TES Skyrim 0.250

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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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TES Skyrim 0.250

The Elder Scrolls Skyrim (TES Skyrim, Скурим Свитки)

Graphic mod ENBSeries / patch ENBoost 0.250

Changed ENBoost, now it support up to 128 Gb of memory or about 192 when compression enabled, may be this will be useful for the future. Don't forget to update ENBHOST.EXE file. Added mist effect, it may work without helper plugin, but then absolute world positioning will not work, so grab enbhelper from http://www.dev-c.com/skyrim/. I'll fix all it artifacts in updates.

Update from 6 february 2014:
Added anchors editor for mist effect to allow modify vertical offset of the mist in different places (check forum thread to get more details about anchors). Now the mist (which is fog and haze in same effect) have all required properties and i'm not planning to add new, so feel free to build presets with it. Increased startup performance.

Anchors for the mist are saved in enbseries folder in file _mist_anchors.xml. EnableAnchors is new parameter under [MIST] category of enbseries.ini. Now the idea behind this - modify vertical offset of the mist by special objects placed in the world (different worlds actually, per WorldSpaceID stored), but only for current camera position to keep nice performance (compared to fully 3d modification of mist similar to displacement). To see how it works, set VerticalOffsetDay/Night/Sunrise/Sunset parameters to 0, VerticalFade parameters also to 0, Density parameter of the mist =2 or something similar. Then use TFC console command to fly above line of fog, which is close to Riverwood placement by vertical world axis. Uh, almost forgot, RelativeToCamera parameters of course must be set to 0, otherwise it's different story. Okay, open anchor editor and press button CREATE ANCHOR, new anchor will be spawned in to same position, where camera is, move a little back to see anchor itself. Notice how fog line was changed, it was at zero level of world space vertical axis previously, but with anchor spawned it use anchor position as zero vertical level. If one anchor only exist in current WorldSpaceID, then everywhere will be the same level. If several anchors, then interpolation will be used between them to compute vertical offset of the mist in current camera position. Current limit of anchors number per WorldSpaceID is 65535, but on practice about 500 will be enough for entire landscape (i guess so), because of low detail of the mist in 3d space.

i9-9900k, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3060 12Gb, Win7

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.250

WOWOW now my Weekend is already sheduled :D

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.250

Sorry Boris but it tells Mein Big red letters
Error! ENBHOST.EXE Proccess failed. (yes i updated it)
Ran it as administrator and disabled even the Antivirus completley.

enblocal.ini Memory values are:

Windows7 x64, 8GB ram.

*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.250

Played around with it a little bit, landscape finally disappears into fog seamlessly. Tons of parameters to tweak, too. Great stuff! Will definitely keep me busy for a long while.
NLA v.2.0 beta - A test version of the latest NLA release.
Natural Lighting and Atmospherics for ENB - A Skyrim weather mod and preset.
High-Res bark textures - Some bark textures I made.
Dark Souls 2 ENB preset - Preset for Dark Souls 2.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.250

Works fine for me. I definitely hope to benefit from 128gb support xD

Mangaclub wrote:Sorry Boris but it tells Mein Big red letters
Error! ENBHOST.EXE Proccess failed. (yes i updated it)
Ran it as administrator and disabled even the Antivirus completley.
You can't just disable the AV. In will still do it's *censored* job as a service integrated into your OS. So i think it's still your AV. Something like: "this file has changed! we're under attack! i shalt prevent it from loading at all cost!".
i5 2500k@4.0ghz - 24Gb RAM - R9-290 4Gb Tri-X - SSD 240gb Intel 520 - Win7x64

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.250

The effect works like a charm!!!

Ill check this enbhost problem a bit later, right now i just cannot close skyrim :D

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.250

Works fine and the mist is beautiful. It instantly makes for a more epic feel of distance/grandness as well.
Intel i7-2700K @ 3.5Ghz | Win 8.1 64-bit | Crucial SSD 256GB | Samsung SSD 850 EVO 500GB | Crucial DDR3 1333MHz 8GB | XFX AMD Radeon R9 380 4GB | AOC D2757 27" @ 1920 x 1080

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.250

Wow! Amazing Boris, No more of that nasty harsh horizon line. Simply stunning, and for me zero performance loss.
Win 7 / i7 4770k / 16gig ram / Gaming gtx 1080

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.250

ReduceSystemMemoryUsage=false - means enbhost.exe not used, because memory manager disabled.
i9-9900k, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3060 12Gb, Win7

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.250

Forgot to say, if you see flickering line on horizon where the clouds and sky gradient ending, this is not the bug. It's because below that area there is no sky dome. If you want to fix this, make additional lower hemisphere for sky, let it be a bit bigger to not touch existing hemisphere (please do not modify it as positions!!!), even detached by vertices. I've tried some ideas to draw inverted and stretched sky to fill that hole below horizon, but not sure if will do this, this depends from other mods, don't want to break them.
i9-9900k, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3060 12Gb, Win7
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