Cruncher, please get your basics right.CruNcher wrote:Btw i was wrong my Video their shows the typical engine UGRID issue, not sure why the setting failed to be applied previously
already fixes it on those 2 major parts though a 3rd testscase isn't even fixed with uGridsToLoad=7 i will look into this 3rd level part more carefully it's pretty tricky from the distance though still perceptual problematic in the Gameplay flow
Im very very surprised that Bethesda chose the default uGridsToLoad=5 for Ultra it is definitely not enough by any means for their own level Design setup that's pretty crazy it makes 0 sense it's much to obvious what happens (see my video of testcase1).
Though Z-fighting now becomes a more obvious problem even @ 6 maybe Bethesda tried to avoid it by the lower ugrid setup also @ ultra and making the decission Z-fighting is more evil then mesh lod fading in your face ?
How does the Witcher 2 compensates this ? Distant Lod vs Z-fighting ?
You're only supposed to use odd numbers for the ugrids.
It's been that way since Oblivion.