nerds in this thread :mrgreen: I run a totally overmodded Skyrim with some of the more demanding ENBs (Somber Unchained, Kountervibe, Unreal Cinema) on a rather mediocre setup.
Lenovo Y500 Laptop, 2x650M SLI, 8 GB Ram, and my Skyrim folder did not even fit on the SSD any more...
With 198 I have:
- NO more CTDs (apart from faulty mods and script conflicts)
- ALMOST no stuttering, at least nothing that would be related to ENB
- ...and "playable" framerates without having to rely on some reduced "performance settings".
totally f'ing awesome.
I have read that religious content is not welcome on this board, but in my pantheon Boris is a freaking god right among the good old mead-drinking ones
P.S.: cell load stuttering btw is often related to the uExterior Cell Buffer setting, many folks have it on 32.
36 (with uGrids 5) works MUCH smoother for me.