TES Skyrim 0.212

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.212

Well, I m already little confused by all the new Settings ;)
It was stated that "... added VideoMemorySizeMb variable instead of automatic detection ...", so I thought the main purpose of VideoMemorySizeMb is to store the exact size of your VRam because automatic detection of VRam size was buggy somehow.
I ve 4GB VRam and I dont get to that limit untill now, its possible that with fewer Vram setting VideoMemorySizeMb higher may have a positive impact.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.212

Just want to tell that I think new AA is amazing and impact on fps seem very small :D
0.212 runs very well and still using same settings :)
Thank you^^
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.212

ENBSeries wrote:Everyone with CTDs go away from here, i told many times, it's your problem, it's your fucked system with other crapware, STOP BOTHER ME!
My system has no crapware, no other d3d9.dll or attk or anything. Just bare bones windows vista, device drivers, steam, enb injector. Nothing else.

Vanilla - no crashing, can play for hours.

ENB 200,201,202, etc up to 209 - no crashing, can play for hours. Changing [MEMORY] variables can increase/decrease stuttering but never any crashes.

ENB 212 - crash within 2 minutes of starting the game every time regardless of [MEMORY] settings. Revert to 209 (the last version I downloaded) and problem goes away, can play for hours again.

If you really think this info is not helpful then I apologise.

GTX 560 (1GB) with Nvidia 320.49 drivers
Core i5-750

Nothing overclocked.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.212

Hi Boris, a while ago you mentioned doing proper shadows at the cost of CPU performance (Or something similar to that)

Is there any more news on that feature?
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.212

Don't want to bother with shadows now.

I know better what was changed in code and it's not lead to CTDs or freezing.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.212

Hello Boris !

After a lot of testing, with several presets, I found 0.212 less stable than 0.211.
There is fewer stuttering, but I saw some infinite freezes and a few CTDs, contrary to 0.211. These CTDs are not mod related as they can happen one time and not happen the second time at the same place and action.
I don't think I have third party software running besides my virus shield (game mod) and other softwares no related at all to gaming (I didn't have any message with 0.211).

Maybe is it because of the switch to Unreal Cinema preset (to test reflections). But I didn't see third party dlls used. Just .fx files.
Asus P8Z77-V, G.Skill TridentX 2x4go PC3-19200 CL9, Intel Core i5-3570K (3.4 GHz), Gigabyte Geforce GTX 670 WindForce 3x OC(335.23), Samsung SSD 840 Pro 128go+500Go 7200RPM SATA III, Auzentech X-FI Forte 7.1, Windows 8.1 Pro x64, The Grim and Somber ENB

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.212

Jafin16 wrote:Kalex
Have you tried just turning it off? It doesn't always work as it's supposed to (I can't turn it on and get more than 10 fps, no matter what the setting. I've turned it off when I was getting 10 and it went up to 80)
Nope, didn't change a thing..

However, maybe this screenshot helps Boris optimizing stuff. (Record ended with an CTD, but I don't think this was caused by ENB)


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Re: TES Skyrim 0.212

OhKay wrote:people, read the fine print in OP, CTD's are not supported :o your game save is corrupted, start a new game then load the old saves again.
I read the fine print. I'm not asking Boris to do anything. The problem is obviously on my end somewhere. I'm asking other users if they've ever had this issue. As the more knowledgeable users are here and not on the nexus.

My save isn't corrupted. As I can move all my save to a temp folder, and still get the crash before the menu screen loads unless I use the injector. The only possible crapware I have is razer boost and I tried it with and without with the same result.

Also get the same result with vanilla and modded skyrim.

Not trying to make more work for anyone. I can play just fine with the injector. I just was curious about what would make the wrapper suddenly stop working for me. I know it can't be the code.

Is there a more appropriate thread on here to ask this? I'll gladly go there.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.212

You guys don't understand simple things i talking about. For debugging i play with filled vram and ram to make only 256 mb available for testing purposes and this is with installed official hd texture packs, flora overhaul, 92 mb textures only for my character android and recently started to use mesh replacer SMIM. Why these all work for me without CTDs and freezes when i run with player.setav speedmult 500 and maxed out everything in game video options? Some time i even have invisible parts of objects or only head of character visible and this is the case when unable to load texture in to video memory and my memory manager simply ignore it then, but this is very rare cases, mostly 256 mb vram is enough. And all of you have much more vram!!!
i9-9900k, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3060 12Gb, Win7

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.212

ENBSeries wrote:You guys don't understand simple things i talking about.
Probably because of your horrible english grammar? :P (Sorry, could not resist, please please don't use the ban hammer..)

Game is currently running fine for me in borderless window mode, even with a completely filled vram.
I just still have the strange bug I'm capped at 40 FPS with ENB on, and 60 FPS with ENB off. I'm still in investigations for the reason, maybe I can find it...
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