TES Skyrim 0.213

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.213

Hi JawZ,

I actually do use a modest sharpen filter in my effect.txt. The thing is, I have it balanced perfectly to the vanilla game. It would be really cool though to have a way to check if TemporalAA was on, and have a SEPARATE sharpen filter apply if so, with a setting that could be adjusted in-game.

I am sure I would have no problem coding the GUI option, I just don't know if there is an accessible variable for whether TemporalAA is on or not. Perhaps Boris will enlighten us. :)

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.213

Phinix wrote:Hi JawZ,

I actually do use a modest sharpen filter in my effect.txt. The thing is, I have it balanced perfectly to the vanilla game. It would be really cool though to have a way to check if TemporalAA was on, and have a SEPARATE sharpen filter apply if so, with a setting that could be adjusted in-game.

I am sure I would have no problem coding the GUI option, I just don't know if there is an accessible variable for whether TemporalAA is on or not. Perhaps Boris will enlighten us. :)
I simply use SweetFX' Lumasharpen to accomplish this in addition to your lovely ENB Preset. ;)
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.213

There is no way to do a command in the effect.txt or any of the .fx that will do for example;

#if (AA_METHOD==0)
#elif #if (AA_METHOD==1)

As there is no way (that I know of) to call upon anything from the binary file so it will activate for instance a sharpening method with a preset of settings when a ENB AA method/methods are activated in the enbseries.ini.

If that is what you meant.

However you can do presets for different usage scenerios that can be deactivated by a simple #define or bollean command.

For example;



"Sharpen preset settings for when AA methods deactivated"
"Sharpen preset settings for when AA methods activated"

I hope you understand what I'm trying to describe here

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.213

Hey, I have a quick question regarding .fx implementation through the GUI.

I use a DOF enbeffectprepass.fx that allows manual adjusting of all the parameters (blur strength, focal length, etc). Is there a way to implement the enbeffectprepass.fx into the GUI for easy editing so I don't have to run my game in windowed mode and alt-tab to change setting?

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.213

The GUI implementation process is the same for all external shader files.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.213

--JawZ-- wrote:The GUI implementation process is the same for all external shader files.
Thanks for responding. Forgive me for being daft. Since I don't know the process, is there a guide or instructions I can follow?

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.213

About AddDisplaySuperSamplingResolutions, will native res always be the ideal one to use for this?
Settings res to 720p and downscale to 1440p on a 1080p screen, looks lower quality than 1080p without downscaleing or is my eyes tricking me? :>
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.213

Try compressing a 4k texture to 512 texture that has very fine details in it and there will be jagged edges because of the amount of pixels that have been squeezed into the the smaller picture, or something like that.

A lower resolution with downscaling as you mention does not produce higher quality, native resolution should be used for best quality along with or without downscaling. Lower resolution will always mean lower quality.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.213

Борис, здравствуйте :) Понимаю, что возможно пошлете меня читать другие темы. Я хоть и читал про настройку enblocal, но все же по английски, мало того, надо связать все эти слова, что и как. Не могли бы подсказать, что выставить мне, под мои конфигурации компов?
Вот первый, 1гб 6850 видео, и 4гб оперативки(из них получается свободно только 2.5, ибо 1.5 съедает винда). И второй, там 2гб 660ti, и 8гб оперативки. Если не сложно для Вас, подскажите, что выставить, какие настройки :roll:

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.213

Radeon 6xxx вообще очень болезненная серия видеокарт, да еще оперативки мало. Будет фризить, тормозить и т.п., то следует увеличить или уменьшить VideoMemorySizeMb от -30% до +100%.
На втором можно пробовать точно так же параметр менять, но от 1800 до 6000, зависит от драйверов и программ запущенных. На 32 битной OS ставить то же самое, что с радеоном, но на 1024 больше.

x2 downsampling is optimal, because it use correct bilinear filter. Any different, like 1.8 or 2.2 will look ugly.

I did texture loading in shaders via annotations as "ResourceName" or "Name", this will help to load special texture similar to palette, but for another color calculations of shader pack i'm working on now (as replacement of sweetfx).
i9-9900k, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3060 12Gb, Win7
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