Out of Nowhere ENB Crashes at Startup (Skyrim)

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Out of Nowhere ENB Crashes at Startup (Skyrim)

So I have been modding Skyrim since day one, have a perfectly stable setup, yada yada, then all of a sudden ENB no longer works. Out of ALLLLLL the issues I can fix with Skyrim this one has finally stumped me. It works and runs with ENB disabled, but when I enable ENB the game crashes at the main menu. I also tested Fallout 4 with ENB enabled and it works fine...it's Skyrim's ENB. I don't have ANY "crapware" monitoring software or capturing software enabled; I already know that causes ENB to crash. I'm at a freaking loss here.

Is there someway to find out if something's hooking onto the .dll causing it to crash that I don't know about? It's odd how it's just Skyrim's ENB ONLY (.305 to be exact).

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Re: Out of Nowhere ENB Crashes at Startup (Skyrim)

Hi I have same problem with GTA 5 enb. it seems to need an update due to the DRIVERS for Nvidia that were just released. The D3d11.dll needs update I think? I think you should downgrade Driver roll back one version to fix this:)

EDIT: also i have recently installed a software for fps overlay called CAM (an fps/spec overlay software) after I clicked remove process and not run software in system tray. The Enb works fine without downgrading driver:)

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Re: Out of Nowhere ENB Crashes at Startup (Skyrim)

Doctorgta wrote:Hi I have same problem with GTA 5 enb. it seems to need an update due to the DRIVERS for Nvidia that were just released. The D3d11.dll needs update I think? I think you should downgrade Driver roll back one version to fix this:)

EDIT: also i have recently installed a software for fps overlay called CAM (an fps/spec overlay software) after I clicked remove process and not run software in system tray. The Enb works fine without downgrading driver:)
See, that's my issue. It's not a driver problem because it was working fine on the same driver it stopped working on. I went through every single piece of software that could potentially hook onto the dll and I couldn't find anything. I had Razer Cortex so I uninstalled it and still nothing. It still baffles me that it's JUST Skyrim doing this and not Fallout 4 with ENB enabled. It can't be a ini edit or something that could cause this could it?

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Re: Out of Nowhere ENB Crashes at Startup (Skyrim)

Mod do not have any code which activates/deactivates with the time or by any other reason, except time difference based notification about new version probably available, which can't fail anyway. So keep searching for anything autoupdating or if some software was unistalled, it may delete some files from system folder. Or may be it's other mod installed. I have no idea, really.
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Re: Out of Nowhere ENB Crashes at Startup (Skyrim)

I've tried everything and can't find out the issue. I don't understand why all other ENB's load except Skyrim's. The game runs without ENB, but without it crashes at the main menu. Anyone have any other thoughts?

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Re: Out of Nowhere ENB Crashes at Startup (Skyrim)

At menu? If it is, then the reason was known, but i don't remember. Try all these (after each step test the game):
delete skyrimprefs.ini and skyrim.ini files to generate them again with SkyrimLauncher.exe.
make sure antiviruses are not running.
try without SKSE.
try with ReduceSystemMemoryUsage=false.
delete enbpalette.bmp/tga/png, effect.txt from game folder if they are exist, delete "enbseries" folder, then copy everything from zip file of wrapper version folder to game folder, except licence and readme files.
make sure Steam overlay and streaming disabled.
antialiasing is not forced in drivers.
no crap running like GeForce Experience and Logitek/Razer utils.
in enbseries.ini set UseEffect=false and check if it helps to bypass game menu, load the game.

While crashes at menu, this means that mod and all dependent dx files are working properly, but some shaders of visible objects are not compiled (drivers, crapware) or something hooked and corrupted some d3d functions.
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Re: Out of Nowhere ENB Crashes at Startup (Skyrim)

Found the culprit. I tried DX Runtime installation and nothing. I set ExpandSystemMemoryX64=false and worked! However, it shuts down my PC. This is the only game it does it on and it's not GPU overheating because it's just at the main menu. This is what I have my [MEMORY] section as


FYI, I have a GTX 970 and Windows 10.

UPDATE: ExpandSystemMemoryX64 was causing the crash this whole time because I have the memory blocks patch installed through SKSE. However, my PC shutting down was caused by setting DisableDriverMemoryManager to true. This is obviously a driver issue as no other game shuts down my PC upon starting up. I need ReduceSystemMemoryUsage set to true otherwise the TESV.exe just sits in the memory and the game never loads. Any thoughts on this?

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Re: Out of Nowhere ENB Crashes at Startup (Skyrim)

It's driver issue, there is no reason to bother with anything else.
i9-9900k, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3060 12Gb, Win7

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Re: Out of Nowhere ENB Crashes at Startup (Skyrim)

Another small development. It was crashing with Oblivion as well. I just spent several hours modding it and it shuts down my PC. Even using OBGE without ENB shuts it down. Problem is, I can play any other game and it doesn't do this. It must be a driver issue because just a few weeks ago the games were running fine with ENB and no shut downs.

UPDATE: Well to end this thread I think the shut downs are my power supply going out. I spent all weekend diagnosing it and trying every fix under the sun and nothing helps. One day everything played fine then a few hours later it's constant shut downs every time certain games load up. It seems whenever the GPU draws max power it all shuts down. Every once in a while I can get ENB games to load for about an hour or so then it shuts down, but most of the time it's every startup without fail. The weird behavior sounds like a PSU issue. Thankfully it's not the GPU as that would not cause shut downs but crashing, BSODS, restarts, and artifacts. Never used to do that which is odd, but power supplies come and go. There's no overheating issues and everything is running cool so I already weeded that out. Furmark was my true test. The second the program starts everything shuts down. It's also not insufficient wattage as this PSU has worked fine for the past 3 years.

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Re: Out of Nowhere ENB Crashes at Startup (Skyrim)

I've not updated the drivers in a while but gf experience keeps auto updating, and i'm having the same problem where Skyrim with ENB suddenly stopped working unless I remove the enb dll.

This is actually happening for me with both Skyrim and Fallout 4.

I just found out it was evga precision X causing it.
This is apparently an issue with some programs that have an overlay feature build in. (even if its not active)
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