TES Skyrim 0.206

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.206

Ok, I just got home from work, I'll edit this with my test3 results in a little bit:

One thing I noticed (not sure if it's relavent) - dxDiag reports 4GB of video ram, but 64 bit dxDiag reports 2 GB.

Ok, adding results after wandering around Whiterun for a few seconds.

MARK1: - 421711.750000
MARK2: - 4.145488
MARK3: - 0.000292
Last edited by Asmodae on 22 Aug 2013, 00:43, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.206

Third test - this one wasn't as smooth and did get SPM to work. I didn't have any freeze ups so still better than before. It did drop down to 2 but only for a split second then got smooth again. overall average FPS is lower than expected but more table in regards to the previous lock up issues.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.206

Can you make the same test with graph as latest, but when unsafe hack enabled? I don't understand if it's scene have so low vram usage or it's bug
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.206

ENBSeries wrote:wolfgrimdark
Can you make the same test with graph as latest, but when unsafe hack enabled? I don't understand if it's scene have so low vram usage or it's bug
Did close as I could to same run. Have to say it was way smoother. My fps went up and all the micro-stutters vanished completely. Gained a solid 10fps overall and no jerky motions - very smooth. I hadn't realized how many micro-stutters there were until just now trying it with that change ... which I suspect isn't good news.

EDIT: Pretty sure the VRAM dip near the end was when I entered the mine/dungeon for a minute then I went back outside before exiting game.



Sadly it is back to work tomorrow so won't be able to test again till tomorrow night (been on vacation), but will help then if I can.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.206

ENBSeries wrote:SiSaSyco
Such bug unfixable unless it's occur always at certain conditions.
Well, it was happening always when changing a value in Shader-Gui ;)
But in fact I don't know if it only happens with the NXS enbeffect.fx Shader-Menu, or all Shader-Menus. Will have a look at the 207 Version this evening and post results. Its just fucking annoying as it forces Windows to restart every time so checking different *.fx files with Shader-Gui support takes lots of time and patience Image
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.206

I don't have this issue with that shader and all values there are float type, so there is no reason to crash for them (i tried to set to 0 and 1 to make sure errors like division by 0 not occur).
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.206

ENBSeries wrote: Proto
I don't know what is this place, only saw one shop like that, but aromatic ... blah-blah-blah something. For sure will not see any issues myself as there nothing to look at. May be you have particles from lights enabled? In that place i did tests and there are many sprites, so fill rate/texel rate bottleneck with this effect
Well, I did mention the location by name but it's the first door on the right when entering Solitude.

In any case, after further testing in that location, it turns out that the large drop in performance is caused by the Enhanced Lights and FX plug-in and ENB simply makes it more pronounced. I'm assuming it crept in recently, as I do not remember noticing that issue before.
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