TES Skyrim

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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: TES Skyrim

Guest: Nice video there.. how do you detach the camera from your character, so you freely can fly around with it?
Ronnie Stormly Ree
Animator on Hitman 2016

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Re: TES Skyrim

type in "tfc" in the console.

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Re: TES Skyrim

These are my current setting for ENB 1.01 for Skyrim. Feedback is encouraged, so please, check them out and let me know what you think. There are plenty of comparison shots as well as a few time lapses in the main description.


Here are few shots to give you an idea... Vanilla on the left, ENBPM v1.95 on the right...





























Last edited by PMind on 04 Jan 2012, 04:56, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: TES Skyrim

Looking good, seems again another different style than the others, this one seems to maintain a lot more of the original, just with a bit of boost


Re: TES Skyrim

I don't believe that Gionights pictures are real, I've been trying out Confidence Man's settings and trying for such a long long time to try and get the depth of field and blur just right to make pictures like that.

I think he's definitely capturing them in game, but he's adding some post processing in photo shop afterwards to trick them up a bit better because it to me just seems impossible to get the balance just right in the foreground and the background in almost every picture like that.

Obviously it doesn't look like that in game otherwise he would have shared his config - it's the only reasonable solution to come up with, and I'm not trolling I'm seriously discussing my opinion because you can't just post screen shots and then say "no not sharing profile it's not finished", unless you really mean, "I'm doing a Sony and these are pre-rendedered images of what I want the game to look like when I can finally get my config going properly but it's just a proof of concept for now".

Either that or it runs like a slide show. I just wanted to say, people should stop being wowed by Gionights screens so much, they look amazing... I Love them, I want my game to look like that, I just don't believe it's reasonable to expect the game to be playable while looking like that.

I have a 6990+6970 in Trifire and I'm about to upgrade to 2x7970 as soon as I can, I have the horsepower and I will be doing whatever I can to make the best screens possible for this game using ENB, but when I post screenshots, I will also be posting my config along with them each time just in-case someone else wants to prove my theory or not.


Re: TES Skyrim

yea I'm trying around and around for weeks now to get a similar effect (not DOF). But I just dont get it and gave up today, i will just wait til its released or someone else gets a similar effect. Haven't played skyrim for 2 weeks now cos of this, lol. Let this stuff to the pros who know what they doing ;)


Re: TES Skyrim

Guest wrote:I don't believe that Gionights pictures are real, I've been trying out Confidence Man's settings and trying for such a long long time to try and get the depth of field and blur just right to make pictures like that.

I think he's definitely capturing them in game, but he's adding some post processing in photo shop afterwards to trick them up a bit better because it to me just seems impossible to get the balance just right in the foreground and the background in almost every picture like that.

Obviously it doesn't look like that in game otherwise he would have shared his config - it's the only reasonable solution to come up with, and I'm not trolling I'm seriously discussing my opinion because you can't just post screen shots and then say "no not sharing profile it's not finished", unless you really mean, "I'm doing a Sony and these are pre-rendedered images of what I want the game to look like when I can finally get my config going properly but it's just a proof of concept for now".

Either that or it runs like a slide show. I just wanted to say, people should stop being wowed by Gionights screens so much, they look amazing... I Love them, I want my game to look like that, I just don't believe it's reasonable to expect the game to be playable while looking like that.

I have a 6990+6970 in Trifire and I'm about to upgrade to 2x7970 as soon as I can, I have the horsepower and I will be doing whatever I can to make the best screens possible for this game using ENB, but when I post screenshots, I will also be posting my config along with them each time just in-case someone else wants to prove my theory or not.
Yeah cos Gionight is in the habit of doing that /sarcasm
Have you even seen what he's done with the enb shader for GTA? i suggest go and look up his work for that, then come back and apologise for saying things with no real evidence to back up what your saying.


Re: TES Skyrim

Guest wrote:I don't believe that Gionights pictures are real, I've been trying out Confidence Man's settings and trying for such a long long time to try and get the depth of field and blur just right to make pictures like that.

I think he's definitely capturing them in game, but he's adding some post processing in photo shop afterwards to trick them up a bit better because it to me just seems impossible to get the balance just right in the foreground and the background in almost every picture like that.

Obviously it doesn't look like that in game otherwise he would have shared his config - it's the only reasonable solution to come up with, and I'm not trolling I'm seriously discussing my opinion because you can't just post screen shots and then say "no not sharing profile it's not finished", unless you really mean, "I'm doing a Sony and these are pre-rendedered images of what I want the game to look like when I can finally get my config going properly but it's just a proof of concept for now".

Either that or it runs like a slide show. I just wanted to say, people should stop being wowed by Gionights screens so much, they look amazing... I Love them, I want my game to look like that, I just don't believe it's reasonable to expect the game to be playable while looking like that.

I have a 6990+6970 in Trifire and I'm about to upgrade to 2x7970 as soon as I can, I have the horsepower and I will be doing whatever I can to make the best screens possible for this game using ENB, but when I post screenshots, I will also be posting my config along with them each time just in-case someone else wants to prove my theory or not.
How I wish I could be there to see the smile on Gionight's face when he reads this...


Re: TES Skyrim

Here some shots of ENB HD6 Lighting Enhancement enb set, tweaked a bit more to my liking by increasing saturation, reducing the specular amount, amongst tweaking a few other things... hope its okay HeliosDoubleSix
All credit of course goes to him, and please download his set at http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4142 It been one of the best sets ive downloaded, both a custom enbeffect.fx and enbseries.ini fully notated to help with tweaking.


Posts: 323
Joined: 28 Dec 2011, 08:14

Re: TES Skyrim


You can choose one of the pics from my last post, I will upload it in original BMP format . there is no way I would PhotoShop any of my pics, I by myself hate it when see this kind of cheating.
Why from the last post? it's becouse older BMP's have been deleted already , but this one I just restore from Recycle Bin to Fraps/Screenshots folder
Skyrim with this ENB is completely playable for me it's almost constant 60 fps even in towns rarely deeps below this figure( with SkyBoost ) , otherwise I didn't bother with this game, trust me for me playable FPS is as important as picture quality.
Yes it's on an old ENB version and I need to wait newer one to replicate this sett on it. For me it's as good as it is, but for release it needs to be flawless . My first and the last video was presentation of my ENB sett fro GTA 4 and the the end result on youtube was insanely bad thats why I will never upload any videos in future, to represent some of my mods. I hop you understand my position .

Thank you my friend .
It's enbseries.ini and enbeffect.fx has been tweaked . I hop you will get much better picture quality than I did, I just spent one day tweaking and it's not that hard trust me .
Good Luck!!!

Guests and other friends
Thank you guys when I will have time and passion I will try to replicate on whatever version ENB would be at that moment.
Really appreciate all your effort guys , you are all Great :)
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