TES Skyrim 0.266

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.266

ENBSeries wrote:Oyama
I did quality improvements for skylighting effect, a bit reduced intensity of the higher brightness bug which visible at some places and camera angles. And did separate bilaterial filter for it (not shared with shadow), so no ghosting glows of skylighting.
Great ! Thank you ! :)
would you accept I set an external download link for users to get the 0.265 binary
ENBSeries wrote:Sure.
Thanx ! I'll do if necessary, but I'd rather try supporting the 0.266 when I get proper results with it first.
ENBSeries wrote:Bloom supersampling of full screen resolution not required at all, you can do this in enbeffect.fx where full resolution is available. But making bloom code with not predefined size is much more complex.
Got it. Probably the easiest to do.

But, that being said, what about something like
Sampling Quality=1024
Sampling Quality=768
Sampling Quality = 512
Sampling Quality = 256
as a toggle, basing on an initial predefined size of 1024, downsampled if needed ?....
ENBSeries wrote:prod80
For me doesn't matter which bloom resolution will be used, but if 768 gives much better results that 512, this means you all already failed writing proper code independent from bloom resolution...
If so, I failed as well, and prod80's code and mine are totally different ;)
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.266

Thanks for the update Boris, much appreciated!

Very minimal testing has caused two CTDs for my setup. Once exiting Breezehome and again just walking around Whiterun. Given nobody else has reporting CTDs so far, I will assume its a local problem on my side. I enabled both new parms in enblocal, however, the crashes also occurred with them disabled as well. The previous version I have been using (265) has been pretty rock stable for me. I will take some time and try a few things with 266 to see if its any of my settings causing this.

My load order is pretty full and I do run many texture mods although I stay away from 4k textures. I am running GTX 970 with 344.11 driver at the moment. Its been running so well on all of my games that I have not bothered to update the driver, likely first thing I will do through troubleshooting.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.266

The blurring works fine, but when you do a highpass in enbbloom.fx and after that do a couple of blur passes over the result you get some banding artifacts, this is less of an issue with higher resolution texture but becomes more visible when resolution decreases and texture scaled up more. But ok, I do quite heavy compression on bloom. Anyway, ill look into doing a slight blur in enbeffect and then mixing textures together.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.266

FixLag + EnableZPrepass actually makes my game feel smoother, so thanks.

Can't say if FixLag is really working or not, but it isn't causing any issues on my R9 280X.
Loading times are fine and it didn't cap my framerate (don't know if supposed to, lol).

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.266

CTD update: upgrade to latest WHQ Nvidia driver did not resolve my CTD issue. Looking deeper.

On the bright side, Dragon Age Inquisition seems to be running more smoothly with the latest driver.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.266

Ok, then let me make another suggestion which may improve things a little and can be interesting.

In reality your eyes do not quite adapt to bright objects to the side of your vision, but on the computer it does. What if you sample the creation of the adaptation texture differently where most of the intensity would be read from the center of the screen @ *1.0 and falling off to *0.05 at the borders?

Ie sample the screen like this to get final result;


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Re: TES Skyrim 0.266

Prod80, that is a great idea. I find that a bright object in the corner of the screen can really throw off the whole image and this is one of the main reasons that ENB often seems too bright or dark. Boris, maybe you can answer a few question about how adaptation is calculated.

Is it an average of all pixels equally?

What resolution is it calculated at?

Would adding an adaptation.fx shader be possible so we could customize how it works?

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.266

Version updated, download again
Increased quality of sky lighting effect. Fixed bugs in shader recompiler which i did in previous update (overoptimizing).

Bloom computation is blurring of 64 bit textures, bigger resolution means performance is closer to ssao. What's the reason at all to waste performance for effect, which is not bloom at all? Bloom have lower resolution than screen by definition of it, full resolution is hell buggy aliased simulation of not perfect optics, this is not possible at good fps on modern hardware, that's why bloom is made. Who cares about the bloom anyway, it's less than 5% intensity and for per pixel bloom light values must be very huge to make it visible enough. I don't know any preset with high intensities real life like.

If i'll do changes to adaptation math, all presets will be broken. It's too late. Also who knows how eye react on light? This can't be measured anyhow. Also eye may have vignetting, but i don't see it. Do you? Shortly, this is rather perversion for just a game.

Adaptation is downscaled scene image in several passes (similar to bloom code), but it's not average. Balanced between maximal and average values, by looking on to the sky from hole in dark stone "room" and on the fire, all parameters default vanilla ldr and the goal to make adaptation like real life in that cases. I think it's correct enough, because ldr looks by intensities similar to what eye see after "tonemapping" and never had issues with adaptation if values for sky, lighting and sun are used from real world scaled down.
Resolution of texture passed to enbeffect.fx is 4*4 pixels. When downsampling several times till 32*32, i'm doing average intensity computation as simple blurring. Then switch to 4*4 target and draw mix between average and maximal, AdaptationSensitivity is interpolator between them. But better to not touch adaptation parameters at all.
output=lerp(resaverage, resmaximal, AdaptationSensitivity);
After that, another pass blur 4*4 pixels again to make them solid and compute time based fading. At last, AdaptationMin/AdaptationMax applied as exponential cut off (not just max/min).
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.266

I totally get your point of view.
However... My presets are anti-performance ones, my codes are noobish and I have no clues for optimization.
But one thing remains : I like what I'm seeing on screen. Apparently, sone users do as well, even if my presets are FPS crushers. What I mean is I'd like to have the choice of killing my perfs or not....
I do care for bloom and side-effects built on it. I love the idea of top-notch quality if we want it.
See, your SSAO is the hardest on earth, but the most beautiful if we accept to pay the price.
Hmmmm..... Hard to convince you, right ? Is that idea about a toggle from a full quality texture to downsampled ones doable or not ? Just to know.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.266

Ok, no probs

But, ZPrePass is buggy for me...

Examples (cropped to 100% to display better in nice dark spot so its more visible)


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