TES Skyrim - non colorful tundra | бесцветная тундра

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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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TES Skyrim - non colorful tundra | бесцветная тундра

All the time i'm listening opinion that TES Skyrim is nothern locations which can't be colorful and bright at all, vanilla game is closer to reality. I'm very strict abot this and naming such peoples "fools", all i want after listening of this - to make project non public. Try to proove your point.
My arguments:
1 Colorfulness (chroma) not changes from weather or lighting conditions, it's nature law (physics).
2 Colorfulness decreases only for very low brightness because of eye perception (darkness seen in black-white mode), but if in darkness even small area is lit, it's colorful.
3 At very high brightness, color is decreased because of non linear sensitivity of eye and oversaturation, but conditions require huge enough values.
4 Users have bad LCD displays which have such a poor quality, like hand made newspaper in the school. I'm CRT technology fan as most good by quality and cheapest at same time (i wish to change it to something smaller and with less weight, but even for 1000$ it's impossible).
5 Humans absolutely non objective, about any game (and not game) with horrible colors. Hundreds of 3d modellers and 2d artists with more or less correct perception of the world did the game for years, but one programmer of shaders simply did grayish-brownish post processing la modern style. And who is right in this situation? Bakayarou shreder pedoprogrammer, who did tons of bugs in them or peoples with art education?

And finally, show me photo where colors are close to vanilla skyrim, non colorful and gray.

Регулярно сталкиваюсь с утверждением, что TES Skyrim это северные локации, в которых не может быть цветной и яркой картинки по определению и что оригинальная игра гораздо ближе к реальности. Я очень категоричен по этому вопросу и попросту считаю подобных "знатоков" идиотами и кроме жгучего желания перевести мод в закрытый проект, ничего нет. Попробуйте доказать обратное.
Мои аргументы:
1 Цветность не меняется от условий освещения или погоды никаким образом, это закон природы (физики).
2 Цветность уменьшается только для очень низкой яркости из-за специфики человеческого зрения (темнота видится черно-белой), однако если в темноте есть даже небольшая область освещенная, она видна цветной, срабатывают клетки, ответственные за восприятия цвета.
3 При очень большой яркости, цветность теряется из-за нелинейной чувствительности зрения и перенасыщения, но для этого необходимо весьма большие значения.
4 У юзверей стоят галимые мониторы LCD, на которых о качестве картинки можно говорить как о качестве школьной стенгазеты, в то время как я приверженец CRT технологии, как самой качественной передачи изображения и одновременно дешевой (не спорю, купил бы что поменьше и полегче, но альтернатив нет и за 1000$).
5 Объективность у людей отсутствует напрочь, это касается любой из вышедших игр с уродскими цветами и от которых я регулярно слышу бред сивой кобылы. Сотни моделлеров и текстурщиков с более менее нормальным взглядом на мир создавали игру годами, а тут вдруг какой-то один из их программистов шейдеров взял и сделал серо-коричневую обработку аля модерн стайл. И кто в данном случае козлина, шредерный недоуч, напхавший кучу багов в них или люди с художественным образованием?

И наконец, покажите фотографию, где цвета близки к скайримовским оригинальным, блеклым и серым.
i9-9900k, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3060 12Gb, Win7


Re: TES Skyrim - non colorful tundra | бесцветная тундра

I think, that The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is a little to colorful in the latest updates of yours. Actually I don't mind that it's colorfull since there will be more updates as you said and I hope there will be a little less colorfulness. The only thing which is annoying for me is smokes in the loading screen even if I have to see it only for a few seconds. And the only way how to remove those smokes is to disable effects. I installed your latest update for Skyrim and at the very beginning I dislike those smokes, I was disappointed that colorness of yours is the cost for removing smokes. So in the end, I'm using your color mod and that means I like it.
Maybe you could make colorness similiar to Resident Evil 5? In that game I fully enjoyed gameplay after your work.
And one more thing: Who doesn't like to use great works of colorness, just don't. Sit down in corner and just shut up


Re: TES Skyrim - non colorful tundra | бесцветная тундра

Dear Squall,
you do know that you can edit the ENB files? If you don't like it that colourful then desaturate it! Don't like the "smoke"? Lower the values found at the volumetric fog entry!


Re: TES Skyrim - non colorful tundra | бесцветная тундра

Since You've made such topic, I would be pleased to share my thoughts about gaming and shading in games. And I don't want to talk about Skyrim, because I think that RPG games should never have realistic graphic, but fantasy like graphic, like in my (and I think that yours aswell, Boris) config.

I would rather want to say, that IMO games should (and mostly do, like Crysis 2 or Battlefield 3) aim for cinematic, movie-like graphic, rather than real-life graphic. You might say; "what's the freaking difference ?". Well, the difference, is the fact, that camera and the human eye are completly different. Most of the effects, You see in games, like motion blur, depth of field (especially with bokeh filter), tonemapping, etc. Are based on the image achieved with the camera only. Camera register such effects in quite exaggerated maner, while human eye barly notice such things. Also, in movies, various pallete color effects are acceptable (Matrix, anyone ?), they help to achieve the atmosphere that the artist is looking for, while I can not imagine looking throught the green sunglasses for the whole my life. Next, we can not forget that VERY realistic lighting in game could be simply ... boring for a typical gamer, which big games developers definitelly wouldn't like (boring game = low sales = no money). We can not forget, that the games, should be, on top of everythink, fun and enjoyable!

On the other hand, More and more powerfull hardware, allow us to achieve a huge level of realism. If somebody would really like, which proper budget, ultimate real-life expierience could be created. The only thing that holds the current artists is the budget (and consoles ;P ). Games, with technologies like DMM or euphoria with fully ray traced lighting. I think that such future is quite near, if only consoles and piracy don't ruin the PC.

All in all, please, instead of raging Boris for hes fantastic work, make Your own config, create it as much as YOU feel it should look and don't call other presets "unrealistic" or "bad".

PS: MaxTheUniqueGamer here, can not post while loged in :(


Re: TES Skyrim - non colorful tundra | бесцветная тундра

Boris, disregard the haters. They don't know jack shit what they're talking about.

I live in Finland so I know it can be colourful in the north as well :)


Re: TES Skyrim - non colorful tundra | бесцветная тундра

People complaining about the color in your work are completely missing the point, not to mention uneducated in the color in the real world around them. For every jackass out there that doesn't get it, there are a thousand that do. Boris, you are creating great work, keep it up.

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Re: TES Skyrim - non colorful tundra | бесцветная тундра

yes, ENB can be highly customized. this is not for noobs.

if you dont like ENB, just don't use it. go to http://www.skyrimnexus.com and find another good mod for yourself.

there are some advanced users who have created their own config files to share: viewforum.php?f=11

this community is for development and support of ENB.

i am personally a big fan of improved graphics, and ENB greatly improves the graphics of skyrim, in my opinion.
check out my personal homepage: http://echostorms.net

AMD 7850@3.0GHz, 2GB DDR2-800 (4-4-4-12), GTX470, Win7(DirectX11)

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Re: TES Skyrim - non colorful tundra | бесцветная тундра

Honestly Boris, you have to look at it like this. You are making art. You understand the reality of the way the world should look vs what it DOESN'T look like. Through that knowledge, you have a vision of what the world of Skyrim should properly look like. However since you are making art, and art is a subjective form of expression, some people are gonna love it and some people will dislike it. Pay no mind to the people who dislike what you create.

For me, right now, ENB series is a necessity. I can't play Skyrim's drab boring gray colored world. If people want to play in Skyrim's default gray world then let them do so; that's what they want to do. But don't stop working on your beautiful art because some people don't like it.

It's just like how real life is, not everyone is gonna like what you do, in ANY part of life. That's why its important to focus the people who give their love and support to what you do, and ignore the people who dislike what you do.

Anyway, hopefully you wont be swayed by the bad words of some people, and you keep on making this wonderful art called "ENB Series".

Take care, Boris!


Re: TES Skyrim - non colorful tundra | бесцветная тундра

DFA wrote:yes, ENB can be highly customized. this is not for noobs.

if you dont like ENB, just don't use it. go to http://www.skyrimnexus.com and find another good mod for yourself.

there are some advanced users who have created their own config files to share: viewforum.php?f=11

this community is for development and support of ENB.

i am personally a big fan of improved graphics, and ENB greatly improves the graphics of skyrim, in my opinion.

You do what you do because you want to do it, Boris, not to please others. We have the chance you agree to share your work with us, and WE users of ENBseries are enjoying it a lot, and are grateful to you. Don't listen to haters. Haters will NOT use your mod actually, so why care? Don't like it -> don't use it.
Haters and fans are the two results of public existence. As an an ex-modder, I had to face both so I know what it's like, and it's normal to like praise and be hurt by hate/trolls/naysayers. Just don't listen to them. Problem is that the majority of users of your mod will stay perfectly silent and you won't even know they exist. Then the unhappy persons will always be more prone to make their voice be heard. And then you have particularly happy customers, simply willing to thank you, and they will represent only a handful of actual users of the mod. What you read and see is not representative of the quality of your work. YOU should always stay the main judge of what you do. You know your work and you know it well, and you wouldn't have as many downloads (and as many "haters" by the way) if your work wasn't interesting in the first place. Only constructive opinions are to be taken in account, and whatever the reason, just do what -you- want to do. You just can't please everyone, it's impossible. Try to take all this less personally, and just enjoy what you do.


Re: TES Skyrim - non colorful tundra | бесцветная тундра

Я буду говорить от всех людей, тех кто ЗА то что из тунды реальной, делеать руджного клоуна не стоит. :ugeek:

Так.. начну с этого:
бесцветная тундра ты что, совсем безмозглый идиот? какая безцветная тундра??? если ты бы внимательно посмотрел там есть и краски и цветная палитра...
Если у тебя проблемы со зрением можно обратится в специальные учереждения, в основном это Больница по лечению сецатка глаза....
Теперь, оглянись вокруг у тебя все в радужном цвете? а. вогруг твоего дома есть насыщенно желтые листья???
Из-за твоего граф.мода уже пошел бред с объемом дыма.. он благодаря твоему моду, похож на жижу серую...
Помойму не Разработчики идиоты, хотя я их не фанат.. а похоже ты Кончаный идиот с телом 17 парня, так называемого дрища :lol:
Ты конечно заумный программист, вообразивший что все тупые, один ты умный

На форуме есть пару багов, надо поиграться с переадресацией страниц.
Так-же когда посмотрел твою физиономию и тело, подумал что на фотографии оригинальный мутант.
Т.к. тело у тебя 15-17 парниши, на твое лицо выдает твой возраст.. ты место того чтоб умничать занялся бы своим здоровьем
И еще, простите за грамматические ошибки, спешу.
Прошу не удалять пост, т.к. в нем нету ничего правонарушения и это все таки спор
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