TES Skyrim 0.236

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.236

I do not have invisible underwater bug. All effects enabled
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.236

It appears that I'm experiencing the same issue with the invisible underwater with the latest files:

TESV 2013-11-17 01-13-25-66 by Wanako Works, on Flickr

TESV 2013-11-17 01-14-10-92 by Wanako Works, on Flickr

I also tried disabling Displacement and saw no improvement. I've got nVidia 331.65 drivers on a 780, so it's not AMD specific. Suggestions?
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.236

Yep same here in the previous water rendering suddenly stopped working and in the newest it works only if water is disabled how crazy, though it seems the underwater rendering is working only the surface and reflections are problematic ?

Though im still on the WHQL maybe a enbseries.ini update mismatch happened when doing load/saves ?

Everything enabled Water Disabled

ok reverted back to the older 236 and had problems with the newer settings as well so i disabled all the checkmarks and save/load no change then apply changes and it changed back to good :) so the old is still working now whenever you change any of the water related checkmarks always make sure to immediately do a save/apply changes and check the result right after that. I will do that now to find the option which causes the water surface and reflections to fail, it seems this happens already with 236a on a given configuration setup.

Boris isn't it possible to mark all the options that when changed need a shader recompile with a (apply) behind them ?

Yup Unreal Warfare is right 236a is also affected as soon as you enable displacement for underwater while enabled all of the water options underwater fails

yup as soon as you enable underwater displacement alone underwater fails also
Last edited by CruNcher on 17 Nov 2013, 10:37, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.236

Be sure to disable both Displacement settings under [WATER] and [UNDERWATER] when testing for the invisible water bug. I have this issue when I enable either.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.236

Though Failing is wrong the underwater rendering is ok as such but the underwater surface rendering fails it could be that we might have the wrong displacement map maybe, could explain the blank surface i guess, i have none of them yet installed ;) ?

Unreal it's only the EnableDisplacement Underwater option causing it the water option EnableDisplacement doesn't trigger the failing so i guess you should only enable the Underwater EnableDisplacement if you have a working Displacement Map either that or it's indeed a bug, though i doubt Boris has overseen that ;)
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.236

I don't understand the reason of underwater surface fail. It's actually water surface, displacement code is the same as for upper water. All i do for it is mrt rendering which is incompatible with antialiasing, but i don't think that old users use hardware antialiasing.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.236

interesting so i guess even without a proper displacement map it shouldn't fail then it seems to be driver and or GPU related

wanako and me have the same WHQL Driver 331.65 i guess you tested with 314.22 WHQL ?

Me though is Fermi wanako and you are Kepler :)
Last edited by CruNcher on 17 Nov 2013, 11:06, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.236

Here is a test without mrt for underwater surface, if it will work (but with strange bugs probably), then it's antialiasing somehow affect or drivers probably.

EDIT: file deleted
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.236

fails also boris

though it works for you you are on kepler though 314.22 WHQL and wanako is on kepler though 331.65 WHQL like me and it fails for him like it fails for me on Fermi with the same Driver :)

i would say it's a Driver issue else it's hardly explainable why it works for you, except if you need urgently a correct displacement map for the water in general though then it would be strange why water displacement enable works without failing on the surface also without displacement map so all in all only the Driver is left ;)

Boris btw MRT i wonder their is a Engine option for MRT when this was enabled it caused a black screen do you hook with ENB into these functionality of the Engine that seems not got finished for Skyrim ?
So could it mean they prepare Deffered Rendering for Fallout 4 maybe and it will be again a newer Creation Engine ?

I doubt somehow they will have ported the whole Creation Engine RPG Logic to IDtech 5 in this short timeframe :D
Last edited by CruNcher on 17 Nov 2013, 11:40, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.236

Ok, i'll try to install that driver, if it exist for WinXP.

BTW, because i'm already computing volumetric shadows for underwater and two users wrote about it for the normal locations, may be some mod available which remove that ugly discrete shadow moving by time and make shadows be projected from sun direction instead of abstract something? Even if i'll do shorter visibility distance of volumetric shadows, it still awful when sun visible on screen. Apply it only for foggy weather, when sun is guaranteed not visible...?
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