GTA 4 v0.163

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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: GTA 4 v0.163

If you ask me, i don't know, never saw rays shader. The code to get position of sun on screen is
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Re: GTA 4 v0.163

someone here have enb v0.128 zip if yes can u please share it cuz other don't work on my amd hd 7970 :( :evil:

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Re: GTA 4 v0.163

Hello Boris.

As no one seems to report that (maybe i'm too stupid, don't know)
The sun position is kind of offset compared to the game sun.


Below is the sun position visualisation thingy that you posted just to show you, and top is the game sun.

I was wondering if that wasn't because the skydome is probably changing depending of the visualsettings.dat or something and that the information from the sun that you get is not the same ?

And, yes. the UVs are correct, it doesn't move everywhere when i move the camera, so it's fine for this part. it follows the sun in correct world space.
Just that it's offset in Y for weird reasons.

I first thought that it was the aspect ratio but it didn't make sense to think that because it would make the sun move with my camera if it wasn't correct... so yep....

Is that something I could change in the SunDirection thingy?

Thank you.

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Re: GTA 4 v0.163


I'm reading sun direction, transforming it to screen space, standart procedure, don't know what is wrong, but i see the problem myself now. Well, time for trials and errors.
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Re: GTA 4 v0.163

I have no idea how sun direction computed by the game. Vector seems in world space, sky shaders have worl and wvp matrices, but sun direction exist in pixel and vertex shaders, but they are different. In the math, both of them somehow computed the unknown way to me, it's not matrix math. Better to forget about this, i don't want to bother with experiments, restarting the game and looking unskipable damned logos with awful faces, running down the stairs to get outside, these all makes me crazy.
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Re: GTA 4 v0.163

Even the lighting is not matching the sun dot anyway in this game, that's probably what you're getting I suppose...
Thank you for trying, I thought it was me being crazy :P

How could they create a sun direction for direct light without having a float4x4 ?

Thank you anyway, Boris. It's really no use to bother doing it much, it seems that no one even reported this thing. IV is kind of forgotten I guess nowadays and V is coming soon too...

Cheers :)

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Re: GTA 4 v0.163

The math for sun direction is strange from my viewpoint, it use vertices positions of sky hemisphere, add to them something, then move it from vertex shader to pixel shader and there computed again by own pixel shader sundirection vector. May be i just forgot, but probably sky in gta4 have different matrix, don't remember in which game i saw that (testing this is simple, rotate camera and compare some object on horison and point on the sky, cloud perhaps, if angle between them differ depending from camera rotation, it's definetly not same matrices), but this also do not help much. Unfortunately game don't have cheats to speedup gameplay time, that could help to make matrix which correct values or to build table.
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Re: GTA 4 v0.163

I see. Thank you for explaining,
I get it now - but I still find it strange that it's like that though!

For gameplay speedup, you can use a trainer. (it'll avoid you to have the stupid going down the stairs all the time shit as you go through walls) and you can speedup the time, etc. ... 40patch.7z

I just packed up Simple Native Trainer from my IV folder with Scripthook for 1030/1040 patch. I don't know what patch you use but I think you use this one as it's the best patch for IV anyway for modern computers.

F6 allows you to go in Airbreak mode - use the numpad to go through every buildings. no need to wait anymore or play the game.

F3 brings you the menu, use the numpad again to go to Time and you can even speedup the time or just go to minutes and make it faster.

Hope this helps, or I can do a quick video of where the sun direction we get from ENB vs the sun in a full day cycle and stuff. You decide, if you really want to do that fix or not. Because it's IV after all ;p

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Re: GTA 4 v0.163

Sorry, i can't use trainers or any untrusted software on my pc because of some of my job projects. The patch is latest from Steam version of the game, i tried to downgrade to fourth, but game showed me error of no sufficient video memory available and it ignorant any changes to functions which return vram size. This probably because i'm with winxp sp2 (and i can't upgrade to sp3, because some software fail to work, may be it's patch installs incorrectly or it's problem of sp3). I'll just wait in the game, may be sun move by single path, just few more hours of my life.
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Re: GTA 4 v0.163

Oh yeah - I'm sorry, I totally forgot that point about the not trusted 3rd party stuff!
About the sun, it's always the same path no matter what.

If there is something I can do to help you in any way with this like testing or footage or whatever, please let me know. And thank you for wanting to fix that issue!

Thanks :)
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