TES Skyrim v0.106 BETA test

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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: TES Skyrim v0.106 BETA test

I'm developing new version, based on 0.105 with some code from 0.103 to fix problems of shadows, so nothing to worry about.
i9-9900k, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3060 12Gb, Win7


Re: TES Skyrim v0.106 BETA test

Boris love your work. Your shaders are the best but I have a problem :( can you optimize this in your next version 107?
I got new published in 29.02.2012 Windows 8 Consumer Preview and this windows give me a loot of fps boosting for my games. For Skyrim was 10-20 fps boost but your shaders don't work :( I think maybe is the new WDDM 1.2 driver my ne graphic ID is sD3DDevice="ATI Radeon HD 5800 Series (Engineering Sample - WDDM v1.20)" not "ENB" and my game crash or stop responding. This windows 8 is great this is the futures ultra light 0.8 mb ram and improve my 70% of my games. Tnx hope you are gonna optimize for windows 8 and play smooth new enb whit windows 8.

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Re: TES Skyrim v0.106 BETA test

No, Win8 will not be supported untill it official release and when i buy it with new hard drive (and i not planning to do this, absolutely).
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Re: TES Skyrim v0.106 BETA test

For me version 105 had awesome performance but did not improve the picture much past making dark regions darker and light lighter. It did not have the aesome graphical effect. Maybe something on my end.
Yet my request is focused elsewhere. How compatible is this and all further releases of the mod with the custom presets. I really like both Atmospheric ENB and Superl3 ENB presets, but they are based on 102. Will it work ok if I port them over to the new build?
UPDATE: Tried this out, did not work. By the way, the injector doesn't seem to work on it's own either. It does the same as 105 - increases contrast between light and dark but really does not improve the picture quality. Regardless of me trying to hook up old presets.
105 работает очень быстро, но картинка изменилась очень мало - просто увеличился контраст между тёмным и светлым. Мозможно локальная проблема.
Я могу переводить настройки, базирующиеся на 102 версии в эту? Меня конкретно инересуют Atmospheric ENB и Superl3. Прекрасные настройки, но производительность 102, по сравнению с иньйектором, ни к чёрту.
Кстати: как мне мой DeviceID ввести? В дефолте отсутсвуют линии, и я не знаю как конкретно они должны выгдядеть. Вроде

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Re: TES Skyrim v0.106 BETA test

Тьфу блин! Ну сколько можно уже всовывать из патча или из версий от других игр параметры? Все, пошел я отсюда.
i9-9900k, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3060 12Gb, Win7

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Re: TES Skyrim v0.106 BETA test

Каких других игр?
Да, и как мне DeviceID то ввести?

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Re: TES Skyrim v0.106 BETA test

about win8
you can run ENBInjector.exe (0.106) if set compatibility with windows 7
(for me it works at radeon 6930 Driver version 8.930.7.0, windows 8 build 8250)
And try to update directx from msdn.


Re: TES Skyrim v0.106 BETA test

hi ppl.
im a twaker of nbs since some time, on bunch of games, wanted to know if this new versions, including previous ones, are exclusively for Skyrim? i want to use and make my mods using effect.txt files which are suported on versions +0.102, as i readed. im not near of my pc for some days, so have lot of curiosity now, i didnt had idea you continued this project of yours! :mrgreen:
thx for all Boris and sorry if this was posted in wrong section.

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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: TES Skyrim v0.106 BETA test

These versions are for TES Skyrim only and will not work for other games. Similar to GTA4 or Deus Ex HR versions.
i9-9900k, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3060 12Gb, Win7

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Re: TES Skyrim v0.106 BETA test

Почему вы собираетесь делать ENB только для ATI карт? Ну предложили вам "сотрудничество", по-моему гордиться этим надо, а не думать о том какой наш мир коррупционный.
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