Interior/Exterior seperation for DoF?

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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Interior/Exterior seperation for DoF?

Is this possible?
i5-6600k -- Nvidia GTX 970 -- 16Gb ram @3200mhz

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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: Interior/Exterior seperation for DoF?

If Boris have implemented the corresponding Factor's in enbeffectprepass.fx, then yes.

Code: Select all

  float2 fIntExtVar <
    string UIName="Interior/Exterior-";  string UIWidget="Spinner";  float UIMin=0.0;  float UIMax=10.0;
  > = {1.0, 1.0};  // {Interior, Exterior}


  finput = lerp(fIntExtVar.x, fIntExtVar.y, EInteriorFactor);

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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: Interior/Exterior seperation for DoF?

It is not exist yet.
i9-9900k, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3060 12Gb, Win7

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Re: Interior/Exterior seperation for DoF?

I am currently using modular shaders from you --Jaws-- in my preset and I know nothing about writing shaders. Once Boris adds the proper code where exactly do I add this code to use this feature not for DOF but for your Modular shaders set like the HDR and Gamma corrections so I can Separate values from interior and exterior?


would this be correct? as an example?

Code: Select all

    float fGreyPoint <
      string UIName="HDR-ALU: Grey Point";   string UIWidget="Spinner";  float UIMin=0.0;  float UIMax=1.0;
    > = {1.0, 1.0};

    finput = lerp(fIntExtVar.x, fIntExtVar.y, EInteriorFactor);
    float fMiddleTone <
      string UIName="HDR-ALU: Middle Tone";  string UIWidget="Spinner";  float UIMin=0.0;  //float UIMax=25.0;
    > = {1.0, 1.0};

    finput = lerp(fIntExtVar.x, fIntExtVar.y, EInteriorFactor);

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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
Posts: 1938
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Re: Interior/Exterior seperation for DoF?

I have no idea what Boris will implement or can implement so we will just have to wait and see what he gives us.

Examples of Time and Location separation are all over the place.

And no your example is incorrect

Code: Select all

float fIntensity1 < string UIName="Intensity1"; string UIWidget="Spinner"; > = {1.0};  // separated value nr1
float fIntensity2 < string UIName="Intensity2"; string UIWidget="Spinner"; > = {1.0};  // separated value nr2
float2 fIntensity2 < string UIName="Intensity2"; string UIWidget="Spinner"; > = {1.0, 1.0};  // separated value nr1&2

float fIntensity = lerp(fIntensity1, fIntensity2, Factor);  // value being split into two

color.rgb *= fIntensity // Inital value
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