TES Skyrim 0.264

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.264

hi boris,

hope you did have the chance to save your money. what a fucked up thing that economy is.

i am wondering if you could put "ColorFromEnvironmentFog" in MIST into the weather.ini (multiple weathers) part instead of only in the enbseries.
also a daytime control of it would be awesome! mostly at sundown/sunrise i find there need to be different settings than at daytime or night.
and if you could also put "EnableAnchors" in the weather.ini that would make it even greater. at the moment i am using a workaround by shifting the mist higher with the other options.

those 3 or 2 things.
thank you boris. appreciate your work.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.264

ColorFromEnvironmentFog in weather file seems good idea, can't say atm why it is not there, so if will not find out why, i'll do it.
Day time control not useful imho, because mist or fog is always the same by color, it may change only when turns from dust to vapor fog or something like that. Not sure.
EnableAnchors is not for per weather setting, because it's boolean. Sounds useful, but i need to make code changes to interpolate this somehow, at least issue will be with fade-in/out time hard coded (don't want to make such things available as parameter, leads to false bug reports).
And i lost about 7000$ last two month because of sanctions and oil price changes, butthurt.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.264


Haha, I would never have guessed that you would know this word :)

Sorry for your troubles in any case...
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.264

ENBSeries wrote: ColorFromEnvironmentFog in weather file seems good idea, can't say atm why it is not there, so if will not find out why, i'll do it.
This would be a welcome addition if it's feasible. I've often wondered why it was a global value but never thought to ask.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.264

is there a way to do an occlusion depended ambientcolorfilter from sun to ground blocked by objects (like houses). with a fade component from normal ambientlightcolor to ambientlightcolorfilter color. e.g. creating a red ambientcolorfilter for sundown, but the red color should not saturate everything. only the areas which the sun really reaches, and maybe put in a fade component that lets you decide how much it bleeds into unlit areas. at the moment even all the shadows where the sun is not shining to in the least are colored. does look very off. thats why i never really wanted to use colorfilter with an actual color. but in cases where there is sun anyway on the ground, it just looks awesome!
or maybe it would be better to put this into directlight, a directcolorfilter. that way you get the feature and the already included ambientcolorfilter together and you can even do a combination of different amounts for visual effect.
well... just thinking out of my head... but its on my mind a loong time.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.264

It's hard too much for simple effect, i prefer don't make things complicated. Any occlusion have issues with drawing them, the only ways i know are: make static blurred projection map controlled by editor like anchors of mist; static low detailed world objects without textures, more precise computation, but slower and harder to implement or edit. Another case is to use real time data and recently drawed, this is simply buggy as visibility area is limited, while occlusion have big ranges. Performance is bad too, up to 1/3 fps loss by cpu to draw objects. Ignoring occlusions and making just color changes based on surface normals looks awful.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.264

no way to use directlight and put a directcolorfilter into that? then you can just use for example a low color amount on ambientcolorfilter and another higher amount on directcolorfilter, which produces a simple control over shadow/light areas with color. kind of an occlusion (i didnt mean occlusion in specific 3d terms, just for visualization maybe).
so only a directcolorfilter.
or is it not possible to do? and was only possible for ambientcolor?
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.264

Just curious if possible to add a global variable to enbeffect.fx

//x=max of Direct Lighting RGB
//y=max of Ambient Lighting RGB
//z=max of Point Lighting RGB
float4 ELightIntensity

Or simple float that says how much light is hitting pixel.

Would make it a lot more interesting to write PS effects that modify shadows or highlights... instead of writing up effects that use pixel intensity to apply effect (which have incorrect results with dark colors).

Not sure how this would work in 2D with point light sources, or sky for that matter.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.264

It's not control over lighting and especially ambient occlusion, just something fake which greatly increase complexity and not quality. Why not to use CK for this?

Why do you try to use 3d data for 2d post processing? The idea is doomed, image contain many "transparent" elements from objects and effects. If i'll make new external shader which process only non transparent objects, this will corrupt data for later restoration all g-buffers of deffered (i'm drawing not entirely deffered and restore by math missing data). Transparent and non transparent objects are separated by some tricks in the mod, any kind of artistic processing shaders must be well declared to analyze what will work with them, what will fail and where to insert them. Of course nobody need 3d information for additive or multiplicative operations in enbeffect.fx, which are only working with minimal amount of artifacts.

Anyway, i'm trying to learn dx11 and create wrapper for it and much worse problem is with money i earned for many years and loosing them now. My mood is not for modding, but rather kill myself.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.264

Сочувствую с курсом. Только вот зачем все сбережения в рублях надо было держать?
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