Skyrim - all versions of ENB cause freeze/white screen.

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Joined: 29 Apr 2014, 20:27

Skyrim - all versions of ENB cause freeze/white screen.

Greetings, first let me say that I have used many versions of ENB series for Skyrim throughout its development and I am very grateful for the work Mr. Vorontsov has done.

I'll get straight to the point with my problem. After coming back to Skyrim after many months of not playing, ENB series has suddenly changed its behavior for me. Without fail, any version of ENB after a few minutes causes Skyrim to freeze momentarily and then permanently lock to a white screen. I know this on my end. I would very much appreciate some help in locating the cause of the problem. I have never had this problem before when using ENB and it ONLY happens with Skyrim, I can use it with Fallout and other games just fine. I get great performance when it's running and there are no obvious visual problems. Everything works fine until I hit the whitescreen.

Something must have changed between the past and now to cause this problem, but I simply cannot figure out what it is. I have tried and tested nearly every version of ENB from 119 to 254 with no mods, no SKSE, and vanilla .ini settings except for what is required for ENB to function properly. I have tried different presets, but for testing purposes I have mostly used the stock settings downloaded directly from this website. As far as I can tell, no individual setting (such as SSAO or DoF etc) is causing this. I have played with the memory settings much with no avail.

I'm currently using CCC vs14.4 with a HD6870 -- My current [Memory] settings are -
ReservedMemorySizeMb=512 ( have tried 256)
VideoMemorySizeMb=0 ( have tried various other settings)

I have tried driver rollbacks to no avail, and I have used this card successfully with ENB Skyrim in the past. I'm using no overlays or overclocking utilities, no forced AA or filtering, disabled anti-virus. I know this is on my end and would love an outside opinion. I know my way around a computer but I am by no means a guru. If this has been resolved before I apologize but I have done a great deal of searching on this website and through Google. Perhaps I have missed something.

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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: Skyrim - all versions of ENB cause freeze/white screen.

This can be changes in driver options (ccc) which you not noticed (because of some driver version or once running RadeonPro or something similar). Try to disable memory manager functionality of the mod and restore skyrimprefs.ini and skyrim.ini to their defaults. Also if the issue happen after longer period of time when heavy effects disabled, it's hardware problem.
i9-9900k, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3060 12Gb, Win7

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Joined: 29 Apr 2014, 20:27

Re: Skyrim - all versions of ENB cause freeze/white screen.

Thanks for your input. Did a format of my hard drive to remove outside interference. This has produced stability up to 168 with all stock effects enabled at least. I lose stability somewhere after that. It doesn't appear to be related to the memory mods of ENB (removed all memory settings in enblocal and still have the same results). After extensive testing the crash seems triggered by the amount of settings enabled in the newer versions, possibly from the added strain put on the card. Strange thing is it never goes above 68c and I get at least 35 fps with all stock effects enabled even in the most intensive areas and I can push it even harder in other games with ENB without similar crashes. Guess I'll just accept it as hardware incompatibility with more recent versions of ENB.
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