Witcher 2 0.189 beta

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Re: Witcher 2 0.189 beta

Fixed, download again.
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Re: Witcher 2 0.189 beta

Yup, that fixed it. Thanks Boris.

Also what game effects should be disabled to use enb? AO and Anisotropic Filtering?

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Re: Witcher 2 0.189 beta

No. The mod developed for maxed video setting, i just don't like ssao of the game (vignette too). Anisotropic filtering is kind of thing which must be always enabled in any game and any of my mods, i don't know why users don't understand this, anisotropic filtering is not antialiasing.
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Re: Witcher 2 0.189 beta

My bad, Antialiasing is what I meant to say.

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Re: Witcher 2 0.189 beta

+1 for the Witcher 2! I stopped messing around with Skyrim because it was keeping me from enjoying other games, but I was gonna play this again, perfect timing to play! Do it Boris! :mrgreen:

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Re: Witcher 2 0.189 beta

After an hour of playing I have no problems. Thanks
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Re: Witcher 2 0.189 beta

Ha, great, thanks a lot Boris!
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Re: Witcher 2 0.189 beta

Thanks a lot for the fix Boris, it is working good on my side and with specularity back, we can use this version even if you don't want to make any further improvements. Again, thank you.
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Re: Witcher 2 0.189 beta

I have no freaking idea why, but suddenly every effect stopped working.

Yesterday it was working fine, today I can't get bloom or anything else besides Game Bloom to work.
Brightness parameters don't do anything, Bloom parameters don't, Gamma doesn't, Edge AA doesn't.

I've replaced every single file with the correct one from Boris' download, I've deleted everything and it still won't work.
The Ingame Menu works, and like I said I can toggle the Game Bloom, but nothing else does anything at all.

I'm running the *.exe in Admin mode.

What the heck could I have done wrong?


Alright, everything has to be configured pretty much exactly the way Boris has written in his archive.
It worked again when I enabled AA and Sharpening in the user.ini.
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Re: Witcher 2 0.189 beta

You probably disabled the AA in the game launcher, I also think that vignette has to be enabled in order for enb to work. Read the Readme.txt that comes with Enb to make sure that you have all the required settings enabled.
i5 2500K @4.0ghz, 8GB RAM, GTX 780
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