About Histogram

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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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About Histogram

Hi everyone, here is my naive approach for histogram.

1. copy 1/16 size greyscale texture + 64 step brightpass to 4 x 4 x RGBA
2. return 1 if pixel color > 0
3. average each texture, get percentage of how many points have pass the threshold.

result of 2.

so the problem is about step 3. How do I get the average, downscale? blur?

I'm still trying another approach, which requires "renders one point primitive for each input pixel"
Not sure how to do that. Here is the original paper
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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
Posts: 530
Joined: 30 Jan 2012, 13:18

Re: About Histogram

I use a hacky solution to downscale something by putting the R G and B channels on different screenspace areas on the alpha channel. Used it for some kidn of LDR bloom on old ENB versions which didn't have enbloom.fx.
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