Mass Effect + enb screenshot thread

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Re: Mass Effect + enb screenshot thread

Hi guys !

dpeasant what you have done look really fantastic :o ! Can you upload what files you are using ?

I mean, make it simple for us, take the necessary files from your mass effect 3 folder, post them here and we just have to download them and paste them in our installation folder.

I hope you will do it !

Thanks in advance.


Re: Mass Effect + enb screenshot thread

pls upload all files for get this effect ty

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Re: Mass Effect + enb screenshot thread

Are you using this settings in effect.txt ?

Code: Select all

// HDR Settings.
float Defog=0.300; // Strength of FogColor, higher = more.
float4 FogColor={0.3, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; // Lens-style color filters for Blue, Red, Yellow, White.
float Exposure=0.400; // Contrast settings, higher = brighter, but also more white.
float Gamma=0.100; // Gamma settings for darker or lighter shadows and dark areas, higher = darker.
float BlueShift=1.0; // Shifts entire color spectrum towards blue, good for images too yellow, but this is global.

// Saturation Levels.
float sat = 0; // Saturation levels, higher values = less saturation, 0 = off.

// Sharpen effect settings. For some good settings try using double your resolution in sxres and syres, and keep sharp strength double the offset. 
float sharps = 0.00; // Sharpen Strength.
float offsetv = 0.50; // Offset value, higher = more offset from center.
float sxres = 1600; // Horizontal Resolution setting.
float syres = 1200; // Vertical Resolution setting.
float aspect = 1.5; // Aspect Ratio.
In enbseries.ini I added

Code: Select all

but this is personal taste if you like more or less saturation.
What does float VignetteRadius do (from 0.00 to 1.00)??
this is offtopic but what if you use blueshift in Skyrim (in enbseries.ini) and float BlueShift=1.0 in effect.txt ? Does is stacks : I mean, does it do more "bluing" ?
Unfortunately , I can't run Sykrim anymore.

Boris, this in another request when will you have time:
can you add in old enb (0.74f, the one is used for ME2/3) under the [COLORCORRECTION] or in [BLOOM] this parameters:

Code: Select all

Athlon xp 2800, HD 3650, 1.5 Gb

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Re: Mass Effect + enb screenshot thread

Blue shift is used inside bloom shader, because this effect naturally appear in there (if properly apply bloom math). In effect.fx all data is not hdr, so blue shift will be just a color filter, nothing interesting. In old versions it's not required, because no hdr data, again it will be just color filter, easy to write in effect.txt
i9-9900k, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3060 12Gb, Win7


Re: Mass Effect + enb screenshot thread

dpeasant какие настройки вы используете чтобы добиться такого изображения?


Re: Mass Effect + enb screenshot thread

I really those files so badly.

I know the creator of enb won't support this game, but what dpeasant have accomplished is really awesome and improve the gaming experience.

So please, stop our pain :lol: give us those files !

Thanks in advance and keep up the good job.

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Re: Mass Effect + enb screenshot thread

Looks very awesome :D
It's v0.075, right? Any performance drops ingame (only got 40fps with 8xSGSSAA left)?

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Re: Mass Effect + enb screenshot thread

Well, guys, thanks. Gotta pack everything up and upload here, maybe even today.
PS im using oblivion enb.dll, old one, it eats up FPS pretty much in this game, im playing with 16xCSAA(due to the fact i have shitty screen, it doesnt really improves image quality. Its just 1280x1024 + 10 y.o. scree, syncmaster 172s :oops: ) + 2x transparancy supersampling + ssao. If you use d3d9.dll from SA(0075 or 0074) fps loss will be minimal, like up to 5 fps. But i have flickering screen with them. Didnt try burnout paradise one, though.
Also, ill try to explain option inside effect.txt, most of the options are the same as in the skyrims enbeffect.fx(tonemap options). FXAA .dll will be included too.

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Re: Mass Effect + enb screenshot thread

I can reupload anywhere, just name some nice hostings.
PS To install, just unpack where game .exe is.
Shift+f12 = on\off

Posts: 65
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Re: Mass Effect + enb screenshot thread

Thanks for answer and the fast upload :D

About other hosts: I used mediafire for some long time. Now i have found (multiple languages, russian to).
Free hosting up to 2GB files, no Download/Upload speed limit and you can set files public/private and protect them with passwords. :)
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