TES Skyrim 0.265

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.265

That parameters requre reloading shaders (apply or alt+tab from fullscreen mode) in all versions of the mod. If i remember, in some old they worked partially in real time, half of the shader was ok without recompilation only when initially was turned on.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.265

Hi boris,
I've, again, read an article about some effects.

ScreenSpace Directional Occlusion or SSDO this time.
It looks quite different to SSAO by comparison shot, and it is also in ultra preset in CryEngine 3.
here is a paper about the technique: https://people.mpi-inf.mpg.de/~ritschel/Papers/SSDO.pdf

So, any interest in this?
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.265

Boris. I have a small question.

I would like to ask if it is possible to add the detailed shadow effect to the other types of the light sources, Hemi and Spot (some modders use it for interiors mods), and shadows from this lights are blocky?
Rudy ENB for Skyrim, Skyrim SE, for Fallout New Vegas, for Dragon's Dogma

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.265

No. All lights which do not project shadows are toggled on/off by the game in crazy manner, it's very annoying with shadows applied and unfixable (may be once i'll find some trick, don't know).

SSDO is same as SSIL. I only planning to make big ranges for it, but don't have yet perfect fast solution for reading colors outside of screen (saving them not work if game just loaded or camera never looked there).
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.265

About that external sound card Creative X-Fi Surround 5.1 Pro i bought 2 weeks ago. It defitenly have wrong schematic, i can't listen -65db level of noise from wifi router (and much louder when xbox is turned on), so replaced it with Creative X-Fi HD USB, which fortunately do not have this issue. So sad, i trusted Creative company and had many sound cards without any issues. Godamnit, why every time i buy something without careful research on forums, the result is all the same? I can only imagine how shitty pc hardware is, as it turns like that too from my experience.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.265

Those "Creative" guys went their uninspired way for many years now. I learned to always consult internetz too. BTW, this saved me from bying Gigabyte Windforce 3x cooled r9 290 like 6 months ago. I was under impression from my cool and quiet windforce gtx570, and was going to by their r9. Checked teh internetz and found that it's not quiet and not cool on r9 290 for no good reason.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.265

Hi Boris,

Is there any way to easily switch between ENB bloom and vanilla Skyrim bloom? I'm trying to make another demo video...
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.265

You could do something like this;

Code: Select all

    string UIName = "Switch Bloom";
  > = {false};


if (SWITCH_BLOOM == true)
float4 xcolorbloom = tex2D(_s3, _v0.xy); // ENB bloom
else if ( (SWITCH_BLOOM == false)
  float4 xcolorbloom = tex2D(_s1, _v0.xy); // Vanilla bloom
But that depends on if you want the whole AGCC vanilla bloom look, or just the vanilla bloom texture.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.265

Thanks JAWZ! So '_s3' really is all that's required for the change, awesome. Thanks for supplying that GUI code snippet as well; I was going NUTS with trying to alt-tab my way through this :P


oOOPS! When I add the following to enbeffect.fx with all the other GUI variables, I get a CTD when loading any savegame : /
string UIName = "Switch Bloom";
> = {false};

if (SWITCH_BLOOM == true)
float4 xcolorbloom = tex2D(_s3, _v0.xy); // ENB bloom
else if ( (SWITCH_BLOOM == false)
float4 xcolorbloom = tex2D(_s1, _v0.xy); // Vanilla bloom
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.265

float4 xcolorbloom; must be declared outside of if/else.
float4 xcolorbloom=0;
if (SWITCH_BLOOM == true)
xcolorbloom = tex2D(_s3, _v0.xy); // ENB bloom
else if ( (SWITCH_BLOOM == false)
xcolorbloom = tex2D(_s1, _v0.xy); // Vanilla bloom
i9-9900k, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3060 12Gb, Win7
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