TES Skyrim SE 0.320

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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.320

I sometimes wonder how a game would look like if Boris was the art director :D
No reason though for obfuscating their shaders, I mean, what I saw of it (AO, DoF) is shit so it's not protecting any high tech. And as they almost expect the community to fix up their stuff, I can't see any reason why they'd hamper the development of the #1 graphics solution for TES games...

EDIT: had time to test it out and for some reason Game Time is stuck at 19:22 and with it, the TOD separation.
Last edited by Marty McFly on 29 Oct 2017, 18:09, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.320

Big thanks for this update Boris! The things in Skyrim SE will become more interesting from now!!! :D :D

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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.320

I didn't dig into it really, but some ENBs have issues now because they are using workaround TOD stuff in shaders i think. Now it's different, done by ENB, so ENBs need rework i think. Try using default ENB files from download, it works there. I had issues too with a pre-configured ENB (l00's)
Hope i am not wrong.
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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.320

You can see the current values for ENightDayFactor, EInteriorFactor, Game Time and derived ToD values in the enbseries.ini window in the UI. The shaders cannot affect that in any way, trust me, it's stuck.

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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.320

ENBSeries wrote:Grass is buggy shit which can't receive shadows, lights properly, same as in old game.
With enough ENB features i think it has the potential to look better than skyrim classic.
This never gonna happen, ever. Shaders obfuscated 8000+ of them in this engine (compared to 2000+ in old). Only SKSE changes can compencate some of things im not able to do, but many impossible at all without manual patching each damn shader.
Is this helpful at all? I can generate the constants for all 16,038 HLSL files. They aren't obfuscated, but the debug information is removed to save disk space afaik.


Code: Select all

// Dynamic buffer: Size = 64 (0x40)
cbuffer PerGeometry : register(b0)
	float4 Acceleration                       : packoffset(c0); // @ 0 - 0x0000
	float4 ScaleAdjust                        : packoffset(c1); // @ 4 - 0x0010
	float4 Wind                               : packoffset(c2); // @ 8 - 0x0020

// Dynamic buffer: Size = 48 (0x30)
cbuffer PerMaterial : register(b1)
	float4 Color2                             : packoffset(c0); // @ 0 - 0x0000
	float4 Color3                             : packoffset(c1); // @ 4 - 0x0010
	float4 Velocity                           : packoffset(c2); // @ 8 - 0x0020

// Dynamic buffer: Size = 240 (0xF0)
cbuffer PerTechnique : register(b2)
	float4 WorldViewProj                      : packoffset(c0); // @ 0 - 0x0000
	float4 PrevWorldViewProj                  : packoffset(c3); // @ 12 - 0x0030
	float4 PrecipitationOcclusionWorldViewProj: packoffset(c6); // @ 24 - 0x0060
	float4 fVars0                             : packoffset(c7); // @ 28 - 0x0070
	float4 fVars1                             : packoffset(c8); // @ 32 - 0x0080
	float4 fVars2                             : packoffset(c9); // @ 36 - 0x0090
	float4 fVars3                             : packoffset(c10); // @ 40 - 0x00A0
	float4 fVars4                             : packoffset(c13); // @ 52 - 0x00D0
	float4 Color1                             : packoffset(c14); // @ 56 - 0x00E0

Code: Select all

// Dynamic buffer: Size = 32 (0x20)
cbuffer PerGeometry : register(b0)
	float4 VPOSOffset                         : packoffset(c0); // @ 0 - 0x0000
	float4 FogColor                           : packoffset(c0); // @ 0 - 0x0000
	float4 ColourOutputClamp                  : packoffset(c1); // @ 4 - 0x0010

// Dynamic buffer: Size = 240 (0xF0)
cbuffer PerMaterial : register(b1)
	float4 LODTexParams                       : packoffset(c0); // @ 0 - 0x0000
	float4 TintColor                          : packoffset(c1); // @ 4 - 0x0010
	float4 EnvmapData                         : packoffset(c2); // @ 8 - 0x0020
	float4 ParallaxOccData                    : packoffset(c3); // @ 12 - 0x0030
	float4 SpecularColor                      : packoffset(c4); // @ 16 - 0x0040
	float4 SparkleParams                      : packoffset(c5); // @ 20 - 0x0050
	float4 MultiLayerParallaxData             : packoffset(c6); // @ 24 - 0x0060
	float4 LightingEffectParams               : packoffset(c7); // @ 28 - 0x0070
	float4 IBLParams                          : packoffset(c8); // @ 32 - 0x0080
	float4 LandscapeTexture1to4IsSnow         : packoffset(c9); // @ 36 - 0x0090
	float4 LandscapeTexture5to6IsSnow         : packoffset(c10); // @ 40 - 0x00A0
	float4 LandscapeTexture1to4IsSpecPower    : packoffset(c11); // @ 44 - 0x00B0
	float4 LandscapeTexture5to6IsSpecPower    : packoffset(c12); // @ 48 - 0x00C0
	float4 SnowRimLightParameters             : packoffset(c13); // @ 52 - 0x00D0
	float4 AmbientSpecularTintAndFresnelPower : packoffset(c14); // @ 56 - 0x00E0

// Dynamic buffer: Size = 480 (0x1E0)
cbuffer PerTechnique : register(b2)
	float4 DirLightDirection                  : packoffset(c0); // @ 0 - 0x0000
	float4 DirLightColor                      : packoffset(c1); // @ 4 - 0x0010
	float4 ShadowLightMaskSelect              : packoffset(c2); // @ 8 - 0x0020
	float4 MaterialData                       : packoffset(c3); // @ 12 - 0x0030
	float4 EmitColor                          : packoffset(c4); // @ 17 - 0x0044
	float4 ProjectedUVParams                  : packoffset(c6); // @ 24 - 0x0060
	float4 SSRParams                          : packoffset(c7); // @ 28 - 0x0070
	float4 WorldMapOverlayParametersPS        : packoffset(c8); // @ 32 - 0x0080
	float4 ProjectedUVParams2                 : packoffset(c9); // @ 36 - 0x0090
	float4 ProjectedUVParams3                 : packoffset(c10); // @ 40 - 0x00A0
	float4 DirectionalAmbient                 : packoffset(c11); // @ 44 - 0x00B0
	float4 PointLightPosition                 : packoffset(c15); // @ 60 - 0x00F0
	float4 PointLightColor                    : packoffset(c22); // @ 88 - 0x0160
	float4 NumLightNumShadowLight             : packoffset(c29); // @ 116 - 0x01D0

// UNDEFINED PARAMETER: Index: 09 Offset: 0x0040 Name: AlphaTestRef
// UNDEFINED PARAMETER: Index: 15 Offset: 0x0000 Name: SplitDistance
// UNDEFINED PARAMETER: Index: 18 Offset: 0x0000 Name: AmbientColor
// UNDEFINED PARAMETER: Index: 35 Offset: 0x00E0 Name: CharacterLightParams

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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.320

Folks, i cant fix now anything, not with computer.

I did without many effects enabled, because game very slow on laptop. Maybe you should try turn off 64bit render targets in video option and bug dissapear?

Marty McFly
Maybe you have sun path change plugin?

Yes it helps. Similar to this in Fallout 4 helped me to do big progress with recent version, but in Skyrim i don't have this data.
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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.320

More examples, I'm almost done with all of them except ImageSpace/Compute shaders. Am I missing any info?



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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.320

There is no need to decompile them, because on practice automatic patching disassembled is way less work and size. Also techniques as flags another good hint to detect which object type is (but some shaders are same with different technique flags, weird).
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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.320

Result is the same with bUse64bitsHDRRenderTarget set to 1 or 0 (just tested). Also this is using ENB default enbeffect.fx:


Galaxy sky image is "PNENB Night Sky" from Phinix Natural ENB in the optional file section.

In version 0.310, bug does not exist.

Sorry if this is not very helpful.

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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.320

Version updated, download again
Fixed bug with stars (i hope so, because can't test game now).
i9-9900k, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3060 12Gb, Win7
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