Real life photos, for ENB inspiration ;)

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Re: Real life photos, for ENB inspiration ;)

You're welcome :)

The general look will be ok for me, haven't always had a DSLR camera you know so I'm fairly good at estimating and compensating for any color deviation in the pictures ;)
It's the overall look that counts for me, always some interesting effect in a photo whether it's from a phone camera or a DSLR camera with a really good lens.

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Re: Real life photos, for ENB inspiration ;)

On my way to work... :arrow:




After work... a few hours ago...


Finally adjusted to Widescreen mode, double the mega pixels to 6 :)





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Re: Real life photos, for ENB inspiration ;)

And again OhKay a very nice addition to this thread :)

I'm not that used to capturing fast motion or taking nights shoots but I did take a few and here are 2 of them;

"Frozen" rain;

Moon light through clouds;

Took them mostly to have as a reference for enbraindrops texture and coloring for nights in a rough estimate.

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Re: Real life photos, for ENB inspiration ;)

A couple shoots from the near by beach;






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Re: Real life photos, for ENB inspiration ;)

Mysigt! Vart är det någonstans? Har för mig att du bor i Dalarna däromkring.
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Re: Real life photos, for ENB inspiration ;)

Tackar :) Tog den på vägen te AF för å få godkänt om min nya CNC utbildning idag, synd att jag inte hann ta med morgon dimman dock.

Längre ned i Gräsmark utanför Sunne.
Det är "Gräsmarks playan" lång grunt som as ;)

Forgot to add yesterdays fog/mist weather captures;




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Re: Real life photos, for ENB inspiration ;)

Ah ska du plugga till CNC-tekniker eller liknande?
Jobbar själv som robottekniker men ska kliva ner till produktion vid årsskiftet. Beredskapen och övertiden tar kol på mig. :shock:
Själv bor jag ganska nära Vättern och den pölen är verkligen långgrunt! Gå en kilometer typ så har man vatten till knäna. Gå en meter till så är det fritt fall till botten. :D

Kontrar lite med morgondimma. ;)

Sorry for poor quality, my Galaxy S4 doesnt take the best photos... First shot is in Gothenburg, second at home around 5:15 AM...

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Re: Real life photos, for ENB inspiration ;)

Jepp det stämmer, vet dock ej ännu vad jag ska inrikta mig inom men det märks så småningom.
Ok, inte den bästa kombon precis, kan va ok till en början med lite extra pengar i slutet av månaden men till slut så blir det allt för mycket, vad jag sj har märkt av tidigare liknande jobb situation.
Jaså Vättern du, Rottnen är inte likadan den har olika steg av djuphet, mer lr mindre men så är den ju en mindre pöl av vatten ;)

Älskar sån där morgondimma, mystisk och ifall det var vid en lite senare, mörjkare tid så kan dä även vara lite "spök likt"

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Re: Real life photos, for ENB inspiration ;)

Really Great stuff from everyone :)

Though especially with colors it's not easy every of these digital sensors has their own interpretation of them

Also no one of the ENB Authors that try to create a Sound PBL approach work together and they have different ideas, which isn't bad but a consistent idea needs a consistent approach with very strict rules in the content and asset pipeline as well :(

It's like in Films there is 1 person who is responsible to combine all the different pipelines blending them together @ the end if their is no consistency visible (the compositor @ the color grading stage) but it's better to avoid this from the start for a Game especially by working entirely in a consistent defined environment though it's a dream seeing how vastly different Mod assets can be when you working with zillion of different content creation pipelines and individual ideas :(

We trying to get consistency in crazy amount of weather states combined with some amount of different light stages that blend inside each other as well (TOD)

There are imho only 4 really interesting approaches im looking very carefully @ in those regards

Realvision (Realistic Lighting) by skyrimtuner
--Jawz-- (own Weather)
Opethfeldt (own Weather) current evaluation (and i have to say i really miss some of --JawZ-- results i could achieve and have lost now :) )
Confidence-Man (own Weather)

in those regards also OhKays visual balance results are interesting, though there are many that look great also the new from michaelob look nice and of course gionights or saltr same for guzios :)
Last edited by CruNcher on 13 Sep 2013, 17:49, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Real life photos, for ENB inspiration ;)

Jobbat ett år som tekniker nu men med en tvååring hemma kan det bli för mycket faktiskt. Men jo, pengarna är bra.
Jag skulle vilja lära mig CNC. Det finns några robotanläggningar med CNC-mojänger i samma processgrupp. Jag tror också att det kommer bli mera av den sorten då helautomatiserade anläggningar får projektledarna att dregla. :P
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