TES Skyrim SE 0.309 BETA

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Re: Skyrim SE

I totally agree with you mindflux. Just basics would be awesome and would bring us very far already. For me I only hate that the characters have a stupid specular effect. And the exaggerating glowing on bright surfaces. Just some adjustments like pointlight ect. And maybe that gorgeous AO settings from Boris. But in the end its all up to the one working on it.

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Re: Skyrim SE

This is a huge graphical improvement to the original. I find it quite frustrating that people can't see it. MUCH better shadows, that also reaches further, much better draw distance, no more flickering mountains or foliage. Better looking trees and foliage, much more foliage, Ambient Occlusion. Better textures (even better than the pc hi res texture pack). Much more consistent lighting, everything fits much better together. The new atmospheric fog, is not screen space, and is not just coming from a light source. I have not seen fog like this in any other game, it's absolutely stunning how they did this. Rain and snow occlusion, so it wont fall through surfaces. The water shader, and even the water flow has been improved a lot.. And this is just on top of my head of what I have seen so far... I'm blown away!

I fully understand if Boris don't want to create a new ENB for the Special Edition, in fact, it would be crazy to do so, considering the time he spend on old Skyrim. And I also understand how some of us modders have a lot of pride in what we are creating, and tend to defend old skyrim because of the time and effort we have put into creating these amazing ENB presets. And seeing Special Edition now kind of erasing everything we have done, can be difficult to accept...

But, there's no denying that new skyrim looks a ton better than old. Especially if you go and actually spend some time in new skyrim, the improvements becomes evident...
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Re: Skyrim SE

Though I agree with the sentiment of not putting in maximal effort for minimal gain, I think the "off you go to your new game like a good boy, shoo now" comments are quite conceited and unnecessary.

Ultimately, I see the SE as improving on some of Skyrim's biggest flaws - stability, performance, and that god awful lighting and shadowing system. The only thing I beg for is to let me replace the damn tonemapping.

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Re: Skyrim SE

mindflux wrote:Sorry Tansarville, wasn't my intention :D I'm all good thanks, just haven't had much time for modding (or gaming) lately. Good to see you're still around (cheers to everyone else too).

With my comments I was just trying to think rationally. In a perfect world I too would love to have ENB for SE just because Skyrim is an extraordinary game unlike any other. But realistically, it would take a long time to even somewhat match the feature set of the original ENB, meaning that the SE ENB will more or less always be a secondary to the original one so thinking about it logically it doesn't make much sense. But yeah, maybe the SE ENB could get a away with a lesser feature set? AO/IL, Skylighting, SSS, support for custom shaders and an ability to disable all original game color correction (sure, could be done with CK too and that would be perfectly fine) would get us pretty far already. But how much work those alone are, I don't know.

I'm actually on the same boat regarding FO4, I never liked FO games because of their theme. All that post-apocalyptic stuff is depressing :lol:
Tundra Grass Please ! :lol:

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Re: Skyrim SE

Aargh, I was hoping you'd already forgotten about it :D

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Re: Skyrim SE

mindflux wrote:Do you realize how many years of development it has taken to bring ENB to what it is now for the original Skyrim?
I don't think they realize. DX9 vs DX11 difference for them is also just some "different number, newer means better, make enb boris plis i beg u it's better".

chris85 wrote:No it doesn't. you're not a fan of skyrim. Making things up to push your agenda.
But, just between us two, I absolutely love Skyrim, and I hate Fallout 4. Interesting agenda, eh? And hype is so real I'm about to get my installation from backup drive and have some fun playing it.

As I said, go and play SSE. If it's your first\second playthrough - you'll have a lot of fun. I'm not joking, not salty, not trying to offend you.
Let's imagine a perfect world where Boris decides to make SSE ENB, and it won't take 5 years (or more, because dx11). Let's say 3 years. How many playthroughs you'll be at, when new shiny cool ENB version is out, that has at least half of stuff from dx9 version, and can be used to enhance graphics more than color correction and depth of field? 5th playthrough? 6th? What's the point in SSE ENB at all, if on it's "half-complete" release in 2019-2020, there will be just not enough people interested in extremely fuckton outdated game like Skyrim (doesn't even matter SSE or old one)? 3 years of hard asf work for 20-30 mod downloads per week?
It's not that I don't want SSE ENB. I'd love to see it one day, preferably soon, like... in a few months. But I know it's impossible. And I know that hype won't be constant, and SSE has other problems as well (mod ports), and feedback will be close to none. Hyperiders will play SSE for some time, and then gonna jump back into F4, not giving a damn about any versions of Skyrim until TES6 announcement. They'll play Skyrim again, quickly, just to get prepared for the new game. And gon ride the hype train. And on release, they'll invade this forum, begging Boris "plis make enb for new tes game i beg u plis it's so good". And it's possible, he'll be still busy on SSE ENB at that exact same moment. Years of work.
Fallout 4 is also bullshit, but at least it has some future. Most mod authors are focused on it, big content mods are in works, and so on.
In my personal opinion, it's time to update ENB for Fallout: New Vegas, with shadows, skylight, raytracing, PBR, realtime reflections, fluids\particles simulation aka realflow+krakatoa, so on and so forth. I'm not asking for it, because it will take forever to make, and game is already obsolete. Even if 64bit dx11 version gets released - still obsolete.
So here you have it.
I used to be an ENB tweaker like you, but then I overheat my GPU.

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Re: Skyrim SE

SE is more than worth a switch if you never really played which I havent. Here are the major ones:
No more z fighting
Water flows
Performance improvements(I was able to due a dirty port of enderal and had a smooth 60fps)
Snow and rain occlusion
Improved shadows(mountain now cast a shadow around the player when the object is outside the radius)

I see a lot of complaining about the appearance and than can be adjusted via weathers which I would really like to see.

Even though there is a loss of a majority of the modding tools out there, new ones will come in due time.

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Re: Skyrim SE

Honestly, I'd be fine with the ability to add post-processing shaders; some heavy tonemapping and some saturation changes, and we're doing pretty good. Basically what ReShade does, without touching the UI. ENB's AO would be good as well, but eh. The post processing is where the meat is at.

As for editing weather parameters, like ENB for the D3D 9 version of Skyrim...It really isn't that hard to hack up a script in xEdit that would cover all that. Saves Boris from having to deal with the bulk of this travesty of a renderer.
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Re: Skyrim SE

mindflux wrote:Aargh, I was hoping you'd already forgotten about it :D
Never ! :)

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Re: Skyrim SE

Just a casual tweaker myself so pretty happy with whatever Boris decides to do. I am currently still playing both Skyrim and FO4 and happy with both so haven't brought to much into the SSE hype although, of course, I was very curious to try it out. I have been testing SSE for the last 3 days and agree pretty much on all the main points people have made in regards to some nice effects and stability (although SSE is not modded so of course that unbalances the comparison somewhat).

But no amount of performance or visuals changes the fact that its the same game, same quests, same combat, as 5 years ago. Doing Bleak Falls for the 100th time Saturday night hasn't really changed. In the end it is mainly mods that adjust game play and ENB for the visuals -- I need both at this point to keep life in a game I have been playing since the day it came out.

Like Tapioks I would like to see somethings done for FO4 but unlike most I actually am very happy with how FO4 looks. Boris added some of the main things I wanted and the game runs well. Between ENB and some minor ReShade stuff I think the game looks great and it is finally beginning to mature with some nice mod support and options.

I am also very happy with Skyrim and think its wrong to try and segregate people into two groups - implying that screen archers only want 2011 and game playing FPS performance hounds only want SSE. There are those extremes, of course, but being far more active on Nexus, the image share, Flickr, and the community, then most around here, I would say there are plenty of people who still love playing the game as well as enjoying nice visuals. People also love new toys and since Skyrim is so old there is a lot of excitement over SSE. Once that dies down a little and some time passes can get a better idea of interest. Of course I am sure if people could have all the mods and all the ENB for SSE then yes they would all leave the old one, as why not? But I am more pessimistic than most about the number of good, quality mods that might make it over.

To me it is simply that after the excitement fades you are still stuck with a 5 year old game and no amount of glitter is going to change that. Will people want to put all the work and effort into mods and presets that they did for the first Skyrim? I have no idea. I no I don't personally. I will do some stuff like port some mods I made and play around with ReShade, and anything Boris does, but I lack the incentive to really sink hours, weeks, even months of my life into such an old game. But then I am pretty happy with Skyrim right now and have a good stable game (although it took tons of work and time over many months thanks to windows 10 grrr) that looks amazing, has some great ENB presets, and gives me good performance considering my mods and the ENB presets I use.

More likely I will just wait and see what develops. My gut says people, in the end, are probably hoping someone else will do all the work so they can then just move to SSE and enjoy it. It takes a lot of motivation to get the energy to mod and make presets so will be curious if people will have that for SSE. But maybe modders will enjoy doing the same work over or make new mods that are even cooler and better utilizing the new system.

I also have a to an earlier poster - SKSE is already being considered for SSE as posted on reddit:

https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/com ... 64_thread/
We have officially started to investigate building SKSE64 for the Skyrim Special Edition. This will be a large effort and it will not be done quickly. This is not a simple update to a new build of Skyrim where we used to have things updated in a day or two. The effort will be on par (or greater than) the effort to get F4SE up and running.

We have only just started so we are not sure about exactly how much can be carried over (conceptually) from our SKSE and F4SE work. The game seems to be half-way between the two. Once we have a decent base to work from I hope that the papyrus functionality will come over very quickly (with perhaps few changes.)

Once we do have a base understanding we'll work first on porting functionality that is actively being used by popular mods. This will include the hooks needed by SkyUI and MCM and keyboard/input processing.

There is absolutely no timeframe for a release. It is simply too early in the process to know the level of effort this project will require. Keep an eye on skse.silverlock.org for updates.

We'll try and keep an eye on this thread along with threads on the bethsoft and nexus forums. But we're also going to be heads-down on investigating. So please have some patience.
EDIT: As for what I would like to see for SSE myself in ENB? Well even my aged and poor eyes can see the AO utterly sucks - underarms on characters look stained with black and beneath the chins you see grid lines and pixels as you shift the camera around. Also skin is lifeless, dead, and horrible looking. Better AO, something to help make skin look like it does in Skyrim, and something to help with some of the horrible coloring in the game are my own wish list.

Been playing SSE and Skyrim back to back to compare and right now Skyrim is simply more fun from both a game playing and visual perspective. I would have been fine in life if SSE had never come out honestly. But since it is here might as well explore its potential ... but that is easy to say when it is someone else who is going to be doing most of the work for free (i.e. SKSE team, modders, coders, and Boris and whatever he decides to do with ENB).

Also a nice video that does show some of the pluses in the new edition - mostly performance and stability but also the water is nice:

Last edited by wolfgrimdark on 31 Oct 2016, 16:36, edited 1 time in total.
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