TES Skyrim 0.212

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.212


Riverwood might be a good place to check as it is most noticeable there. The ropes around the bridges and the buildings.

The woven 3d fences get pretty bad too,

I should note that these are at a distance with tremendous flicker while moving.

As you stated in a previous post TAA does seem to fix it unfortunately sometimes I can't always get TAA to work correctly
This was just a random Idea since you were adding AA stuff ^.^

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.212

I believe the problem with ropes and fences is caused by the alpha channel on the SMIM textures. It is especially noticeable when IBL is enabled and ReflectiveAmount (under [IBL]) is set to a high value such as 1.0.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.212

The good thing of SMIM is that it fixes the 2D looking flat rope, fences, chains etc. Makes them proper 3D mesh with proper texture.
So regular TAA works properly on them.
Without SMIM ya its a horror to look at.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.212

Manany wrote: Maybe you are using a custom preset like Kountervibe ENB 0.199 which I happen to use with 0.209, and you forgot to add some values to enblocal.ini. Because many settings were moved from enbseries.ini to enblocal.ini.
I had the same problem than you my game was not looking as intended and when I opened the enblocal.ini I noticed that there were the value from the following "[FIX] [CAMERAFX] [SKYLIGHTING] [ENVIRONMENT] [PARTICLE] [RAYS] [IMAGEBASEDLIGHTING] [SKY]" I just copied the values in enblocal.ini and it worked wonderfully :D
Hope it will work for you.
Actually i am. Can you share your enblocal.ini, enbseries.ini? That would help a lot.
ENBSeries wrote: No changes to graphics were done between those versions. I'll try to compare myself if you say at which conditions this occur.
Я сейчас использую Kountervibe ENB Extensive by Kyokushinoyama v.199
И я думаю эта желтизна возникнет после того как:
1. Установить Kountervibe ENB Extensive by Kyokushinoyama v.199.
2. _SPAM_ ENB v.212 и скопировать файлы enblocal.ini, enbhost.exe, d3d9.dll из папки WrapperVersion.
3. В файле enbocal.ini прописать
согласно enblocal.ini v.199
Правильные значеня для
4. Запустить игру и "наслаждаться" ссаниной на экране.

Но, пока я набирал сообщение я понял что я забыл прописать EnableProxyLibrary=true, возможно причина в этом.
Простите мою невнимательность, после того как я пытался разобраться с тусклыми цветами в Project ENB by Bronze316, тяжело уследить.
Кроме того, возможно проблема разрешится после того как я сделаю что предложил Manany. Хотя я не уверен что он прав, я пока что даже не понял что он имел ввиду, надеюсь он скинет свои файлы и тогда мне станет понятней.
И проверить это всё я смогу только сегодня вечером, т.к. я на работе.
Tested, don't see any difference between 0.212 and 0.199 in Javarrski.
И спасибо Вам за потраченное время, я раньше не мог ответить.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.212

EnableSubPixelAA is working for me now, looks good but performance hit is surprisingly large.

Bug report (not a new bug):
With SSAO enabled, distant mountains show through particle effects like smoke. So smoke effectively becomes invisible when passing over distant mountains.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.212

Played for 2 and half hours...

Working great, FPS is pretty much always 60 no matter where I go with my Resolution back to 1680x1050 (one monitor instead of 3)...

I still average about 45-50 with my resolution set at 5040x1050 (all 3 monitors) and it still runs great..

VideoMemorySizeMb=32768 <<<(32Gb SysRam -2048 Vram = 32768) <- Is this the correct way to set the variable? Seems to work well...


i7-3770K Ivy Bridge OC@4.6GHz - ASUS Maximus V EXTREME - CORSAIR Vengeance 32GB @1600Mhz - 2x Nvidia GTX 980 SLI - OCZ Vertex 460GB SSD

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.212

0.212 now seems to work fine for me in general, Performance is always very stable at 60 FPS.

I just still have a little graphical bug, does anyone know how to fix this grid-shadow-effect?
1.: i7 2700K@4,5GHz | 12 GByte RAM | GTX580 SLI
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.212


(must be 3, no higher no lower)

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.212

That ssao artifact impossible to fix, because all alpha objects must be sorted for depth effects separately, which can't be done without sources of engine. From time to time i'm doing tweaks to math which extract difference between opaque objects and transparent as factor of ssao mix, but it's never work when pixels of transparent are equal to opaque.

VideoMemorySizeMb will never reach 32 gb on your pc, because game process with enbhost can carry now only 10 gb, may be later i'll add more clones of enbhost.exe processes, but you can't do anything because no mods exists yet which use so much memory in loaded cells (i can do such :D) and to load such a big amount of data to cells you need very fast hdd/ssd or virtual ram drive (which require much more ram).
i9-9900k, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3060 12Gb, Win7

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.212

ENBSeries wrote:CorvoAttano77
That ssao artifact impossible to fix, because all alpha objects must be sorted for depth effects separately, which can't be done without sources of engine. From time to time i'm doing tweaks to math which extract difference between opaque objects and transparent as factor of ssao mix, but it's never work when pixels of transparent are equal to opaque.
SSAO is post process effect added to image right? Why not apply affect less at large fog values i.e. make SSAO "transparent" based on function of depth and fog distance.
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