TES Skyrim 0.265

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.265

I'll better restore back fps limiter not affected by loading screens, see now where it disabled and fps is too high to produce bugs and mouse vertical axis movement issue. Or may be to change fps limit to 60 instead? I just don't want to reply the same questions about longer loading screens when players enabled very low fps limit.

EDIT: i set 60fps limit when loading screen detected or failed to detect in some interiors. Is it ok?
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.265

The parallax shots look great already!
I really think it's worth it. How do they look lit?

I'd absolutely like to try this. :)

By the way, 'real' POM wouldn't be possible to implement/too much work, right?


And I read up on your WinXP/Nvidia situation.. that sucks. Nvidia seems to ignore the issue as well and it's doubtful it will change.
But I guess you're using MPC already to avoid the tearing at least for videos?
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.265

Parallax looks lit as landscape looks lit obviously. These are just simplest tech preview shots.
POM or similar techniques can't be made, because 6 texture reads per each sampling of height. Water displacement have 3 textures and very optimized by caching, so pom terrain would be the slowest thing you ever seen in the ENBSeries.
MPC also have this issue. And i forgot to mention that at same area very fast changes in colors or brightness leads to opacity like in Photoshop or other image editor with visible checkerboard on background. Very ugly when watching something.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.265

Surface detail is just a little hard to make out on unlit screenshots.. took me a second to realize that those are just thumbnails.
About POM, yeah, I thought so. Just wanted to ask in a friendly way.

And the tearing issue is there since you've gotten your Kepler card?
Like I said I've been reading up on it for a bit, and there's only some Nvidia dev talking about architectural changes on Kepler in regards to the syncing-whatever-I'm-no-engineer.
Reading: "Update 2013-09-24: Aaron Plattner says this issue cannot and won't be fixed, due to the Kepler architecture."
There are also the same problems on Linux distributions with different window managers that don't enforce Vsync.

But there were a few people saying that MPC with Alternative Vsync works on XP.

You've probably already read all this, but in case there's some new info there I thought I'd write it down.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.265

With gf9600 i have no such issue. But it was with gf660 too. And i don't know why this not occur for most users (googled similar issues and they exist). Vsync is helpless here, both with tearing and opacity bug (which is not tearing at all).
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.265

ENBSeries wrote:With gf9600 i have no such issue. But it was with gf660 too. And i don't know why this not occur for most users (googled similar issues and they exist). Vsync is helpless here, both with tearing and opacity bug (which is not tearing at all).
Sort of off-topic I guess, but figured I'd chime in anyway. What you're seeing is most likely artefacts from using DXVA/DXVA2 or similar hardware accelerated playback. A lot of users are kind of picky with quality so they use alternative renderers like MadVR or decode through LAV Filters. Long story short, people decode on CPU instead or use NVENC/CUDA (GPGPU, not like DXVA) or QSV (Intel's IGP decoding, similar to NVENC). DXVA shouldn't actually bug out either but it's more likely to happen. Probably partially due to less support on older operating systems.

For me personally, since DXVA is such a mess, I just decode with CPU since I have an i7 anyway. It's not like it will have any trouble.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.265

ENBSeries wrote:Aiyen
I mean existing textures.

Okay, i did experiments with one shader and computing parallax for only one texture of it. Seems some textures have height data in alpha channel already, so i captured unlit parallax screenshots (not parallax occlusion, just same crappy game like parallax):
Image Image Image Image
Dunno if it worth changes.
This looks interesting Boris, would like to see this if it's not too much trouble to implement :)

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.265

No, hardware encoding is disabled (enabling it not fixing the issues also).
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.265

Very strange. What player and renderer do you use? I'd probably recommend in order: MadVR > EVR > Haali > VMR9 > VMR7 > Overlay. I listed the common ones since I don't know which are available on Windows XP. You can always try a couple and see if there's a difference. A decent player should have at least a few of them save for MadVR and Haali.

Also more on-topic; does the parallax impact rendering speed much?

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.265

I tried all combos for MPC setting, nothing works. But don't see any reason to bother with this, because it must work in any case, bug is bug and no reason to look for workarounds. Don't want to be a hostage of NVidia because of it bugs and pay a lot to fix it (i don't play games any more, so don't see any reason to upgrade entirely), NVidia is good by drivers in general, but f* shit unlucky i am with it, so budget AMD card is the only logical solution for me.
Parallax performance is almost the same as without it, only 64 or 32 bit crappy videocards will run slower.

Almost finished terrain parallax, but having issues how it looks with exact the same code as vanilla parallax. Some areas of displacement is kinda inverted, because of too high amplitude, but it's hardcoded in vanilla shader (0.08), so may be i did something wrong or is that just because textures are not created for parallax, don't know. Better to ask authors of parallax mods if they had issues and as fix they decreased contrast of the image. Btw, because alpha is 1.0 (255) by default, it's top of height (stone f.e.). But game use half offset, so gray 0.5 (127) is the level which do not produce parallax effect at all. Hope to end this soon.
i9-9900k, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3060 12Gb, Win7
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