Fallout 4 0.284 beta

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Re: Fallout 4 0.284 beta

It looks good. Great work once more, Boris.

I'm not really bothered by the Pipboy's colours with ENB. Some of the modded Pipboy skins that have different colours and contrast levels would probably go great with it actually.

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Re: Fallout 4 0.284 beta

//x = current weather index, y = outgoing weather index, z = weather transition, w = time of the day in 24 standart hours. Weather index is value from weather ini file, for example WEATHER002 means index==2, but index==0 means that weather not captured.
float4 Weather;
//x = dawn, y = sunrise, z = day, w = sunset. Interpolators range from 0..1
float4 TimeOfDay1;
//x = dusk, y = night. Interpolators range from 0..1
float4 TimeOfDay2;
this will be epic!
will you include the parameters in other files like sunsprite.fx too?

on the same note, it would also be nice to have a lot more parameters available from Imagespaces/weathers.
you said some time ago, you are missing variance in ENB presets while you were looking through all the screenshots of skyrim. this is due to the lack of people spending 1000s of hours in weather.esp files or creationkit. if you could give us the missing parameters of the "weather" part later on, in the weather inis, for example: distant fog begin/end curve/max/RGBs. control over directionalambientlighting color values... and so on. anything that makes sense. this would save literally 100s of hours of work and produce setups you cant imagine yet. (take NLA ENB as an example, could be done that way easily! in about 1/100 the time. and i am not kidding when i say 1/100 from experience)

testing the beta i haven't found any bugs not mentioned yet. but will keep looking.
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Re: Fallout 4 0.284 beta

Version updated, download again
Fixed issue with invisible editor when "tm" console command is used and removed post processing for pipboy.

Can't say yet about list of parameters for all shaders and which shaders will be available.
it would also be nice to have a lot more parameters available from Imagespaces/weathers
There are no parameters you dream about, everything converted to small number of variables and sent to shaders. In Fallout4 things even worse, because game use perverted LUT immitation based on mixing together by weight 4 3d textures, but almost always only 1 is used and any color changes are made as replacement of that texture with some another. I don't know if game automatically generate such textures or modders will do them, but they have no parameters, absolutely uncontrollable thing, so i just did UseOriginalColorFilter parameter to toggle on/off. Also that LUT is computed after everything, so it modify enbeffect.fx too.
If someone interested to know what is that code in the game to inversly compencate result in enbeffect.fx, here it is

Code: Select all

	float4	res;
	float4	r0, r1, r2, r3, r4;
	res=Texture0.Sample(Sampler0, input.texcoord0);
	r0.xyz = pow(r0, 1.0/2.2);
	r0.xyz = r0 * 0.9375 + 0.03125;
	r1.xyz = Texture3.Sample(Sampler3, r0.xyzx) * ColorTableWeight.x;
	r2.xyz = Texture4.Sample(Sampler4, r0.xyzx) * ColorTableWeight.y;
	r3.xyz = Texture5.Sample(Sampler5, r0.xyzx) * ColorTableWeight.z;
	r4.xyz = Texture6.Sample(Sampler6, r0.xyzx) * ColorTableWeight.w;
	res.xyz = r1 + r2 + r3 + r4;
	return res;
The most important part is r0.xyz = pow(r0, 1.0/2.2);, so at the end of "normal" enbeffect.fx shader it would be better to use res.xyz = pow(res, 2.2);
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Re: Fallout 4 0.284 beta

The game has a set of LUT textures stored in the archives under the Effects directory. Someone has made modified neutral versions here. I only see them referenced by imagespaces in the game's data files, mainly for weather and special effects, so I imagine preset authors in the future will need to modify them themselves or coordinate with the authors of the inevitable weather mods once they're released for a proper look.

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Re: Fallout 4 0.284 beta

So far so good in terms of bugs. I only saw the issue reported by Kobalk about the restricted cursor area but it is manageable.

My bigger qualm is that the post-processing color corrections react really weird, especially Saturation. It tends to wash out the entire image, actively ignoring the initial brightness of the surface, resulting in a picture that ranges from middle grey to light grey at best when saturation is lowered to 0. Having to compensate with contrast / levels / gamma can't a long-term solution, as it quickly become a headache when trying to balance it all with only, like, 60% saturation.

Re-shade was totally deactivated, but I had the neutral LUTs table from the Nexus installed, so maybe it didn't react well.

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Re: Fallout 4 0.284 beta

Working fine here. Didn't notice much of a framerate boost or cut to be honest. Hit around 55-60fps in everything.

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Re: Fallout 4 0.284 beta

May be i should add pow(res.xyz, 2.2) to the code of shader and disable it automatically if lut disabled by parameter in config? Or add new variable which defines if lut disabled? Because normally enbeffect.fx must output gamma corrected result, while game apply gamma in lut before indexing. Even bug mentioned by Wolrajh is result of code applied to linear color, while it's designed for ldr image processing.
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Re: Fallout 4 0.284 beta

I don't know if you intended this, but the newest beta release has somehow completely fixed all lip-sync issues for me (in and out of conversations)! It's amazing!
I7-4750k @ 4.00ghz, Radeon R9 290x 4gb, 32gb Ripjaw RAM, Win 7 x 64 on SSD

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Re: Fallout 4 0.284 beta

Seems Bethesda fixed bug with invalid vram size calculation (recent beta patch). At least i don't see low res textures when set forced vram size to 10000, 11000, 12000.
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Re: Fallout 4 0.284 beta

I guess in the grand order of things we would want to neutralize the ingame tonemapping as well as neutralize the various LUTs, in order to get a proper linear final picture we can then toy around with to get to our own presets of choice. Sadly, I have no idea how or when any of those operations are done and I fear my coding skills are next to non-existant as I tend to adopt the trial and error method. As a graphist I'm more used to applying various pre-programmed tools on CG pictures already in linear space ;)

What I take from this here topic is that apparently Fallout 4 LUTs are applied AFTER the ENB processes, meaning we'd need the neutral LUT anyway. It would make no sense to compensate in anticipation of those at an earlier stage, I guess. And according to the discussion on page 2 ( at the moment of writing ) of the comments section of this mod, there may be still be an ingame tonemapping to account for...

As a side note, some well known folks from the ENB scene already released a few shaders for 0.284 here. It seems to work ok so far, even if obviously there still are less options than in Re-shade.
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