TES Skyrim 0.250

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.250

Thanks for the latest version Boris, the new features are a welcome addition and frankly, what ENB does to this game is astounding!

The IgnoreWeatherSystem settings are great, however, from my perspective what would be most useful for me is to have ability to Ignore Interior settings only. Not sure about anybody else so I only speak for myself here, but I do not tweak interior settings based on current weather and thus all of my interior settings across all of my various weather ini's are identical. If I do decide that an interior setting needs to change, I now have to apply that change to every weather ini. While this is workable it is not ideal. My thoughts on how to implement something like this would be for ENB to work on a setting priority system whereby if a certain setting is not present in a weather ini, ENB would use the default ENBSERIES value for that setting. For example, if weather1.ini does not contain the DirectLightingIntensityInteriorDay setting, ENB would apply DirectLightingIntensityInteriorDay from ENBSERIES.INI. Not sure the best way to represent this type of situation in the GUI, perhaps the Weather GUI window would display "OVERRIDE" beside this setting to indicate ENB is using the value from ENBSERIES.

The above might sound more complicated than it is but I believe it would provide a fairly flexible approach for ENB to determine which settings are to be "ignored" by the weather system.

In any case, this is just a suggestion from my perspective and how I am approaching tweaking multiple weathers, other tweakers may disagree to this type of approach.

Another aspect that I was hoping could be applied to enhance multiple weathers is to provide ability for ENBEFFECT (and other shaders perhaps) to have knowledge of the current weather. This has been discussed before and aborted due to perceived complexity of ENBEFFECT to react to multiple values. However, the way that I would approach this from a code perspective (I am not a coder, just a hacker) is as follows:

ENB to provide the following new variables into ENBEFFECT:

1. Incoming Weather ID_INDEX
2. Outgoing Weather ID_INDEX
3. Current transition point.

For the above, I would suggest using the weatherlist.ini group title number for ID_INDEX variable of each weather, therefore,

[WEATHER001] makes ID_INDEX = 1
[WEATHER002] makes ID_INDEX = 2

ENBEFFECT variables could then be kept in arrays to accommodate any number of different values (within reason).

Code: Select all

/*									Day		Night	Interior	*/
float3 gamma[TOT_WEATHERS] = {	
	/* SUNNY */					float3(1.00 ,	1.00 ,	1.00 ),
	/* FOGGY */					float3{0.75 ,	0.60,	1.00 ) };
	/* etc */
float3 saturation	.....
float3 brightness	.....
float3 contrast		.....

int in_w_id 	= EIncomingWeatherId - 1;
int ou_w_id 	= EOutgoingWeatherId - 1;
float trans	= EWeatherTransition;

float in_gamma = lerp( lerp( gamma[in_w_id].y, gamma[in_w_id].x, ENightDayFactor), gamma[in_w_id].z, EInteriorFactor );
float ou_gamma = lerp( lerp( gamma[ou_w_id].y, gamma[ou_w_id].x, ENightDayFactor), gamma[ou_w_id].z, EInteriorFactor );
float new_gamma = lerp( ou_gamma, in_gamma, trans);
Or something like that. There are issues of variable management once the weather ID groups reach a certain point, most likely beyond trying to maintain in a GUI. The code is pretty simple and should run reasonably fast if the participating variables are kept to a minimum.

Clearly having all current ENBEFFECT parameters applied this way will likely result in decreased performance, but I believe that most configs will only concern themselves with the major ones such as Gamma, Contrast, Brightness and Saturation which makes it quite feasible. That being said, this approach does not limit what the user wants to include.

I have not thought it through entirely but this does seem workable. Just some suggestions that may be worthy of consideration for you. The current implementation is certainly very workable as is.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.250

You were planning to "rescale" quality levels and adding " -2 " values, did you drop the thing for now ?
I'm rescaling only when quality increased at least by one level, but performance not changed or performance increased by one quality level.
Is it possible to expand to " -1 " the ones clamped to 0 for now ? (Skylighting...) Pointless ?
Skylighting is buggy and i will not do anything unless fix it.
Are you actually planning major additions, just a selfish question as I have to update 3 presets in order to release them if ever ?
Yes, but they do not affect presets probably. Similar to mist. In general i planned editors for volumetric clouds and fog, lights (hard to say about this, who needs static lights, even millions of them?), small objects like stones, may be static ambient occlusion map, blurred reflection for skin, may be hack for hairs shader.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.250

While I would love the idea of having an enbeffect.fx file for each weather then unless it is an entire file then it is kinda pointless.

If all you want is "saturation, brightness, contrast" then you already have this option. It is simply a matter of creating and loading in the image space values, which are weather and location dependent.
It would be a rather pointless waste of resources to add extra complexity and performance drop for something that a simple .esp file with image spaces can do at almost no cost. At least that is the way I see it.

I do agree entirely with the prospect of having the ability to just lock the interior values to the default ini file instead of the weather ones!
But oh well perhaps some day!

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.250

if a certain setting is not present in a weather ini
Impossible, mod generate missing setting automatically and i will not change this behavior ever.
What you asking is only increase complexity of presets without adding new features, i can always add some madness, f.e. per weather mist anchors with per time of the day properties and each acnhor have complete list of mist parameters, wanna spent year to tweak that?
Per weather setting in shaders not accepted, it's return to stupidness of modern games. Real life colors do not depends from weather, everything stays the same always. Second, this is technically impossible, constants registers are limited, not to count performance cost of such pervertion (the only way is to make scripts or some other preprocessor).
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.250

Per pixel normals are not required for any artistic style, i don't have per vertex normals and you can generate per triangle normals from depth. So what's the problem? Point me in to paper where normals required and which will not produce ugly artifacts in case of not per vertex.
Thanks for the tip about normals from depth, I didn't know that. I still think it would be fun to have more info in the shaders to experiment with. But,your choice of course. I'll stop talking about it now :)
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.250

I don't say "no" in general, but need to be 100% that some feature is really important and required.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.250

Real life colors do not depends from weather, everything stays the same always
Huh everything that changes light in some way changes the color response really crazy is human skin i think it will take a long time before we have a real good TOD dynamic Skin response simulation in Games :)
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.250

ENBSeries wrote:Dinkledorf
if a certain setting is not present in a weather ini
Impossible, mod generate missing setting automatically and i will not change this behavior ever.
What you asking is only increase complexity of presets without adding new features, i can always add some madness, f.e. per weather mist anchors with per time of the day properties and each acnhor have complete list of mist parameters, wanna spent year to tweak that?
Per weather setting in shaders not accepted, it's return to stupidness of modern games. Real life colors do not depends from weather, everything stays the same always. Second, this is technically impossible, constants registers are limited, not to count performance cost of such pervertion (the only way is to make scripts or some other preprocessor).
A simple "no" would have sufficed. I fail to see the reason to try and make me look stupid Boris.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.250

I've explained, because otherwise some may think i'm just an asshole who don't like the idea.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.250

I have been using this enb for a long time and loved it. I just updated to .25 and now the entire world is covered in a brown dust could looking sort of fog that is as tall as my character and no matter my elevation its always there. I changed nothing but updating this enb.

I adjusted
as told in the description and picked up the helper plug in at http://www.dev-c.com/skyrim/ to no avail. Does anyone know what happened and how I can fix it? Thank you very much for any help you can provide me.
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