TES Skyrim 0.200

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.200

both run at3840x2160 res/2k landscape textures (normal speed horse across tundra/fast travel/normal speed horse forested area/full speed horse forested area) :)
v-sync and fps limit off for both, but FixPhysics on for the 0.200 :>



0.200 behave alot more fluid even thou average fps is lower, fps on menu´s is alot lower (FixPhysics I guess? ) :>
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.200

Download mod again, i moved physics fix limiter to main limiter code. But this will not work as it should now, short frames will be short anyway, damn bugthesda developers, burn in hell!

Mod updated, download again
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.200

Yup. Tried messing around but still got my ALT + TAB broken with both :

Code: Select all

Since i don't want borderless, or borderless fullscreen whatsoever.

The only way to fix it on my side is by :

Code: Select all

But it's a shame since this line is doing something important.

edit : Oh also this is what happens when i ALT + TAB back to my game on the 0.200 binaries : http://i3.minus.com/ibx1ihhha6uEPg.jpg
Last edited by Dorak on 05 Aug 2013, 20:28, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.200

А исходя из чего нужно выставлять значение ReservedMemorySizeMb ? Просто интересно.

У меня сейчас 1280 - все хорошо.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.200

Runs fine, good FPS still but stuttering is much more apparent (not just from cell loading but just general stutter), regardless of whether I run at 1920x1080 or 2560x1440 at hardware level.

Settings are...

Enabling DisableDriverMemoryManager doesn't cure it. Any ideas?

Also, not sure if intentional or not, but disabling the Physics fix causes a crash upon load. Tried several times without it enabled and it crashed, the first time I re-enabled it the game loaded perfectly.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.200

For me looks like enbhost not work. Do you have it running when ReduceSystemMemoryUsage=true? And you must not use unsafe memory hack to make alt+tab work.

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Stuttering can't happen when you don't move at all, compared to 0.199 they are equal. Try FixPhysics=false. And if it crashing, i can't help, it's game bug when fps too high.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.200

For me looks like enbhost not work. Do you have it running when ReduceSystemMemoryUsage=true? And you must not use unsafe memory hack to make alt+tab work.
Yeah, it was an administrator right issue with enbhost, indeed.

I guess that was the cause of the picasso black and grey mess. Thanks.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.200

Tested it with


on a GTX 680 2GB Vram with latest beta drivers. works smooth as hell for me. :)

I just limited my FPS to secure some resources for my graphic card (pike is about 80-85% of cards power) - it helps me a lot to avoid stutters when traveling/loading new cells.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.200

ENBSeries wrote:Stuttering can't happen when you don't move at all
Well obviously. :D

But when moving and turning there is quite a bit of stutter. More than what I got with 0.199. It seems to give a slight delay in response time with the control pad (standard Microsoft Xbox 360 control pad) as well. As if I was playing Killzone 2.
Try FixPhysics=false. And if it crashing, i can't help, it's game bug when fps too high.
How many FPS are we talking? Because at 2560x1440 my FPS is around 40FPS average, at 1920x1080 around 55FPS average. The normal physics bugs don't kick in until you go over 59-60 FPS (which was found originally when people disabled v-sync), or are you referring to a different physics bug that is caused by using the new x64 function?

Maybe this is caused by increased FPS in the loading screens?
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.200

New 0.200 reminds me off 0.199 at 4k res. Stutter similar to 0.199 but average fps somewhere in between on same run :>
FPS peak at 68 in menu´s and (fast travel)loadscreen, but drop to 30 quickly. All versions seem to work well :)
All run with max SSAO scales 1.5 and 1.0 :>
V-sync and FPS-Limit false

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I think the physics bug appear if fps go over Hz on the monitor :>
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