Screenshot saturation

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Screenshot saturation

This is most certainly not an ENB bug but I thought I would post here in hopes of getting some insight into what it might be.

Recently, I am guessing 1-2 weeks or so, my screenshots render with significantly less saturation than in the game. Viewing the screenshot side by side with the game (I run in windowed mode) on the same monitor shows the discrepancy. I have observed this with Windows 7 built in Viewer, Paint.NET and Gimp.

I suspect its the Color Profiles on my system but I certainly do not recall changing anything there and a quick view at them does not present anything out of place.

I used to have this issue before but with brightness only which was resolved by turning Gamma in the game to 1.0.

I am also running (and have been all along) SweetFX which shows the same issue if I use it to capture the screenshot.

Any ideas?

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Re: Screenshot saturation

Video driver options, in-game or ini parameters for gamma/brightness/contrast (if they exist). Some software modified registry and forcing driver to use modified colors.
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Re: Screenshot saturation

Thanks Boris, I will keep looking.

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Re: Screenshot saturation

I had this problem once, but reversed. Stuff would get too dark.

Turned out that whenever i was installing new video drivers they reset the windows color profile to my HP w2207h Monitor Profile instead of the sRGBIEC61966 Profile.

Also, you may want to read the first post here and try the tool.
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Re: Screenshot saturation

Thanks, will check that out.

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Re: Screenshot saturation

Well verified proper profile is being used. Problem still present, here is what I am talking about.

Background is the game, foreground is Gimp showing screenshot. Its not a radical difference, but clearly missing some reds/yellows in the screenshot.


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Re: Screenshot saturation

Is maybe GIMP using a different color profile or something? I've never used it but I think in Photoshop you can change the default color space it uses.

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Re: Screenshot saturation

Hmm, on screenshot looks similar to issue i had with capturing Fraps videos, they are good with it's own codec, but grayish if i trying to convert to any other format. Have no idea why this happen.
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Re: Screenshot saturation

Well this turned out to be a rather bone-headed issue. As I mentioned in my original post, I am using SweetFX as well, this was never an issue, however, at some point SweetFX was corrupted to the point where its screenshots were only pre-effect. I re-installed it and am back in business. Sorry to take up your time but do appreciate your guidance and support.
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