I'm unsure where to post this so i've ended here.
I would like to share some informations related to Stereo3D (3Dvision / 3DTVplay) and ENB with you.
Fist, i want to say thank you to Boris for coding and sharing his ENB with us. I'm still playing Skyrim (+ 1103 hours)most because of ENB incredible features. Many time i still find myself enjoying graphics and thinking to myself: "Waooow, everything feels so right here, this lighting looks so natural, so believable... Really mind blowing stuff !". Thank you.
Even more recent engine like TESO cannot come close to what can be achieved with a properly set ENB
Now I have to tell you i managed to build a fairy good setup with ENB+3DvisionHelixmod fix but had to sacrifice many ENB features on the way only because of the 3Dvision wrong deferred shadow's display.
The result is already mindblowing with only 40% of working features of my customised S3D ENB (with SSAO, SSIL, DOF, reflexions, SubSurfaceScattering and adaptation that are working "right"). So can you imagine how stunning the result will be with full ENB features (skylighting, detailed shadows, proper settings separation...) and 3Dvision? I can see that (possible?) futur, and this is why i'm posting here trying to share my enthusiasm with you.
To fix shadows problem, Bdefferedshadows have to be set to 0 so shadows will display right with 3Dvision. The side effect of that necessary setting is also disableing many of the ENB cool features too:
- no more Skylighting
- no more Cloud shadows
- no more Detailed Shadows
- no more volumetric rays
- no more int/ext, sunset/sunrise separation (only global day/night)
Is there any chance that this wonderfull ENB tool will get full support for proper Skyrim's S3D (3Dvision) one day? The core problem for 3D compatibility is lying around deferred computation method. Can some skilled coders help in this project? I am hoping some of you will read these lines and join forces...
Anyway with some kind of patience and lots of head scratching it is yet possible to achieve very good ENB results but it would be INCREDIBLY stunning with all benefit the ENB power has to offer! I think this is the right time to unleash the hiden power of this tool as Skywind is coming to give us some EXTRA lands to explore Skyrimers!
In the meanwhlie, i warmly recommand that you give S3D ENB a try if you havn't yet! Here is a detailed
- Install HelixFix FIRST, THEN ENB v0254 (do not overwrite dxd9.dll, just rename the ENB one to someting like "dxd9ENB.dll")
- Delete unecessary Helix shadows shaders to avoid potential conflicts (PIXEL shader 0DD4E031,54548D09,F25ADF18 and VERTEX shaders 75FF0339, A5BAF6E3, BB1D5EF5 are not working since game patch 1.6 so are useless now. Delete them from shaderoverwrite folder.)
- Chain ENB to HelixFix (HelixFix has to load FIRST, ENB second. set this into DXconfig file)
- Disable ENB bloom and use vanilla bloom instead (you can set this in ENB effect file code. I use Guzio's Rudy ENB Effect file from original Opethfelt 'cause it had a good base and has the necessary feature: #define SHOW_VANILLA_BLOOM 1)
- Set BdeferredShadow=0 in SkyrimPref.ini (WARNING: By doing this you will loose the benefit from Shadows-on-grass and some ENB features too like separtion, skylighting...but this is the only way to fix 3DS broken shadows right now.)
- While working with ENB settings, keep in mind that separation (INT/EXT) is NOT working as expected:
OTHER separation parameters do NOTHING (so use ONLY "_INTday" and "_INTnight" parameters to set everything)