TES Skyrim 0.246

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.246

С луной, по-моему, напортачил..( Сейчас просто силуэт и ни на что не реагирует.
И раньше нормально, вроде, всё работало...
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.246

У меня все работает.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.246

Guys, i'm stuck with haze too much and need suggestions, because only wasting time unable to find solution. The main problem is that haze is already "included" in color of the sky, can't apply it again as this will require reducing a lot parameters of the sky gradient, similar story with volumetric rays, they makes air brighter, but it's already tweaked by users as sky color.
First of all, i'd like to hide horizon by the haze, it's simplest fogging of horizon line with fade by vertical axis and by distance from camera. If i'll use the same math near the camera (which is correct), then sky will be in haze also, above head less of it of course, but it's still bad as gives not clear image. That's why i think now that near and far haze math must differ, near must almost not affect sky (unless tweaked per weather), may be to apply fog to the bottom only, while far is horizon haze together with fade in to bottom. Sounds like optimal solution against existing problems, BUT sky is almost hemisphere, so far horizon is not far enough and mountains have relatively similar distance as horizon have, the result is that their haze is also looks like split of world in top/bottom by haze (see screenshots of comparizon). I can't apply far haze only to the sky, because will not be smooth transition to water or terrain, which ends up before sky. Very non linear distance factor for far haze also do not work, because of that holes when mountains and water are not visible after certain distance. Partially ignoring far distance and apply angle based fogging there will solve issue with empty areas between terrain/water and sky dome, but this not helps at all for distant mountains having same far haze math applied (which look "sharper"). And of course non linear fading for correcting this issue is impossible, because entire idea of angle based far haze will be broken. Probably i'll do haze volumes later, but this also do not solve the problem of hiding horizon.
So what you may suggest, except of ignoring horizon and not try to hide it by haze? Please do not post any thoughts, make sure you completely understand what you say and how it may work.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.246

Вообще-то, выглядит неплохо (возможно из-за увеличенного FOV). На 1 и 2 скринах один и тот же метод?
На 2-ом, конечно, разница в дальности уже хромает, и вертикальный градиент тоже..
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.246

skysan4298 wrote:Kyo,
You and UNREAL are very famous ENB modders. :D
http://www.dsogaming.com/screenshot-new ... -fabulous/

Why am I there amongst such beautiful looking profiles? lol.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.246

Coz you deserve to be, Ha ! :D

Off-Top Noob questions
Is it doable to add a "displacement speed" to water parameters ?
Also, is it possible to emulate a negative LOD Bias via ENBSeries ?
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.246

Not sure if this was brought up before, but would it be achievable to create a gradual stronger sky reflection upon the water leading to the horizon line with the sky?

This could potentially lessen the horizon line contrast and with the haze in your top example, would probably give the illusion to mask most of it.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.246

What is it supposed to do, displacement speed? Sounds not like waves speed, which i can't change.
I've never used negative lod bias and only have two ideas how it can be implemented, one is simple, another is not (via modifying shaders, each texture read instruction). What is so special in it? For me this is just noisy image like point filtering type.

Not sure if i understood. Do you mean that if water will reflect 100% of the sky, then it will look like sky and difference between sky dome and water will be hidden? If that what you mean - no, result will be different, the sky have dark area on horizon and water always placed visually below horizon line. Also this not solve the same issues with landscape. My old idea was to blend sky on to objects by transparency to hide these issues and solve some fog bugs too, but on practice this looks very unnatural, plus i still need to hide that dark area below sky gradient (of course it would be simple to change colors for the sky, but not enough unfortunately).
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.246

Hi Boris. I have a humble request for your consideration. Would it be possible to add a slider for shadows on grass? I see you recommend bShadowsOnGrass=1 in SkyrimPrefs.ini, however something I have noticed is that at night, mostly during rain storms, and especially when EnableDetailedShadow is on, grass shadows can make the grass seem completely black. Here's an example:

With bShadowsOnGrass=0

With bShadowsOnGrass=1

It actually looks about right to me with bShadowsOnGrass=0 and EnableDetailedShadow=true, and I would leave bShadowsOnGrass=0 if it didn't look so darn good during the day, and most of the time in fact outside these few weather scenarios. I have tweaked the heck out of Ambient curve and intensity and half a dozen other settings but none seem to directly control this.

Of course this would need to be in the per-weather configurations due to the circumstances of when it shows up being specific to certain weathers.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.246


Opethfeldt posted a fix for that a while back.
Not sure if it fixed all weathers but I still use it.
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