TES Skyrim 0.305

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.305

I usually just stalk this site for all the pretty images and to see how the updates are doing, but needed to chime in here. ENB is pretty much a standard installation to Skyrim these days, just like SkyUI, SKSE, and Skyrim HD 2K. I imagine this site might not get too much activity, but just go check the comment pages for any ENB page on the Skyrim Nexus.

In fact, go look at the Steam Community Hub's Screenshot page: https://steamcommunity.com/app/72850/screenshots/

Almost every single image uses ENB, and it's one of the most active community hubs out of every game on Steam. That is INSANE. If you're worried about ENB not being popular enough, you really don't need to worry at all. It's awesome, and everyone knows it.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.305

I don't worry if ENBSeries is popular for Skyrim or not, because it is. The problem is that there is no reaction from users after my updates, so they are satisfied with old versions while i am not, for interiors at least. And i do not enjoy the modding (Dragon's Dogma not in a count, i like it), even if i find some lovely character/armor she/he will not keep me for too long. I'm just killing time with modding waiting for world war 3, revolution, meteor, pandemia and when someone get me outahere.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.305

ENBSeries wrote:I don't worry if ENBSeries is popular for Skyrim or not, because it is. The problem is that there is no reaction from users after my updates, so they are satisfied with old versions while i am not, for interiors at least. And i do not enjoy the modding (Dragon's Dogma not in a count, i like it), even if i find some lovely character/armor she/he will not keep me for too long. I'm just killing time with modding waiting for world war 3, revolution, meteor, pandemia and when someone get me outahere.
Slothability's Tetrachromatic ENB uses v0.305 and is currently 2nd in files of the month and has had over 4000 unique downloads in around 6 days. I think that qualifies as a reaction, and a very positive one at that ;)

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.305

ENBSeries wrote:I don't worry if ENBSeries is popular for Skyrim or not, because it is. The problem is that there is no reaction from users after my updates, so they are satisfied with old versions while i am not, for interiors at least. And i do not enjoy the modding (Dragon's Dogma not in a count, i like it), even if i find some lovely character/armor she/he will not keep me for too long. I'm just killing time with modding waiting for world war 3, revolution, meteor, pandemia and when someone get me outahere.
I get insanely happy whenever you release new versions with performance boosts! I apply them to whichever ENB I'm using (currently an NLA ENB) regardless of whether the author has tweaked it for your update. The performance gains are worth everything. You just don't seem like the kind of guy who would appreciate end users like myself thanking you on this forum for every single update, gushing about how awesome you are :D

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.305

I'm retooling my setup for dawn/dusk (very helpful for getting good twilight lighting), and while I tried the test version for indoor skylighting, I wasn't sure what exactly I was looking for. Interior lighting is just so limited I don't think it's worth investing time into to be honest. It's just not feasible to create good, realistic lighting with the basic spheres they use and the severely limited number of shadowed lights available (I've tried relighting a number of cells, placing subtle ambient lights to simulate bounce, etc... gave up.)
NLA v.2.0 beta - A test version of the latest NLA release.
Natural Lighting and Atmospherics for ENB - A Skyrim weather mod and preset.
High-Res bark textures - Some bark textures I made.
Dark Souls 2 ENB preset - Preset for Dark Souls 2.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.305

ENBSeries wrote:I don't worry if ENBSeries is popular for Skyrim or not, because it is. The problem is that there is no reaction from users after my updates, so they are satisfied with old versions while i am not, for interiors at least. And i do not enjoy the modding (Dragon's Dogma not in a count, i like it), even if i find some lovely character/armor she/he will not keep me for too long. I'm just killing time with modding waiting for world war 3, revolution, meteor, pandemia and when someone get me outahere.
Everything below is just IMO, I've been here for many years, watching what's going on, seeing changes or it's absence. But I'm not a genius or smart guy, so these are not words of wisdom, but only long-term observation conclusions my brain can put together.
First of all, it's hard to mod what you don't enjoy, I know that feel. And a lot of other hardcore modders too. There are two main reasons why people mod what they don't like. 1) Because they enjoy modding itself, and game isn't too bad to be modded. 2) Because they don't like it ;D They want to make it look as good (visuals, animations, 3D assets, you name it) as possible, no matter the price. Boredom is not the reason. You can't mod if you're bored and you don't enjoy modding as it is (the game doesn't matter). Basically, what I'm trying to say - don't mod for feedback. Mod for the result.
Now about the feedback. Are people satisfied with old versions? No. Do they have a choice? No. Imagine there are two different versions of ENB, one with some cool interiors features, and one without. People WILL use the one with cool interior features. Why? Because they want better interiors. Why they don't roam around the forum, asking you to make something new for the mod? You're one of the most brutal modders on the internet, asking you about something might end up badly. You can flip off or offend people in many interesting ways just because they don't know how the engine works, lol, or if they're asking something you don't like as a feature (like that Monarch guy with his F4 reflections and ReShade obsession). That's the one reason why they don't flood whole topic here with request. One of many. One more reason why there's no extra feedback - people usually post comments on the nexus, asking preset authors about stuff, forgetting that YOU are the original author, and you are the only one who can implement new stuff. And one more about people that are already here, not throwing at you reactions. You've uploaded interior test here few days ago, it was up for a day, and you took it down. People maybe weren't here while test version was up, so they didn't even had a chance to try it out and let you know what they think\how they feel about it. Only benhat and JawZ made some tests as far as I know. One more reason why no reaction - silent tweakers. Lol check some Skyrim posters (like Unreal), or whole GTA gallery, fukken graveyard, they post shots, never say a word, no requests, not even whining, nothing, brainless printscreen and goodbye, I feel extremely uncomfortable there. Anyway, They grab a new version, try out new stuff and they are happy with it (not talking about test versions, but actual ENB releases). Often it takes some time while they master new features (or they think they master them), and start posting shots, without a single word of feedback. It doesn't mean they don't want to make stuff look better\prettier. They're just too lazy to say something.

Here's a small example: your new skyrim's color filter override (no more CK tweaks). Every single person here who's making good presets knows - this is big. Very big. Just like per-weather (still dream about it for fallout new vegas, lol) and per-location. It takes time to master these. But once it is - it's beautiful. And it leads me to the last reason why there's no extreme feedback and reaction. 95% of ENB users are... just users. And only 5% are preset authors. And only 1% of these authors are actually good. That 1% is the core of the ENB scene, and I see almost all of them active here on forums every day. And they do give you feedback, reactions and requests. You can't force regular ENB user to stay here and throw tons of feedback at you unfortunately. I may think about few ways to force them, like some very cool presets released on main ENB page exclusively. Long story short - click bait. Or maybe you working more with the community via various ways (releasing test versions on nexus, writing long ass articles\news on main page, generating hype, etc). Yknow, just being a good guy ENB dev, teasing and making baits for users ;D And ofc making an easy to follow "hello my little stupid 12 years old user, so you want to make your own preset? Here's HOW-TO!" tutorials may boost authors number. I'm not saying "go and do it", no. Just thinking about options.

And now about the topic itself - interiors. They definitely need some work, and skylighting for interiors is a badass feature. Worth it? Yes. Absolutely. Will people use it worldwide? No, at least not until some good authors make presets with it. Once presets are done - people will use it and love it. That's for sure (and new wave of "half-naked chicks all over the interiors" image spam in the gallery here, and on the nexus haha). If you are ready to spend another month, or two, or more, to make it work - go for it. But don't expect immediate reaction from public. Only 1% will give you valuable feedback. Other people will keep doing their thing, lack of knowledge, laziness, lack of time, lack of words, language barrier, etc. It doesn't mean they don't enjoy new stuff.
I used to be an ENB tweaker like you, but then I overheat my GPU.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.305

You're one of the most brutal modders on the internet, asking you about something might end up badly.
Omg. On the contrary, i'm trying to do the best to communicate about mod related things or in general. I just don't see any sense of discussing things which are too complex for casuals to udnerstand why they will not work as they want or will not work at all. Everything logical is improvements from viewpoint of graphics programmer is acceptable (or what make things looks better). I can't spend whole damn life to teach everyone, to argue with everyone, so just dropping wall of text on to users who need to get back on Earth, especially can't do that for old (to the mod) users who have to be smarter afteryears here. I hate people who are: "hello, nice to meet you! my name is Abdul, how can i help?" and internally thinking "piss off moth*cker, i need to go for coffee, you brainless fool". The only bad side i feel responsible for, bringing here my real life mood too every time Bethesda/Putin/spammers drives me out of transmodding relaxation. If you think i'm same as Krista (deleted her after being dick for too long), i'll delete my account as well.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.305

ENBSeries wrote:
You're one of the most brutal modders on the internet, asking you about something might end up badly.
Omg. On the contrary, i'm trying to do the best to communicate about mod related things or in general. I just don't see any sense of discussing things which are too complex for casuals to udnerstand why they will not work as they want or will not work at all. Everything logical is improvements from viewpoint of graphics programmer is acceptable (or what make things looks better). I can't spend whole damn life to teach everyone, to argue with everyone, so just dropping wall of text on to users who need to get back on Earth, especially can't do that for old (to the mod) users who have to be smarter afteryears here. I hate people who are: "hello, nice to meet you! my name is Abdul, how can i help?" and internally thinking "piss off moth*cker, i need to go for coffee, you brainless fool". The only bad side i feel responsible for, bringing here my real life mood too every time Bethesda/Putin/spammers drives me out of transmodding relaxation. If you think i'm same as Krista (deleted her after being dick for too long), i'll delete my account as well.
No, damn, I didn't meant "most brutal" in a bad way xD Oh no no. You just don't tolerate some sort of people (idiots, newfags, dickheads and so on), that's all. That's why they stay out of this sacred place hehe.
I used to be an ENB tweaker like you, but then I overheat my GPU.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.305

Boris would it be possible to get a seperate AO strength for grass?
Because of its small size it flickers a lot more than any other object.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.305

No, i can't mask objects without performance impact (only one empty g-buffer left for deferred mode and i don't want to utilize it). The only solutions are: totally different algorithm which is not screen space (may be i'll do it, dunno); increasing SizeScale and turning on complex filter mode.
i9-9900k, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3060 12Gb, Win7
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