Why is Skyrim chewing through my VRAM?

solving problems with low performance
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Joined: 03 Mar 2014, 10:20

Re: Why is Skyrim chewing through my VRAM?

Post your .ini settings and I'll take a look.
I'm starting to suspect your grass density might be too low in combination with ugrids/draw distances being too high for your hardware.

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Re: Why is Skyrim chewing through my VRAM?

Hm, Boris those settings definitely seem to of helped (I now hover at around 2.5gb usage of VRAM) but at certain times of day (say if I rest and it hits dawn) then it seems to dump some VRAM load onto the RAM (checked using Skyrim Performance Monitor) which then causes hitches when recaching the area (spinning around quickly etc does this), is there any way to disable this or is it just something I'll have to put up with?

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Re: Why is Skyrim chewing through my VRAM?

Don't know, it's all very individual because of mods.
i9-9900k, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3060 12Gb, Win7

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Re: Why is Skyrim chewing through my VRAM?

Huh, strange problem I've been having recently is that after going from an interior to exterior cell at seemingly random times or performing a 1st person Killmove, my sound will pop and GPU usage will plummet to 0% until I restart my game, I've been hearing that there's issues with the 300 series of drivers from Nvidia though, so it could be that.
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