TES Skyrim 0.214

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.214

Hirlok wrote:
CruNcher wrote: Everyone is gonna benefit it's a absolute Win Win situation we are going into for the next years between Console and PC sharing the same ideas also in Hardware aspects that are coming :)
Biggest problem with consoles is that lazy devs dumb down games and game controls to make them compatible with console controllers and consolero-minds. A complex game that is worth playing requires complex and flexible controls.

Just look at Witcher 1 / 2 and one little detail that is annoying as fuck if you really play the game:
Witcher 1: q m q for a typical Journal / Map / Journal check
Witcher 2: q - ESC - m - ESC - q just because they developed the game for console and fed PC gamers a sloppy console port (and as far as I remember, you could not even change those key settings)... And CD ProjectRed is still one of the better ones...
Same goes for combat systems - the most realistic combat system atm is still M&B Warband (if you set it to manual block). All others focus on cinematic kill moves instead of designing a proper directional combat system or physical accuracy (e.g. the bullshit they call archery in Skyrim drives me crazy).

But ok - bit off topic here, will shut up now. Just had to vent a little - that console bs makes me angry.
Wait, what? :?

CD Projekt developed TW2 first and foremost to PCs and then ported it over to the XBox.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.214

The Skyrim engine's thread management is too unpredictable. I have 2 saves on Solitude, and one loads fine while the other couldn't. If I load one worked first, the other one loads if I don't exit the game. When I set ReduceSystemMemoryUsage=false, the save that failed to load would load fine without using the one worked.

Boris, what happens to all other MEMORY flags such as VideoMemorySizeMb when ReduceSystemMemoryUsage=false? Also, what happened to the IgnoreThreadManagement flag?
Last edited by skysan4298 on 07 Sep 2013, 14:04, edited 1 time in total.
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OrganicENB SE
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.214

im not sure how but i could get this issue quiet good under control i developed a 20x load test for this to be able to anytime test it again and currently i have no CTDs after a load with these test sequences :)
Though it's much to complex to fully analyze this state safe stuff in terms of the complexity of the system, Papyrus and the .esp/.esm mod layer and everything but be assured it can be get under control im @ this stage currently on my Intel/Nvidia system :)
There are hard CTD situations though that are unavoidable it seems if you for example remove certain mods from a cell (they don't have to have scripts or anything) and then load that it can CTD and recovering such a savegame state that you can't enter anymore seems impossible.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.214

Bug report:
Visual glitches occur when you have both FixParallaxBugs=true and EnableTemporalAA=true. One frame out of every few hundred goes fubar; it looks as if TAA is getting momentarily confused about where the camera is pointing. This happens even if you don't actually have any parallax meshes/textures installed.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.214

aleanne wrote:
CorvoAttano77 wrote:
KuroTenshi wrote:CorvoAttano77

I advise you Unreal Cinema ENB or Chidosity ENB V2. Both very beautiful and performance friendly.
Thanks but I have my own custom ENB that I created from scratch, currently with DOF turned off. I don't want to replace the whole thing with someone else's ENB, I just want to understand how to set DOF to get blur in the distance.
You just replace your enbeffectprepass.fx with theirs and enable DOF in your enb
Ah, thank you :)

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.214

Reverting back changes of 0.214 version to 0.213 as don't see any positive reports, on the contrary saw posts that lovely flawless crapware bring even greater experience to players.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.214

Boris, there is always a dickhead that have to tell other works is shit. If they realy think that enb is crap, why do they have to post it? Ignore those people. We and you know you are doing a great job! Without your continous work on enb i would have lost interest in skyrim soon after its release. Everyday i look into this forum to see if there is something new, or look into the gallery to see what others do with their enb sets. It´s nice to get away from real life for some time. I think i know what do you feel about humanity and how bad most of them act. If it helps, there are enough among them who handle others with respect, those respect you for what you are and what you are doing!
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.214

Still trying to fix bugs of fake antialiasing via geometry offsets, for some objects it work relatively good, at cost of performance
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.214


On my system it seems that TAA is near flawless of glitchiness as long as fps is always within 10 fps of last cell's framerate. Example, transitioning int/ext repeatedly, going int from ext shows slight ghosting for that cell (assuming my framerate adjusted to higher value from entering int cell). If I continue to another interior cell, with same approximation of framerate (first cell 60fps and second cell within 50-60fps), ghosting is reduced/eliminated. Same is true for reverse. Ext to int, framerate changes; ghosting appears until next cell transition. Loading an exterior cell that had ghosting produces no ghosting in the loaded save. I don't know if this helps or not, just giving info of my experience.

Difference between 0.213 and 0.214...

Removing FixPhysics seems to have made a more stable play, especially ext cells. I was using 0.213 and earlier with this feature enabled, and with 0.214 I feel that I never needed it to begin with. In my opinion, leave it out and save space. People just need to use V-Sync to keep physics from going wacko.
Last edited by MOTOSXORPIO on 07 Sep 2013, 17:57, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.214

I would have stopped playing skyrim 9 months ago if it weren't for ENB (in fact I did stop for a long time and only returned because I saw some screenshots by JoPinapple that made me want to achieve the same resuls).

Becoming more important since I have now inherited Somber Lut Sepia so time to really start digging into JawZ guides if I am going to be able to update it ... and perhaps make my own version at some point.

214 has been better for me in general. I improved my ability to do x2 down-sampling and slightly smoother game play. I haven't had very many issues with TAA and overall works well for me on my system.
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