Fallout 4 0.283 ENBoost

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Joined: 20 Mar 2015, 01:45

Re: Fallout 4 0.283 ENBoost

I feel like I should point out, GeForce Experience has improved a lot over the past six months. I don't think the program or its services cause performance issues anymore.

It's mainly there to provide ShadowPlay, which is by far the most performance-friendly way to capture video.

I recommend you give it a second chance Boris, it's not the POS it used to be.

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Re: Fallout 4 0.283 ENBoost

Thanks for the patches! ;)

Might be a stupid question, how do I download this patch? Do not see any download options since 0.280


Posts: 397
Joined: 16 Mar 2013, 16:28

Re: Fallout 4 0.283 ENBoost

Anyone that has problems with LOD textures/meshes loading up close change this in the falloutprefs.ini file;


change it into;


Now the basegame loads the textures and meshes fine, now i can play with ENBoost with all textures and meshes loading fine up close.
Also works without ENBoost in loading the highres textures and LOD0 meshes correctly.

Seems to happen with the launcher somehow sometimes.

EDIT: just changed some settings in the options on the Fallout launcher and i noticed that the game has set the values to 2FadeDist=4000 and 1FadeDist=8000,
so i guess that the launcher had messed up the first time i used it and now set the LOD fades correctly,
so if anyone has this LOD problem, check if these settings are set correctly by the game launcher, it will probably fix the Textures not loading correctly.
I read a lot of people have this problem on the internet, so it probably happens a lot..just a heads up.
That means that the setting i have given above is way too big probably, just set it to 4000 and 8000.
Last edited by Marcurios on 16 Nov 2015, 18:29, edited 7 times in total.
Intel I9-9900k, RTX 3070, 1TB Samsung EVO 970, 1TB Crucial SSD, 1TB Kingston SSD , Realtek HD Audio, 16GB 3400MHZ System RAM, W10 Pro x64.

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Re: Fallout 4 0.283 ENBoost

I would like to report that I got no performance differences or crash but I think it is as Boris said. Bottleneck issues for some.

GTX 980, i7-5820K, 16GB DDR4, Asus Rampage-V Extreme and Installed on Samsung 850 PRO 512GB SSD.
Installed on Windows 10 x64

Also, I have experience installed, Disabled the streaming service, No performance drop by that either.
Nor is MSI Afterburner causing issues (No OC, only custom fan profile for better cooling.)
I'm also using core temp during gaming to see Cpu temp. No issue there either.

So, to a conclusion.
Either a bottleneck or bad drivers or bad ini edits.
Could be crapwares too.

I recommend:
Installing Iobit Driver Booster 3 (Buy it for all the latest drivers, cheap too)
This one gave me performance and stability.
Close it before gaming.
Disable steam overlay for Fallout 4 only.

I Have a small request, Option to disable screenshot for enb.

I Do have something to give you tho, a simple but effective code for users to provide you with process info:

Batch code:

Code: Select all

@echo off
ping localhost -n 1 > NUL
call :Logit >> %LOGFILE% 
TASKLIST /v /fi "STATUS eq running"
echo -----------------------------------------------------------------
echo -----------------------------------------------------------------
echo More info:
ping localhost -n 1 > NUL
This creates a log.txt file with every process running including how much memory it takes and what users that started the process.

My log:

Code: Select all

Image Name                     PID Session Name        Session#    Mem Usage Status          User Name                                              CPU Time Window Title                                                            
========================= ======== ================ =========== ============ =============== ================================================== ============ ========================================================================
csrss.exe                     6824 Console                    3      6ÿ072 K Running         NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM                                     0:00:03 N/A                                                                     
dwm.exe                       9668 Console                    3     39ÿ884 K Running         Window Manager\DWM-3                                    0:00:38 DWM Notification Window                                                 
Start10_64.exe                4716 Console                    3        924 K Running         NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM                                     0:00:00 Start8                                                                  
nvxdsync.exe                 10068 Console                    3     19ÿ856 K Running         NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM                                     0:00:00 UxdService                                                              
nvvsvc.exe                    2836 Console                    3     13ÿ136 K Running         NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM                                     0:00:00 NvSvc                                                                   
taskhostw.exe                 5104 Console                    3     14ÿ420 K Running         DESKTOP-IK8BU7U\Administrator                           0:00:00 Task Host Window                                                        
MSIAfterburner.exe            5124 Console                    3      5ÿ640 K Running         DESKTOP-IK8BU7U\Administrator                           0:00:14 GDI+ Window                                                             
explorer.exe                  9992 Console                    3    126ÿ412 K Running         DESKTOP-IK8BU7U\Administrator                           0:01:20 N/A                                                                     
RuntimeBroker.exe             7224 Console                    3     22ÿ984 K Running         DESKTOP-IK8BU7U\Administrator                           0:00:00 OLEChannelWnd                                                           
ShellExperienceHost.exe       1708 Console                    3     57ÿ772 K Running         DESKTOP-IK8BU7U\Administrator                           0:00:00 Jump List for Task Manager                                              
SearchUI.exe                  3528 Console                    3     78ÿ860 K Running         DESKTOP-IK8BU7U\Administrator                           0:00:00 Search                                                                  
NvBackend.exe                  556 Console                    3     30ÿ076 K Running         DESKTOP-IK8BU7U\Administrator                           0:00:50 PowerStateMonitorWindow                                                 
taskhostw.exe                 9252 Console                    3      1ÿ448 K Running         DESKTOP-IK8BU7U\Administrator                           0:00:00 Task Host Window                                                        
nvtray.exe                    8528 Console                    3     13ÿ224 K Running         DESKTOP-IK8BU7U\Administrator                           0:00:00 NotificationIconWindow                                                  
TimerResolution.exe           5756 Console                    3      1ÿ160 K Running         DESKTOP-IK8BU7U\Administrator                           0:00:00 Timer Resolution 2.0                                                    
RtkNGUI64.exe                 6884 Console                    3     13ÿ376 K Running         DESKTOP-IK8BU7U\Administrator                           0:00:00 Realtek HD Audio New CPL background window                              
SpotifyWebHelper.exe          6660 Console                    3      8ÿ136 K Running         DESKTOP-IK8BU7U\Administrator                           0:00:00 N/A                                                                     
Spotify.exe                   9084 Console                    3     99ÿ712 K Running         DESKTOP-IK8BU7U\Administrator                           0:00:04 Spotify                                                                 
SpotifyCrashService.exe      10224 Console                    3      6ÿ516 K Running         DESKTOP-IK8BU7U\Administrator                           0:00:00 SpotifyCrashService                                                     
Spotify.exe                   5052 Console                    3     65ÿ688 K Running         DESKTOP-IK8BU7U\Administrator                           0:00:00 AngleHiddenWindow                                                       
RealTempGT.exe                8924 Console                    3      8ÿ600 K Running         DESKTOP-IK8BU7U\Administrator                           0:00:00 37 35 37 34 38 38                                                       
Samsung Magician.exe          9604 Console                    3     12ÿ256 K Running         DESKTOP-IK8BU7U\Administrator                           0:00:01 Samsung Magician                                                        
IAStorIcon.exe                3720 Console                    3     29ÿ968 K Running         DESKTOP-IK8BU7U\Administrator                           0:00:00 N/A                                                                     
firefox.exe                   5084 Console                    3    713ÿ688 K Running         DESKTOP-IK8BU7U\Administrator                           0:10:56 ENBSeries  Post a reply - Mozilla Firefox                              
cmd.exe                       9304 Console                    3      3ÿ312 K Running         DESKTOP-IK8BU7U\Administrator                           0:00:00 C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe                                             
conhost.exe                   1920 Console                    3     11ÿ520 K Running         DESKTOP-IK8BU7U\Administrator                           0:00:00 OleMainThreadWndName                                                    
More info:

Image Name                     PID Services                                    
========================= ======== ============================================
System Idle Process              0 N/A                                         
System                           4 N/A                                         
smss.exe                       412 N/A                                         
csrss.exe                      548 N/A                                         
wininit.exe                    628 N/A                                         
services.exe                   700 N/A                                         
lsass.exe                      708 EFS, KeyIso, SamSs, VaultSvc                
svchost.exe                    864 BrokerInfrastructure, DcomLaunch, LSM,      
                                   PlugPlay, Power, SystemEventsBroker         
svchost.exe                    924 RpcEptMapper, RpcSs                         
svchost.exe                    120 AppMgmt, BITS, IKEEXT, iphlpsvc,            
                                   LanmanServer, ProfSvc, Schedule, SENS,      
                                   ShellHWDetection, Themes, UserManager,      
                                   Winmgmt, wlidsvc                            
svchost.exe                    384 AudioEndpointBuilder, DsSvc, hidserv,       
                                   NcbService, PcaSvc, SysMain, TrkWks,        
                                   WdiSystemHost, wudfsvc                      
nvvsvc.exe                    1028 nvsvc                                       
WUDFHost.exe                  1116 N/A                                         
svchost.exe                   1132 SSDPSRV, TimeBroker                         
svchost.exe                   1220 Audiosrv, Dhcp, EventLog, lmhosts, Wcmsvc,  
svchost.exe                   1312 EventSystem, FontCache, netprofm, nsi,      
                                   W32Time, WdiServiceHost                     
svchost.exe                   1460 CryptSvc, Dnscache, LanmanWorkstation,      
                                   NlaSvc, Wecsvc                              
Start10Srv.exe                1688 Start10                                     
spoolsv.exe                   1852 Spooler                                     
svchost.exe                   1928 BFE, CoreMessagingRegistrar, DPS, MpsSvc    
armsvc.exe                    2044 AdobeARMservice                             
svchost.exe                   1164 AppHostSvc                                  
atkexComSvc.exe               1332 asComSvc                                    
GfExperienceService.exe       1424 GfExperienceService                         
BtwRSupportService.exe        1380 BcmBtRSupport                               
AGSService.exe                1660 AGSService                                  
inetinfo.exe                  2120 IISADMIN                                    
IPROSetMonitor.exe            2200 Intel(R) PROSet Monitoring Service          
mqsvc.exe                     2240 MSMQ                                        
svchost.exe                   2312 W3SVC, WAS                                  
SMSvcHost.exe                 2344 NetPipeActivator, NetTcpActivator,          
NvNetworkService.exe          2360 NvNetworkService                            
PnkBstrA.exe                  2512 PnkBstrA                                    
Service_KMS.exe               2564 Service KMSELDI                             
svchost.exe                   2880 StateRepository, tiledatamodelsvc           
SMSvcHost.exe                 3180 NetMsmqActivator                            
mqtgsvc.exe                   3200 MSMQTriggers                                
svchost.exe                   4248 PolicyAgent                                 
WmiPrvSE.exe                  4524 N/A                                         
SearchIndexer.exe             5028 WSearch                                     
IAStorDataMgrSvc.exe           732 IAStorDataMgrSvc                            
csrss.exe                     6824 N/A                                         
winlogon.exe                  8868 N/A                                         
dwm.exe                       9668 N/A                                         
Start10_64.exe                4716 N/A                                         
nvxdsync.exe                 10068 N/A                                         
nvvsvc.exe                    2836 N/A                                         
sihost.exe                    7464 N/A                                         
taskhostw.exe                 5104 N/A                                         
MSIAfterburner.exe            5124 N/A                                         
explorer.exe                  9992 N/A                                         
RuntimeBroker.exe             7224 N/A                                         
ShellExperienceHost.exe       1708 N/A                                         
SearchUI.exe                  3528 N/A                                         
NvBackend.exe                  556 N/A                                         
taskhostw.exe                 9252 N/A                                         
nvtray.exe                    8528 N/A                                         
TimerResolution.exe           5756 N/A                                         
RtkNGUI64.exe                 6884 N/A                                         
SpotifyWebHelper.exe          6660 N/A                                         
Spotify.exe                   9084 N/A                                         
SpotifyCrashService.exe      10224 N/A                                         
Spotify.exe                   5052 N/A                                         
Spotify.exe                   5468 N/A                                         
RealTempGT.exe                8924 N/A                                         
Samsung Magician.exe          9604 N/A                                         
IAStorIcon.exe                3720 N/A                                         
firefox.exe                   5084 N/A                                         
svchost.exe                   9988 N/A                                         
SearchProtocolHost.exe        8384 N/A                                         
SearchFilterHost.exe          9352 N/A                                         
cmd.exe                       9304 N/A                                         
conhost.exe                   1920 N/A                                         
tasklist.exe                   972 N/A                                         

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Re: Fallout 4 0.283 ENBoost

Well, after spending an hour to get out side again from a Quest that was in caves I can now test the new .283 build.

So far, I am not getting any radical frame drops as I was with the last build. Performance I would say it is not far off for me as it was with Vanilla.

Looks lovely, no stutters or CTD (yet)

So thumbs up for everything at this time. :)
CPU : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600K CPU @ 3.40GHz (4.50GHz oc)
GPU : AORUS 1080Ti (2012MHz oc)
Nvidia Driver : 430.86
RAM : 8GB DDR3 800MHz
Sound : HyperCloud 7.1
OS : Windows 10 (x64)
VR : Rift

Obsidian Weathers and Luminous ENB.
ENB 0.402

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Re: Fallout 4 0.283 ENBoost

Marcurios wrote:Anyone that has problems with LOD textures/meshes loading up close change this in the falloutprefs.ini file;


I changed it into;


Now the basegame loads the textures and meshes fine, now i can play with ENBoost with all textures and meshes loading fine up close.
Also works without ENBoost in loading the highres textures and LOD0 meshes correctly.

Seems Bethesda has overlooked these errant settings.

999999 and 999998 would probably work too, it's probably just a confused engine with two LOD stages at the same integer value.
I just checked my ini and those settings are at (using slightly modified medium graphics preset):

I did notice one time that they were at 999999 though, not sure which setting made the numbers go that high, but I don't think they should be anywhere near that high. That distance is ridiculously far.

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Re: Fallout 4 0.283 ENBoost

I just checked my ini and those settings are at (using slightly modified medium graphics preset):

I did notice one time that they were at 999999 though, not sure which setting made the numbers go that high, but I don't think they should be anywhere near that high. That distance is ridiculously far.
you are right, i just changed the god ray settings and the launcher has corrected it's error.
i edited my message.

after my search on the net i found that there are a lot of people with this problem, they'd be wise to check to see if those values are set to 4000 and 8000 respectively.
i have everything at Ultra, except for godrays and shadow distance, have godrays on medium and shadow distance to 5000.
Works beautifully now, no more lag anywhere.
Intel I9-9900k, RTX 3070, 1TB Samsung EVO 970, 1TB Crucial SSD, 1TB Kingston SSD , Realtek HD Audio, 16GB 3400MHZ System RAM, W10 Pro x64.

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Re: Fallout 4 0.283 ENBoost

Everything is working 100% for me. I have no noticeable FPS drain or bottle-necking. I'm using just a crap ton of HD textures (lots of 4k stuff), a super intensive Reshade preset, etc, and I get a steady 45fps. I'm using an AMD r9 290x with the latest beta drivers. Thank you so much for this Boris. Is there any information I can provide that will help? Seriously, thank you!
I7-4750k @ 4.00ghz, Radeon R9 290x 4gb, 32gb Ripjaw RAM, Win 7 x 64 on SSD

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Re: Fallout 4 0.283 ENBoost

refusedzero wrote:Everything is working 100% for me. I have no noticeable FPS drain or bottle-necking. I'm using just a crap ton of HD textures (lots of 4k stuff), a super intensive Reshade preset, etc, and I get a steady 45fps. I'm using an AMD r9 290x with the latest beta drivers. Thank you so much for this Boris. Is there any information I can provide that will help? Seriously, thank you!
You can start by using my batch code on my post and post your process activity
This way boris can see the differences between working and not working presets.

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Re: Fallout 4 0.283 ENBoost

I can't help with that.

That generated file is from GTA5, ignore it.

go to enbdev.com ->news->downloads->fallout4->choose version->download by pressing black button with arrow.

Assign screenshot key to 1 or 255 to disable feature.

What i'm thinking of now, because performance differ so much for some users and for others it's not, may be it's cpu cache issue, any software or os reduce it a lot, so even very small part of the disabled code is much slower. Other than that different directx files because of win10 have lower performance.
i9-9900k, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3060 12Gb, Win7
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