Your memory settings in enblocal.ini are incorrect. You've set the VideoMemorySizeMb WAAAAY too high. To know the number to use, download Boris's VRAM Size Test from here:
Run the DX9 version of the program. The number that comes up is the largest amount your system can actually use in DirectX 9. You usually wanna set it 64-128MB lower than that to still give Windows and any browsers you have open room to use VRAM (cuz browsers use vram now...)
ReservedMemorySizeMB also looks a bit on the high end. In my experience, this number really varies a lot from system to system. I'd try setting it to a lower amount (256-512) and see if your game doesn't run the same or better. 768 is a bit on the high end of the usual, so it might be an ok amount and work right, but no harm in experimenting a little here. With these parameters, bigger does not always mean better.
Anecdotally, I used to set my VideoMemorySizeMb to 12GB due to card VRAM and System RAM thinking it was about right (some old information was a factor here too.) Boris then issued some correction about this stuff, I lowered mine according to the tool to exactly 4000. Game runs smoother, less stuttery.
Also, (and I don't entirely understand this one) in your Skyrim.ini you've set iNumHWThreads=8. You'll want to remove this line entirely. Logically speaking you'd think "use all my cores, better!" but for whatever reason (Boris has explained it but I never retained the info) modifying this number causes instability. If Boris cares too, he could explain it.
Anyway, everything else looks good to my eyes!