TES Skyrim

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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: TES Skyrim

When propa lost his first ENB preset he started a new one and it looks and feels similar in that shot ;)
http://enbdev.com/enbseries/forum/viewt ... start=3300

First Ingame NPC test (really rough) :D

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Re: TES Skyrim

The lack of a wide variety of facial animations always bugged me. Until now!




Guys, I'll upload my Midhrastic ENB 2.0 WIP tonight and share it in my signature. I'm still not satisfied with days, and those might be beyond my powers to fix. You're welcome to try it all out though. My values are all a bit weird, so check it out in-game first before changing much (besides what you take your screenshots with, fakevidcard, proxy, etc. - the essentials.)

I'm so thrilled at all the WIPs. I really hope you guys will share some of your stuff as well, ready or not. I think we can all learn a lot from eachother's approaches.
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Midhrastic WIP ENB for Fallout
More current and archived shots on my Flickr. Selected shots via Flickrock or Fluidr.

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Re: TES Skyrim

CruNcher wrote:When propa lost his first ENB preset he started a new one and it looks and feels similar in that shot ;)
http://enbdev.com/enbseries/forum/viewt ... start=3300
:lol: Man... :D Maybe the face have the same direction. But that's all. Seriously? :D (no offense)
midhras wrote:Guys, I'll upload my Midhrastic ENB 2.0 WIP tonight and share it in my signature. I'm still not satisfied with days, and those might be beyond my powers to fix. You're welcome to try it all out though.
Congruatulations! Respect! :D
And if I could help, my pleasure! :D What's wrong with your days?

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Re: TES Skyrim

Insane Jack I'm digging your latest setting bigtime, Bro!

Midhras Your interior settings are gorgeous!

TAZ thanks for sharing your settings. I was playing with them and got some nice stuff, unfortunately, I also use The Imaginator for twaeking and it doesen't work with your config. I'm guessing it's because i use your optional .esp files...gonna play some more and let you know what's up...

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Re: TES Skyrim

Can't quite put into words what is wrong with the days. They look kind of bland and smeared out because I've used very high ambient lighting to make sure the trees weren't too dark. I have to find a way to get some contrast back in, without it getting too dark (dark trees) OR messing up my nights...

You'll see when I upload.

Oh, and if the Imaginator doesn't work, you can try to enable the original game postprocessing in the enbeffect.fx file. This will throw off a lot of the ENB's values, though depending on the config. Some (like mine) already use original PP so Imaginator works out of the box. Mindflux has thought of a way to enable the Imaginator without original PP, but I've yet to try it out.

It seems with a bit of cloning technology, you can even make your own character talk:

Core i5-2500K @4.50GHz | MSI Gaming GeForce GTX 970 4GB | 16GB RAM (1600Mhz) | Soundblaster Z | Win7 64bit

Midhrastic WIP ENB for Fallout
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Re: TES Skyrim

What bloom contrast exactly control?
Last edited by zzz on 28 May 2012, 05:38, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: TES Skyrim

zzz wrote:What variables I need to adgust to gradually move from the left image to the right?
The bluishness.

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Re: TES Skyrim


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Re: TES Skyrim

midhras your bound to say theres something wrong with your settings, your the one tweaking them :lol: from my pov yours and insane jack's settings look amazing, i cant quite say what it is i like about them, i think its the warm coloring i like so much. And thank you for sharing midhras :)
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