--JawZ-- ENB resources, updated 15 september-14

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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: --JawZ-- ENB resources for Skyrim, updated 06/22

One of the reasons why that is the secondary upload site for me, problems of every kind a lot of the time, not here though.

Hmm, ok well thanks for trying it out. I will just have to see why the hell the files work on my PC but not on others. Not angry with you, just myself if anyone.

If you have time to spare I will do a couple of test files and post them here, and I would very much appreciate it if you or anyone else reading this would test those files out when released.

No need to rush it or anything to test and report back ASAP, just try them out and see if they work in your own pace ;)

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Re: --JawZ-- ENB resources for Skyrim, updated 06/22

How do I edit the enbeffect.fx while being ingame?
I tried to edit it and then hit backspace but that doesn't seem to work anymore.
English isn't my native language

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Re: --JawZ-- ENB resources for Skyrim, updated 06/22

If the file I provided functions as it should and it shows settings in the shader window then you need to use the apply changes button to make the changes happen as Boris removed the key combination for reloading the shaders. It's only available through the GUI window now, which I think is not a problem at all as you would edit through the GUI anyway and the only difference is that you use the mouse instead of a keyboard key combination to reload the shaders.

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Re: --JawZ-- ENB resources for Skyrim, updated 06/22

This doesn't work for me. I extracted the HD6enbeffect.fx file, renamed it to "enbeffect.fx" put it in the right place and overwrote the default enbeffect.fx file. Then I started the game and the only thing I see in the shader window of the GUI is the option to adjust the power of the sunsprite. What am I doing wrong?
English isn't my native language

CPU: i7 3770K @ 3,4 GHz (3,9 GHz with Turbo); RAM: Corsair 8 GB DDR3 1600 MHz; GPU: Asus GTX 980 Strix; Mainboard: Asrock Z77 Pro 3; SSD: Samsung 830 128 GB; HDD: 2 TB

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Re: --JawZ-- ENB resources for Skyrim, updated 06/22

If you are expecting enbsunsprite.fx commands to show up when changing a enbeffect.fx file you are mistaken. Only file I have uploaded with GUI code implemented is the NEWBeginnerenbeffect.fx the other files do not have any GUI code in them.

For those of you with a problem with certain .fx file use Notepad++ as I recently had a user of my files (bronze316) discover what caused the issue and it was because he used windows Notepad which does not handle code formatting very well, automatically insert a new row in the middle of a code or text inside the file depending on the window size.
I won't spend (or waste actually) any time figuring out the formatting difference between default Notepad++ and windows Notepad and I will only work in Notepad++!

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Re: --JawZ-- ENB resources for Skyrim, updated 06/22

I just finished making my entire enbeffect.fx and enbbloom.fx file editable from ingame (It is so good that I am all giddy because of it)!
Took me all weekend >_>
JawZ... sometimes I love DNI seperation.... but in times like this I started to get a bit annoyed by them at the end! :D

The reason it took so long was the following!
If you make ANY formatting errors of any kind then it wont work.
If you make any bad defines of floats... it wont work.
If you make any typos... it wont work (Unless if it is the name you want to see ingame)

In general just about anything that can go wrong will make it not work!

So I had to go into the game and test for every batch of additions that I made to make sure that it would keep working! (Freindly advice... Make sure you use a vanilla game without any mods but ENB active then doing this.. the game starts up SO much quicker. Really simple if you use Mod Organizer.... if you use NMM (Why would you).. then good luck. )
Also if you are doing any RGB values then you need to make new defines down in the respective shader part as well! (Took me an hour to figure out!)
One example

Code: Select all

float SaturationDayRed <		
		string UIName="Final SaturationDayRed";
		string UIWidget="Spinner";
		float UIMin=0.0;
		float UIMax=3.0;
> = {1.0};

Down in the respective IF statement of that shader 

float3 SaturationDay 	= float3(SaturationDayRed, SaturationDayGreen, SaturationDayBlue);
Also finally ... if you ever press save preset inside the game .. then ENB makes a file of all your values in the enbseries folder. If you do not delete this after you make new values then it will keep using those values regardless of what you type into the enbeffect.fx file itself!

Hope that helps.

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Re: --JawZ-- ENB resources for Skyrim, updated 06/22

All those things I have know for quite some time Aiyen ;) But good that you posted it might help some other user out in the end :)

Though if you have some tips of implementing statements (if) to technqiue passes I'm all ears as I haven't found the right set of codes to make it work, directives work though (#if) so maybe need to look into that some more.

I use NMM and do not have any problems with it installing or uninstalling mods and their files. I use it mostly to keep me updated with mods and I do manual check to see that everything was done correctly. And I do the same with any other tool that automatically installs something like mods, I never trust a program that is just there to make somethings go faster.

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Re: --JawZ-- ENB resources for Skyrim, updated 06/22

Hehe was an attempt to help with the above issue!

I could make it more detailed, but I am still learning myself! (For some bizzare reason adding this made some functions that previously did not work in kermles file work again!)

I am sure you are way ahead of me in terms of the finer details of the HLSL files JawZ! :)

I would also be curious about the IF statement issue.... I have not setup my files with activators (bool) statements yet... since I mainly use them as categories for better overview. In lack of a better option atm. (Also I only have one PP atm... I see no point in having 7 different ones in the same file... it just adds too much clutter and I think it also at some point just overloads the file and causes certain stuff to just stop working. Just a hunch not a fact! )

As for mod manager... then I am sure they all function at some level. I just found that the ability not to mess up the data dir of Skyrim directly is far superior when you have large amounts of mods. I have reinstalled that game far too many times!
Also the profile feature and fully seperate ini´s is just too good to pass up! (Even more so when testing mods and troubleshooting)
As for making the process go faster.... then I would not say it does that... it just makes it easier to fallback in case of errors.
If for some reason NMM messes up then it "might" losse the ability to uninstall correctly... and then an entire mod list can start over... been there done that!

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Re: --JawZ-- ENB resources for Skyrim, updated 06/22

Way ahead might be an overstatement but I manage to solve most of the things I stumble upon or wan't to implement.

If or when I find the solution I'll post it here. I place my activators above the codes that are inside that activator in the file codes so it has some sort of section in the files. It would be great to have real sections like in the enbseries.ini though ;) Same here just unnecessary to have duplicates (duplicates in some ways) so I strip down all the code to it's basics functions and throw out any duplicates. If the codes are not in a directive or statement (#if - #endif / if {}) the amount of code but in the file will slow it down and cause performance loss, I noticed 1-2 FPS loss when I removed all define functions in Kermles file, an older version.

As I said I mostly just use NMM to have the ability to see when mods are updated and to perform a quick install and I always look in the rar, zip etc folder to see that the folder structure is at it should be and remove any unnecessary files from the rar folder. Then I check to see if it all went well.
I also keep a original data folder as a backup on one of my HDD's that I copied right after I finished installing the game that way I do not need to download the entire game all over and only need to do the "verify integrity of game cache" to re-download all files not located in the Data folder which on a 100 Mbit line goes pretty damn fast and you don't need to go through the installation process.

profile feature, how does that work?
Does it use a list of user specified mods that it automatically installs as a bundle all together perhaps??

The main thing is to choose a installer that works best for one self and do proper reading of any faults or look at the features the installer has to better suit the needs one is looking ;)

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Re: --JawZ-- ENB resources for Skyrim, updated 06/22

Yeah sectioning would be great....However in lack of betters I just have the bool statements with all caps saying that this is a new section.


You get the picture.
I also found that too many IF statements reduce the performance.. hence why I removed all the features I did not want to use... like various bloom codes, and all the various post processes. It did help on performance, and it also made functions that previously did not work... well work again. So guess there is an upper limit to the complexity of the file. But that is also okay.. since I doubt any single PP, single bloom setup would ever get near this. Most color correction shaders, even with DNI seperation are not that long after all.

As for the profile feature. Mod organizer works in that it uses a virtual data folder that it then links to the game.
It has one folder where all mods are located individually. All these mods are then put into a list where you can select which to use. Where mods lower in the list will overwrite content (textures etc). of the ones above. All this info then goes into the creation of the virtual data folder.

A profile is then simply a combination of your total mod list. Like you can make a mod list based on SkyRe or CoT etc. and one that is pure vanilla and then change between them seamlessly without the hassle of reinstalling etc. since every single profile generates a unique virtual data folder. And once you have done the checking of every individual mod folder once (folder integrity etc.) then you do not need to do it again since it is shared between all profiles.
Also each profile has its own unique .ini files so you can use different grass settings on one profile compared to another for example.
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